a) "IMG Zone of Neutrality" (short: ZoN): The zone 10 klicks around Hood.
b) "Warship": Gunboats (included) and bigger warships.
c) "Civilian": Ships that are not primarily used for fighting but for non-violent use, that means:
Mafic and Spatial with the condition that no SNAC is installed
d) "Non-Combatant": Ships that are/were not actively involved in fighting
e) "Bounty Hunters": Individuals (regardless of ID) hunting civilian vessels
2. Articles of the Charta:
§1. Ban on Warships in the IMG Zone of Neutrality
No warship (cf. definition) is allowed to enter the IMG Zone of Neutrality. If a warship enters the ZoN, the pilot will be asked to leave it. If he doesn't comply, force may be used to remove the vessel from the ZoN.
§2. Protection of Civilian Traffic and Mining
The IMG Dublin Section sees it as its duty to protect civilian operations near Hood and provide a safe place for trade, mining and hauling even in a war-torn system.
§2.1: Permission to enter the IMG ZoN and Docking Rights on Hood
The IMG wishes to stay out of the fighting in Dublin and keep its neutral status. Thus everybody is allowed to enter the ZoN and dock on Hood who is non-hostile to IMG and who is allowed to dock by the automatic docking systems, with the following exceptions:
§ 2.1.2: Ban of Hostilities in the ZoN
No violent acts of any kind must be committed in the ZoN. The only party allowed to apply force is IMG Defence within the framework of the Revised Wartime Protocol.
§ 2.1.2: Abuse of the ZoN as a Staging Area for Attacks
Ships that abuse the IMG neutrality to stage or prepare themselves for attacks are not allowed inside the ZoN and will be removed. Vessels formerly treated as civilians in accordance with § 2.2 will lose the protection.
§ 2.1.3: Abuse of the ZoN as a Retreat Zone from Fighting
(a) Ships that are engaged in combat cannot enter the ZoN. IMG will keep the combat action outside of the ZoN. IMG Defence will not take a side if the fighting parties are both neutral to the IMG.
(b) Ships that were engaged in combat and are being followed by pursuers cannot enter the ZoN as they draw combat into the ZoN. IMG will reroute them to a suitable base.
For the exception of civilians under attack, see § 2.2 (b).
§ 2.1.4: Individuals banned under Edict 63
(a) Edict 63, as applied to Hood:
"The IMG must respectfully request [...] Kusari vessels to maintain this distance from our bases on the Bretonian side of the border. [...] The Independant Miners Guild wishes to remain neutral in the regrettable conflict between the houses of Kusari and Bretonia."
Vessels breaching this neutrality policy, [...] will receive one warning to leave the base perimeter. Upon refusal, either by inaction or word, they will be removed by force
(b) Edict 63: Banned from the ZoN and Docking:
Samura, Kishiro, Kusari Naval Forces, Hogosha, Outcasts, Corsairs.
§ 2.2: Wartime Addition: Protection of Non-Combatant Civilian Molly
As stated in § 2, the IMG strives to offer a safe place for traders, miners and haulers, as well as every other civilian use conducted by non-combatants.
(a) Therefore IMG Defence will defend civilian non-combatant Molly vessels actively against any attacking party inside the ZoN.
(b) Therefore §2.1.3 (b) is not in use. Since civilians should not be the target of attacks, the IMG will protect civilian Molly vessels when they retreat into the ZoN. The IMG does not recognize the need for attacks against civilian targets.
§ 2.3: Mining Operations outside of the ZoN
IMG Defence Wing provides security for mining operations in all accessible fields. This protection expands towards civilian ships that are part of the operation, labelled as haulers. IMG Defence can defend civilian non-combatant vessels that are part of an IMG mining operation outside the ZoN.
<strike>§ 2.3.1: Cooperative Mining Operation with Civilian Molly Mining Assets
As stated in the Arranmore Contract, IMG mining operations cooperate with civilian Molly mining assets. These mining operations are limited to the two Arranmore Fields in the designated Molly Zone of Influence.</strike>
Addendum: Mining Operations in Arranmore field are suspended due to security issues.
§ 3: Diplomatic Exchange and Communication
IMG Hood offers the war parties a place for peaceful interaction. The IMG Dublin welcomes and wants to support every peaceful effort that can lead to a reduction of suffering and towards a ceasefire and ultimately peace.
§ 3.1: Diplomatic Meetings
Therefore Hood is open to diplomatic envoys of all war parties to support communication even in wartime.
§ 3.2: Prisoner Exchange
The IMG sees humanitarian aid as one of its functions that comes with neutrality. Therefore Hood can be used to exchange prisoners of war.
§ 4: Treatment of Bounty Hunters as Civilians
The IMG Dublin does not recognize the authority of bounty hunters that claim to work for Bretonian Authorities.
They are treated as civilians as long as they stay neutral in the conflict.
If they pick a side in this conflict, they are considered combatants and consequently § 2 comes into effect.
§ 5: Humanitarian Aid
IMG Dublin is willing to provide humanitarian help to alleviate the consequences of war.
§ 5.1: Neutral Search & Rescue (SAR) Operations
IMG pilots are encouraged to help in the search and rescue missions after fights.
Pods that have been tractored by IMG vessels are generally to be delivered to Hood. Neither party can demand IMG to hand over enemy combatants. If a request to hand out a friendly pilots is made, the pilot can be handed over directly in the mission environment if there is no reasonable objection in terms of safety for the rescued pilot (e.g. IMG does not transfer a wounded pilot into a ship that is involved in ongoing combat operations).
§ 5.2: Medical Aid
Every pilot that is transported to Hood after SAR Operations, will receive medical attention on the basis of the IMG's will to provide humanitarian aid.
§ 5.3: Terms of Returning Combatants
Combatants that were picked up by IMG will be returned to their respective base after registration and medical checkup (§ 5.2). The IMG will not hand over pilots to their respective enemy party as a part of IMG neutrality.
**** TO: [color=#FFCC99]Dublin System and Molly Base ****
** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G **
1. Reminder of Hood Docking Rights according to the "Revised Wartime Protocol":
After heightened tension after the collapse of relatively reliable political Molly structures and a number of violent attacks and multiple threats by Molly individuals and clans against IMG, we see it fit to remind all Dubliners about who is welcome at Hood and who is not.
Expect the Wartime Protocol to be enforced.
For those that need short versions:
Only Molly Civilian Non-Combatants are welcome at Hood.
All gunboats or larger are restricted to enter the 10 k around Hood (Molly, Bretonia, whoever).
The agression has shown that the restrictions against Molly Fighters and Bombers need to be kept up.
Any negotiation can start once Molly agression against IMG has ceased and new, stable treaties have been made with a party inside Mollys that has the authority to talk for the Molly.
2. Arranmore Mining Stopped:
The Treaty has been adapted to fit the new situation, as the IMG suspended all mining in Arranmore fields. Once a new treaty that is accepted by the Mollys, the article will be readded and if necessary changed to fit the new situation.
Quote:<strike>§ 2.3.1: Cooperative Mining Operation with Civilian Molly Mining Assets
As stated in the Arranmore Contract, IMG mining operations cooperate with civilian Molly mining assets. These mining operations are limited to the two Arranmore Fields in the designated Molly Zone of Influence.</strike>
Addendum: Mining Operations in Arranmore field are suspended due to security issues.
Jack Henderson