Name: goomba
Location (ingame): Planet erie pensylvania
Time (GMT): 1pmish
Date: 30/3/12
Reason: using my phones internet - which turns itself off when it feels like it
Name: Mardy.Stones
Location: California, near Mojave
Time: 8:10 PM server hour, yesterday
Reason: Damn electricity crash. It was the third for that day, and it didn't recovered until I went to bed
Name: Berserker|RR
Location (ingame): Gamma
Time (GMT): 2min ago
Date: 31th March.
Reason: Dont know what happened. Tried to transfer some nanos suddenly connection lost
Name: Fantasme
Location (ingame): California Lane to NY
Time (GMT): 10;15
Date: 01.04.2012.
Reason: From some reason my lag is increased and the server kick me out
Name: [HF]-HFGB-Emperor
Location (ingame):NY
Time (GMT): Now
Reason: Internet acting up as always |-)
Sorry to the 4 LN/LPI/LSF people that were shooting me.
Name: [HF]-David.Taylor
Location (ingame):California
Time (GMT): 1:48 PM GMT+2
Reason: Internet acting up as always
[HF]-David.Taylor California 201 31 46