Hi, my name is Sam. I am pilot of small freighter ship named Sam_Riq.
Last time i worked for Liberty and drove different loads.
My salary was small there. Once i traveled to Okinawa to deliver my cargo and decided to myself to join GMG.
I stayed there and joined GMG.
Proof screen from my on-board computer here:
If someone can help me to buy Camone - i will be very gratefull.
So, i need 20 millions. When i can pay back - In few hours after gettin' loan.
I will pay you back 25m SC.
Name: Eveline Christine Girard Affilation: The Conseil Location: Roussillon To: "Sam" Subject: Loan
Bonjour monsieur Sam.
I sent 20,000,000 Sirian Credits on your ship...
I don't need payback, but next time you can mine for me Helium for example *smiles*
Incomming transmission
Comm id : Yuki.kizo Corporal of the GMG|
System: Okinawa
Konnichiwa Sam san
Well i want to say may be is better to say GMG indie then the normaly GMG| fraction
dont need a loan We have a lot of helium * smile's* i give you a small info if you mine in a indie miner we allways need helium we have a base in the gas cloud( there u can mine helium too Look in the wiki about the mining spots) near fujisawa mining factory fly ca 20k east then u will find a player base there will buy your helium for 3500 S.C each unitin a kamome make that ca 10 millions fast money for a indie miner of corse if you want to join in the guild contact me over skype The1Fat1Dragon
i will help you if you dont find the player base or if you want to join in the guild