First off; I'm Warrant Officer Matthew Wilkinson, Liberty National Guard. I am perfectly aware that there has been little communication between our Houses, much less military co-operation. However; at present we share a common goal.
I don't like it when someone waltzes right into my backyard without introducing themselves. When they march in with friends and big sticks, well. Then we've got a problem. The small matter of an entire house springing into existence constitutes a big damn stick in my mind. From what I gather, you're the ones stopping that particular knife from falling, so you have my thanks.
However; no one rebel group can stand against a well-trained, well-disciplined military, and unless you've got some other great advantage that's so far escaped my attention, it's only a matter of time until the proverbial hits the fan. In short, the Liberty Navy's taken an interest in your situation, and we can get you that advantage. Namely, intelligence. It does no-one any good fighting blind, don't you agree?
Nothing comes for nothing though, so here's the deal. I want to get a recon team into Gallia. You know the way. The way I see it, we can help each other out. Sure, I could find a way in on my own, but it'd take more time then I care to spare. No doubt you could gather your own intelligence, but something tells me you need all the personnel you can get. I need four of your people, temporarily, to act as guides for a series of teams. That way, we get more ground covered, and you don't run the risk of sending out individual pilots. The Liberty Navy is also largely unknown in Gallia. That uncertainty could buy your forces some time for your own operations, if we end up kicking the hornet's nest.
If you're interested, I'll patch through additional details.
I would have expected a military man to understand military strategy. If you wish your revolutionaries to die like moronic lambs to the slaughter, then I will not stop you. Your forces will not stand against a fully functioning military without serious assistance, and your incompetence sure as hell isn't helping their chances of getting any. When was the last time you took that fancy Cruiser of yours into combat? How long has it been since you've seen the cost of the choices you make? Men live and die by these decisions Captain and if you're too blinded by your bloated ego to see that, then I pity those in your charge.
Source: La Liberation Obstinate Class Cruiser
From: Capitaine Refaello Sanzio
Subject: Your prospal
Encryption: La Frog
Well, you monsieur seem to not understand, I simply lost the poker game, I am merely the courier boy.
However... The recon wing head quarters have a question - how do we benefit from this... deal...
You see, as far as I see it, we risk our man for your intelligence - intelligence we already have.
So, throw me a bone, why should I convince my commanders to help you?
Looks like we play different kinds of poker Sanzio.
No useful intelligence is permanent. If I just wanted the locations of goddam planets I'd have sent in a drone. What we're after is more dynamic stuff. Patrol routes, operating strength, combat procedures, military projects, force movements. We need it to figure out how they think, and you need it if you want to survive into next week.
Now, I'm not saying your Recon wing's incompetent, but it's a simple fact. More people cover more ground. Our pilots don't have the experience in Gallia to go after tougher objectives. Your troops don't have the fire power or the numbers. You could easily have missed something. Your people would be taking on an advisory role, minimal danger for you. Congratulations. Essentially, you read the maps and we'll do the heavy lifting. Let me make it abundantly clear though, the teams remain under Libertonian control. If your operatives wanted out at any time, that's not a problem to us. You'd still receive whatever relevant intelligence we retrieved.
We'd also need access to sensor relays aboard Reunion, if that's what you're calling it. We can haul enough gear with us to listen in to home, but not enough to squawk anything back. Station-mounted systems pack a helluva lot more punch. I've spoken to one of the techies and he's saying that, if those relays are half-decent, we can patch you through to Liberty Tactical Control for the duration of the operation. Perhaps longer, if you ask nicely. That'll give you access to our simulation and combat-evaluation systems. You can run as many scenarios through as you can cram in in the time. The more accurate the information we get on Recon is, the more accurate the system gets. If those runs go damn well, they'll be able to simulate the Royalist battleship gunners taking a dump. In the meantime, c-val'll let us monitor team status remotely.
If that's not enough for you, they'll be a Grizzly freighter of ours running AWACs for the teams and bouncing signals back to Reunion. I'm sure we could find some space on board for surplus supplies. Nothing that could be traced back to us, we're not trying to start a war here. Improved armour, mines, water and a few of the necessities shouldn't be a problem. Provides some incentive for you to look out for that transport too.
The way I see it, you're running these recon operations anyway, you need to. What the hell does it matter to you if there's a few of our ships around?
Source: La Liberation Obstinate Class Cruiser
From: Capitaine Refaello Sanzio
Subject: Your prospal
Encryption: La Frog
Now, I see that you misunderstand The Council's size, we are more then comparable to the Sirian house navies, more then that, our correct operating area is... small... you see mon ami, the Royal Navy locked most of Gallia out of our reach, locked it from the other side making it inaccessible for us, or you. Now military movements... most of the Royal Navy force is there, in the Gallic core worlds.
So, you think that Gallia is lesser then you in technology, oui? you have any part of small idea what was going on in the last 700 hundred years in Gallia? non I assume. Let me tell you - The Royals prepared an army, they prepared technology, and there was nothing to interrupt them, NOTHING, But recently us.
