Alright, I believe I said this would happen before. Well as some of you know when CUFF first came here it was ARC we knew about... He said he would bring CUFF into FL... Well at first he didn't. He joined SF. I'm guessing to get on his feet and maybe pick up an ally when CUFF was finally made... Well it seems now that they are starting to come on the server with CUFF characters. my intel member (yes, I have one.. seems odd but it works :) ) has seen two seperate CUFF characters that are two different people. I have now seen one of those, CUFF rogue, who is ARC. Well seeing as WA and CUFF are enemies and AW is a part of WA I feel obliged to be hostile to them. Seeing as CUFF is not an official faction I cannot declare them hostile, or at war. But I can say that AW will attack any CUFF they see near them. This is the warning. Any CUFF to be seen near an AW will be shot. Any CUFF entering the Omicrons will be hunted down.
When and if CUFF becomes an official faction AW and CUFF will immediately be at war.
Wedge I wanted to to know that I and AW are being hostile to you. thats what the point was. CUFF and WA are enemies... Of course a division of thiers will be hostile to you.
You don't have to brag here, people. Most of us are just trying to have some peace. Please don't start flaming. Dab, just.... Ignore that post, please?