PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
9: How can I train my aim?
There's a number of ways to do it, and none of them is the best (from my own view). As there are different aiming types, there are different training types.
Eg: Crosshair training: (1) Get some cheap cargo in the nearest base, drop it on space piece by piece, and try to hit them with your guns while making maneuvers. Rockfields with floating ore and such work, too. (2) PvP against light fighters with guns only. A pain in the butt, yeah, that's why it's good.
Eg: Instict training: Aiming without looking at the crosshair is contra-nature, so the best way is to not have one. Go to connecticut, choose one of the buoys, and try to hit it while turning. Works with any non-killable object, the smaller, the better.
Eg: Overall training: There's no easy way to train your aim. PvP is probably the best for an overall improvement. However, you can use different ways. I use to train my aim with class 8 guns or light fighters; you can't miss if you want to win, so you WILL hit. My favourite loadouts for this are 5 class 8 krakens/2 class 8 debs for a sabre and 2 magma hammers/3 debs for a scimitar.
(06-19-2016, 12:06 PM)Mao Wrote: inb4 Sirius gets renamed to XTF.
That's a placebo effect, in reality they're probably EKing like crazy and therefore aiming at the crosshair is not difficult and will hit them. Or they're just jousting straight at you and if you can't hit them then, you have a problem.
It's all about prediction, so i'm told by those I train with. Just by pewing often you'll improve. Mine has already, it's still bad but at least I know not to just fire at the crosshair 100% of the time because that will not work.
The kind of intuition that separates the best from the second best can't be trained, it is innate. That goes for most areas of life. However, the kind of instinct to be a good fighter can be, and the two things that help are practice and knowledge.
Remember the crosshair is just a computer prediction of the ship's course. Therefore, if the ship is maneuverable and fast, sometimes it is good to aim slightly ahead of the crosshair. That also helps when the enemy pilot uses his thruster and jumps a couple of meters forward. Also, if you can get slightly ahead of the enemy's crosshair, a good idea is to slowly fire from a couple of meters in front of the crosshair towards the center of the enemy ship -- you are bound to hit him.
If you want more skills, practice. If you want more knowledge, read real fighter pilots manuals. And more importantly, remember to think in 3 dimensions.
(08-16-2013, 12:52 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: From what I've done recently, I've found that the best way to improve your accuracy is to shoot people considerably worse than you.
Shooting people worse than you is why you still suck.