Us, the ones that use technology which is nearly the same as the Royal one.
Now that we have that clear, we can proceed on. I have no idea what would you possibly find out that we don't know yet, but I have convinced the General en Chef to grant you access, as long as you are working closely with the Recon wing and its commanders.
Second, I saw you wished to move some heavy gear to Reunion, Reunion is more civilian base then military one, I don't think it fits your wish, however I think you could set broadcast station on planet Quillan, or if the atmosphere is interrupting Sirian technology, you could base it on Nimes station, its a large space installation where I could get you a few rooms.
Now to my understanding, soldiers need water, food, oxygen and some loose, I have made sure that on planet Quillan there is a complete empty complex ready for your men and women, but before you move in there we need to do some blood tests, to make sure you are not carrying diseases that are unfamiliar to us and that our bodies are not regular to handle. After you do move in, you will see a large installation behind your complex, its a hangar send there technicians before your main forces arrive to make the necessary adjustments.
As to your technology. No, you're right, I don't know. That's why we're going on this run, because at the moment, we know exactly jack. I'll be more than happy to discuss the past with you in person once we've made planet fall. On that subject, I'll have to take you up on that offer of accommodation on Quillon. Beats flying the operation in one hit, I'll give you that. It'd be appreciated if you'd send through the planetary details, so we can plan equipment requirements and all the usual.
The techies tell me Nimes would be ideal for our relays. Any atmosphere will screw around with our transmissions, it's just how much that varies. There's still some details to be squared away at this end, as soon as they're dealt with I'll get those samples through to you.
Source: Chalons-en-Champagne, Champagne Source:Paul Morand, Secretary of Council Foreign Affairs Subject: Re: Co-Operation [6] Encryption: Medium
[font=Century Gothic][color=#FFCC99]
Bonjour Officer,
This is Paul Morand, Secretary of Foreign Affairs. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance.
I was given the codes to this transmission lately by Presidential Office. Together with a few points to raise:
Nimes station is off limits to you, unfortunately. Nimes is a frontline station where we can not spare docking points for your ships. We need it to have a full garrison available. Therefore you will have to settle with Quillian's complex mentioned by Capitaine Sanzio.
We are open to cooperation of course, but this is a one sided deal. We give you something but do not get nothing in return. We do not request your technology, or maps of your systems. The Council agents operate in your area for quite some time now. Mainly through trade missions. Additionally, there is a particular group of former Gallic citizens who are fairly known Sirius-wide. These men and women were bringing information back home for quite some time, so we are fairly familiar with what is happening. They have a price, unfortunately, so the Royal Navy has the same information as we do. If you wish to propose a DEAL with us, not just a one sided gift, send an emissary to Reunion station, where most of Council-Sirius interaction happens and we will send our representatives to talk about whatever you wish to talk about.
My apologies for the late response, I've been planetside with the 74th for the past few weeks.
I have no problems with Captain Sanzio's complex, I'll take his word that it won't mentally scar my troops. All I require on Nimes is a transmitter. We can operate it remotely, a planetary sensor just won't have the range we need. You can keep the damn thing when we move out.
I appreciate your offer of co-operation Morand, but I'd prefer we gave you something in return. I've already offered logistics support, armour, access to our simulation systems and additional bodies on your recon run. There is such a thing as 'mutually-beneficial.' If you're heading out to get this intelligence anyway explain to me how having additional, trained, forces does inconveniences you.
As to your offer on Reunion, I'm certain the diplomats'll be putting calls through. I'll patch them into this channel.
Source: La Liberation Obstinate Class Cruiser
From: Capitaine Refaello Sanzio
Subject: Your prospal
Encryption: La Frog
Bonjour monsieur Wilkinson.
In the phase of time that took the Liberty National Guard to answer I am afraid that the very few rooms that were left unused on Nimes are now occupied by medical teams and the area is correctly on red alert.
As I said before you are still able to set one in Planet Quillan. We could send our technicians to do further necessary adjustments in case the atmosphere interrupts the signal.
Now, I think you have no idea what is going on Gallia, a civil war, a war without limits, bloodshed of brothers that split the Gallic nation, such a split will reassure our victory with the ever growing support of the Gallic citizens. We have no need for your simulations, our nation lives that war on daily basis, our strategies and battle-plans are made by fine commanders, many of which are former been in the Royal Navy, such as myself for matter of a fact.
Now, the inconvenience... you see, we don't know you, we don't know how well your pilots handle in foreign territories, how well your pilots can fight unfamiliar threats.
You don't know the royalists tactics, you don't know the fighting zone, you have very minor idea of the Gallic affairs. Recon flights... things get ugly quite fast if something gets wrong, ugly and nasty. Our personal will find their way to safety alone, asking us to team you up would mean that if something goes wrong, the odds are that your entire crew will be whacked, are you willing to take such responsibility?
So as we said, this is one-way-beneficial as far as I see it, now do I care you will come to gather intelligence? Non, not really. If you have other things on your mind that you could bring to help us, please state them, as per now I don't care you are welcome to come over, the complex is still empty, and so is the hangar.