You can mine artifacts, sure, but that means there would be dozens of little miner ships out there shuttling in loads to Crete. There would be a relatively low dollar surplus of those items on the market in Crete for trading.
Price near the source is always low, and there should be available commodity there.
"To gain a hundred victories in a hundred battles is not the highest excellence;
to subjugate the enemy's army without doing battle is the highest of excellence."
The artifact run was too easy & needed changing...a bit like the Harris one, but I agree with the general mood here - artifacts are a Corsair/smuggler main stay.
How will this effect the relationship between Corsair & Hogosha?
Also agree, this in essence could turn the tide of the war between the Corsair and Outcasts, its well none that Artifacts is where the Corsair gets there money from and the Outcasts have the same with Cardamine, so taking away the Corsairs main source of money you are giving the Outcasts a big edge with there Cardamine smuggling.
' Wrote:Even as an Outcast and Hessian, I think those ugly little trinkets should be sold on Crete. It's only fair.
Haha, laughed for several minutes. Thanks for the support.
Seriously though, I knew about the unbalanced trade route, even though I didn't abuse it. I don't think its the same as the Harris route though, change the prices but don't take away a commodity simply because of this.
"The thirteen saloons that had lined the one street of Seney had not left a trace. The foundations of the Mansion House hotel stuck up above the ground. The stone was chipped and split by the fire. It was all that was left of the town of Seney. Even the surface had been burned off the ground.
Nick looked at the burned-over stretch of hillside, where he had expected to find the scattered houses of the town and then walked down the railroad track to the bridge over the river. The river was there."
The life-blood of the Corsairs gone. Lets not delude ourselves...the people of Crete aren't fed by heroic pirates hacking lanes and stealing food from trains between Bretonia and Rheinland, they are fed by food bought from Freeports, with money from the Artefacts trade.
Now, there is none. The Corsairs have no non-stolen goods to trade with the Zoners.
Has Malta run out of Cardimine? No. The source of the Artifacts...the cloud in Crete is as rich as ever, yet artefacts aren't sold anywhere in Gamma.. the source system. Not only is it absurd, its fundamentally unfair, and in my view detrimental to role-play.
Only today, I spent 100 mill on setting up a Pirate Train (doing afew favours for some Mollys I cant say im proud of in order to get it), intending to do some RP trading around Corsair space. That plan is now almost ruined. There can be no RP trading in Gamma, Gamma has nothing to trade.
Talk of whatever run involving artefacts to me sounds ridiculous, when you think about just how many people you used to see doing it. I spent allot of time sitting outside Crete, and barely encountered any traders on this run. Why? They where all off doing the Cambridge-Theta, more efficient, less Corsairs about (although that changed). This run wasn't taken out because it was too easy, it was just moved slightly.
Following an extended and tenuous metaphor... intending to construct hand-crafted oak furnature at home, at leisure, but instead moving away to work in a factory for Ikea. Satisfaction gone, repetitiveness increased, it could've been fun, a hobby. Now its a 9-5 job with an hour for lunch.