ARC you have been bringing this on your self for a long time.
You are now out of the SF and must get your tags removed.
You accused Skyshark of being a tratior and having a AW tag.
You allways disobeyed orders.
and the list goes on but it is final YOU ARE OUT OF THE SF FOR GOOD.
I've been mildly miffed by one-shot weapons since their implementation, oh so long ago. I remember the days when fights were a matter of who could aim better, rather than who could aim a single shot. - Virus
Skyshark has an AW tag, I dont think so Arc that is bull**it and that char is Freelance so he aint no traitor to the SF. My god arc how did you come to those conclusions?
I know where it is Cortana, I just have to find it. - Commodore Puddles
What? Skyshark? AW? What HAVE you been sniffing? Jamez has ALWAYS been SF pretty much! :crazy: Jeez. You better get those tags off by the way.. I'm pretty sure that SF could stick bounty on your head untill you do. :crazy: .
Kiggs ... Good move mate, one I would have made along time ago. We don't have to
worry about pissing off the SF now when we go after him ... Thanks .. Heh
Hoodlum :lol:
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Meh he used Nb/Sb aswell on his Cruiser.... :dry: They still got MOWED down by the armarda though :lol: . Meh the after battle Flame-fest was a bit boring though.... :dry:
List of people (character [ship]) involved in that fight:
AW Forces;
Me (AW-Chimaera [Kusari Destroyer])
Nightfall (Ampoliros [Osiris Battleship {got there a bit late...}])
Gezza (282ndskings.Gezza [Talon {or Ravenclaw}])
Kane (Reaver [RH Bomber {highered weekly by the AW}])
Vtec or Alpha... never know which is which they both have alot of chars...([AW]AWC-Glasgow [Rheinland Cruiser])
Skyshark (Skyshark [Liberty Gunboat {NO TAG}])
Red-XIII (282ndskings.Redout [Ravenclaw {or Talon}])
DVL/CUFF Forces;
Josh (DVL-BS-Wraith {not sure about the char name spellling...} and the DVL-Josh {again not sure...} [Kusari battleship, then a ravenclaw])
Wedge ([CUFF]-Rogue [Heugenot])
Wow guys not that much of a battle then ... More of a one sided massacre. Come on
CUFF .. Don't let them get away with that ... If we are going to have a war lets have
a real one ... :dry:
Hoodlum :cool:
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Well hey, you guys should have to suffer bad odds for once.
In almost every war AW has been in the fights were always 2:1 in the enemy's favor... I like being the faction with more skill AND more people. Instead of just the skill making up for the lack of people...