Quote:Sirius sector, NPCs throughout the entirety of the mod have been updated to feature better weaponry, but also fewer numbers. No longer will NPCs appear to die in droves, instead small patrols of NPCs will be something to be aware of.
Fewer numbers?
While playing as a criminal, NPCs appear 8 after the other, camping a lane in a bomber? Expect two transport groups with 4 NPCs each, a load of Police and Bounty Hunters, and when you've killed them all?
More show up! Borrrrrrrrrrrrrring! How is anyone supposed to RP a criminal/pirate etc if NPCs are constantly attacking in huge numbers. It's just tedious fighting them off constantly.
I've been playing a lot at non-peak times, obviously that exacerbates it. But please lower the encounter rate, it's really starting to annoy me. I've just closed down FL because I got so sick of it.
First, Devs already aware and fixing NPCs.
Second, we at Beta - be ready for problems.
Third, no-one cares if you got sick of Disco or not.
There were severall people who came and quit before even trying to understand how things works here and how to fix problems of mod. Before posting things try to search abit on forums, you will find 100500 topics about 4.87 overpowered NPCs.