I'm pirateing as usual and no customers.
Well bad day...realy.... what can I do now?
Oh ofcourse new location ...perhaps that will help...
Finaly new spot it looks like good one, nearest station is 35k away....nice spot...
Ah finaly customer ...good I will make some money now....but wait wait...no no..no
Destroyer pops out of TL.... IoI.... QQ...well.... what can I do now?
Opening comm. chanel: yo hold on...
But the captain of Destroyer called trial by forum had some other idea....
QQ ...cerbs fire on my way ...QQ
evasive manoeuvre...oh wait...that GMG IFF Fearless Destroyer .....it looks like they have new crew...so I have decided fast that I will not run and that I will fight ...
...it looks I'm wining, I know I know... IoI... QQ... for captain of Fearless...
...I'm hiting him hard....good.... shilds of Destroyer are down....and ship is starting to take some demage...
Oh ...how nice...perhaps this is not bad day after all...
IoI but wait wait QQ suddenly Kruger GB pops behind of my little transport QQ
and the following words came out of comm..(.more QQ chance for me.)..
Asisting trial by forum.....IoI QQ
I'm starting to take demage...captian of GB is good, much better then Fearless captian.. ...QQ
QQ...well I'm thinking: it is time to call Junkers...but thank god....suddenly some ION storm came and I was saved...