Security Level: HIGH
Name: Ash Hill
Rank: Vice Admiral
Sub-Division: Secondary Fleet Core
Location: Commanding Officer's Quarters, D-2 S-02, SFC|LNS-California
Subject: Melbourne Station and SFC| Operation Melbourne
So we're now nearing a year and a half since Operation Melbourne began and we've done a bit more house cleaning. The old transmission has grown old and redundent so I'll be retransmitting here since it'll be quicker than updateing all the information in the previous one, which I guess means starting from the begining. If your not interested, or already know it, just skip the next paragraph.
"Operation Melbourne" or "The Melbourne Project" (depending on who you talk to) is the current ongoing operation of building and maintaining a weapons platform based station in the entrance of the Zone - 21 mine field. The plan being that the station support the ongoing Liberty Navy and Liberty Security Forces operations in the area, helping to keep trespassers out, but more importantly, whats on the other side in. Melbourne Station also acts as the main Headquaters for the SFC| and is currently the longest ongoing operation ever to be carried out by us, at this point racking up 18 months of hard work from the SFC| logistics teams. The station has 6 weapons platforms in total with plenty of variety and coverage, as well as factories capeable of constructing cloaks and docking modules.
Now, for the latest news, the base has had its systems rebuilt and revamped recently, and its currently unsure exactly how the reboot will effect the bases operation.
Long story short, and cutting out any classified information, we're switching the system on soon. And we're not 100% sure how this system will hold up, atleast initially. If anyone witnesses any unusual behaviour from the base. Maybe it shoots at you when you go near it, or you notice it not shooting someone it clearly should be, post it in here.
Once we get the base back up and running fully, and an equipment assessment can be made, we can resume the construction of Docking Modules and Cloaking Devices for Liberty Naval or Security Force Personnel to place on thier ships. I will update this transmission if and when they become available.
Also, if you do need to contact us for any reason regarding the base, or regarding SFC in general, feel free to send me a private transmission. I've left my general coms link attached to this transmission.
Hopefully we won't have any issues, but it always pays to be prepaired.
We're planning a complete rebuild on Melbournes threat detection systems. Hopefully it'll be so smooth that many of you won't even notice it, however there is the risk it may not work out as planned. A majority of ships will also be rejected docking by default after the switchover. If you have any issues post here with the tag codes I've listed out below.
This shouldn't come into effect until tomorrow. If there are major issues with the new system we will take corrective measures.
Friendly Fire Incident
[b][color=#FF0000]Friendly Fire Incident[/color][/b]
Request Docking Allowences
[b][color=#1E90FF]Request Docking Allowences[/color][/b]
Ship Callsign(s) or Fleet Tag:
Commanding Officer(s) of Ship or Fleet:
Reason docking is reqested:
Subject: Melborune Overhaul
Testing of the defence systems is due to come to an end tonight, after which people who requested clearence to dock will be confirmed. So far since nobody complained about the system at all we can only assume that its working as intended, but we're leaveing it for today due to the increases in traffic.
Request Docking Allowences
Ship Callsign(s) or Fleet Tag: LNS-Nimitz
Commanding Officer(s) of Ship or Fleet: Steven Wolf
Reason docking is reqested: Resupplying and refitting in order to help maintaining the security within zone 21.
Subject: Termination of the Melbourne Project and the Decommissioning of Melbourne Station
Over the weekend much debate was ongoing behind the scenes. The Melbourne Project was taking up a lot of time and money from a budget that was only just able to take the strain. The decision was made to leave the base as is, until a Dreadnought Class vessel (Namely the LNS California) returned to Norfolk for its monthly overhaul to take the base apart before returning to the front. Apparently this was not necessary after all, as hostile forces seemingly decided to attack the base shortly after the crews were removed. Naval forces, including some Secondary Fleet Core vessels engaged and destroyed the hostiles that didn't flee, however as the majority of the equipment on Melbourne itself had already been stripped out, it didn't fare to well. Although the weapons platforms were still intact, the base core itself had been torn apart (The platforms have since been dismantled and returned to the Liberty Navy).
Although it is a shame the base was destroyed, it has pretty much been falling apart for the past 2 months anyway, they've essentially done the job for us at this point. And although it is sad to see the base go, it did its job for almost 2 years, and that's better than any of us at SFC|HC expected.