Armored Pelican slowly approached Stuttgart's docking ring, hailing docking control. Wing of military fighters was making ready to dock one after another to battleship Karlsruhe guarding Stuttgart's closest area and lanes in the system. Lack of one fighter in normally six vessel strong wing, and fresh scratches from laser guns on armor of two further ships were clear signs piracy in Rheinland is having good times.
Admiral on retirement Joachim Landers looked at incomplete wing with dissapoinment. Since the loss of Leipzig, destruction of gates to Hamburg and Munich Disaster pirates became more fearless than ever. Current Rheinland's problems started after Interspace ban. A tragic in results move, enforced by hawk politician lobby from New Berlin, connected with high ranking Military circles was opposed by many in and outside Rheinland, voicing their objections. Nonetheless, Bonn station was assaulted, and fatal results harmed Rheinland economy much; many small and medium companies bankrupted, even traditional big players had some problems.
Pelican entered atmosphere with few lighter turbulences, but seat belts protected the crew and passenger well from bumping head into metal hull. Vessel didn't land in Stuttgart's capital city, but directed its flight path to south pole.
"Thrust engines off, we're switching to repulsors.." - said the captain. Stuttgart's oxygen-rich atmosphere made it impossible to use normal engines on the planet. Shuttle landed softly and soon man in a suit accompanied by bodyguard was shaking Joachim's hand.
"Admiral Landers, I'm Rolf Pokorni. I hope the journey was safe? Please, we've got transport already waiting for us" - said Pokorni, pointing at luxury electric car, armored in a subtle, almost unnoticeable way. Platings were componed so well into the car so they could be taken for decorations. Man in a suit and admiral took the back seats, the door closed and silent electric battery-powered car rode the road between vast fields of grey plant.
Landers was looking out of the window, bored and a bit impatient. I hope it's worth it - he thought, but the discipline prohibited him to speak his mind. "Tell me more about this, Herr Pokorni." - he said while listening to the news on the neural net.
Joachim was in no mood for such unexpected meetings, even though a sound from inside told him he must not continue his holiday, which saddened him. At least it's not the Rheinwehr, or BDM. Maybe DHC has some plans for me, God knows why...
"You surely realize the loss of half of Dresden emboldened the Red Hessians, admiral. While hessians concentrated majority of their efforts on Dresden now, their raiding wings still hit commerce traffic in the Omegas and core Rheinland.
Other pirate groups also increased their activity after the recent events, Interspace ban, Hamburg gates issue, Munich and Dresden disasters... And now loss of every ship costs us more than ever. They aren't insured, admiral..."
"I bet there's something else aswell, I'm not the right man for insurances or repairing ships, Herr." - said Landers bored while searching for his lighter in his pocket. Of course he'd not smoke in the car but he hoped they'd get out sooner than later.
"So tell me Herr Pokorni..." - saiid while taking out the lighter - "... why do Daumann Heavy Construction desire to have a meeting with me?"
"Because, Admiral, we don't believe you entirely like drinking beer and resting under the palms when you're still capable of leading men, and so much happens in and around Rheinland lately."
Field of synthplant ended and the car entered empty highway leading to some buildings at horizon, closing with each minute a bit.
"Our new security project would do good if there was someone experienced acting as an advisor, Admiral Landers."
Landers allowed himself a smile. "I thought there's something going on." Although he never expected such an offer from DHC, even after the "not that good" relationship they had in the past, when Landers was an admiral.
"I see that our destination is close. Please tell me more about DHC, you might know a lot that I either don't. It's hard to follow every news on Baden Baden." - he kept looking out of the window, watching the buildings.
Reflecting sunlight glass roofs blinded Pokorni for a while.
Blinking a bit, he replied:
"Shortly? A lot of bad things happened recently and our profits lowered. We mustn't allow it to continue, hence we decided to offer you job. By the way, you'd do favour to all of Rheinland, helping to curb piracy, revolutionists and all other sorts of undesired people deserving death.
Would you like to hear the longer version now?" - Pokorni grinned, thinking he's starting to like that straight-to the-issue man sitting next to him.
"I bet we'll have a long talk about this, Herr." - The buildings were much closer now. "Just tell me something... why me?" There were other good, experienced military leaders for such a "job". Landers couldn't believe that DHC just randomly pointed him out for this.
"Because" - Pokorni starated his answer - "by your actions you proved yourself as the right man when it comes to dealing with hessian raiding parties. After the hessians lost one of their few precious battleships during battle in Omega-7 and the following battle in Omega-11, we were impressed by your leader skills. You are the highest ranking man on retirement capable of leading organized force."
The car entered fenced mansion composed of few buildings, protected by bodyguards. Electric gate immediately closed after they passed it, and they stopped before the biggest building.
"We've arrived. Do you wish to take your time to rest after the trip admiral, or prefer to go straight to the business? "
Wow, it's evolving fast! - Thought Landers while getting out of the car. He never remembered Daumman had such a facility on Stuttgart, but he had to admit it's a nice one. He chose his casual military uniform with only a few of his awards, the Knight's Cross, the Iron Cross and the Homeland Defense Ribbon, trying not to show off. On the uniform, he wore a black long leather jacket he buttoned up because of the cold wind. Actually everything were cold compared to the beaches of Baden Baden. He put his military hat on and left the car.
"Nein, I had enough rest on Baden Baden in the past years. Though..." - he took a box of cigarettes out of his pocket - "... if you allow me."