Would it be possible to have a lobby sort of system where weapons don't do damage, and you are allowed to talk out of roleplay? Placing a jumgate near manhattan for it would be nice
Somtimes things get slow... boring... and going to the PVP server wont do a darn thing.
Its nice to just relax a bit and mess around, play fight with whoever without regard to faction standings or otherwise.
Perhaps a system such as this should be the main point of spawning? A system with no faction, with no sort of encounters.
You dont want to make manhattan like that since thats a RP place for the LSF and other law enforcement/piracy
Would it be possible to set it so only shields take damage, but not hull or systems? that would allow play fighting to go on and be able to see if you are damaging or not
Well, first of all you got Connecticut arena. As for totally OORP non-PvP system, sorry, but if you want a chatroom, please, use internet chat relay or instant messaging systems. Discovery is not a big truck you just dump something on. It's a series of tubes. Think of tubes, please.
Group chats are what they are, public OORP promotes only more OORP, if we are to live as an RP server you have to limit that to group chats, people whom you know and like that. Characters that will be sitting in such system daily talking about nothing releveant takes bandwidth, takes system resources, server is beyond the limits set in game by developers, putting more pressure whereas you can simply use better and more suitable tools to have a casual talk with whomever you want isn't that hard and helps to keep unnecessary load from the server for other player to actually enjoy the game.
Freelancer is just a chatroom with a minigame anyways, so why not?
I doubt bandwidth would be an issue.
A single ship would put out the same ammount of data that a spamming noob would.
About promoting it in other systems... It happens anyways, so what the heck. give people a place to go so they dont HAVE to, but still talk to a large group of people
You guys are like... hardcore roleplayers, as much of an oxymoron that seems to be, you're like ... so.... pressuring here...
I left before because it got to the point where it was silly, and everyone was in my face about it, and I lost 10 codenames over saying "lol" by admin detonation when i saw a big ol battleship get flipped around on a rock.
People need to calm the hell down, please, its a GAME.
I roleplay all the freakin time, and it gets tiring after a while -_-
Whats that? I can just leave? Why stop having fun because someone gets a little tired of roleplaying so much?
If you want to chat, use Skype or Xfire. With respect, there are a limited number of server slots and using it in such a manner is as inappropriate as holding a LAN party in the middle of a football game or a mass.
' Wrote:Freelancer is just a chatroom with a minigame anyways, so why not?
I doubt bandwidth would be an issue.
A single ship would put out the same ammount of data that a spamming noob would.
About promoting it in other systems... It happens anyways, so what the heck. give people a place to go so they dont HAVE to, but still talk to a large group of people
I believe majority here will not agree with such interpretation of the server of being merely a chatroom. Wrong about bandwidth. We had NY as OORP system before, no roleplayers in their sane mind would want that back I think.
If you are tired of roleplay, step down a bit, play another game for example, or take any other activity for a break.
' Wrote:This has nothing to do with using it as a chat room.
It has to do with maybe a place you can go and hang out after you got killed and have to wait for 4 hours
There you go, a non RP 4 hour wait zone?
Yes, the jumphole to it is labeled "Log off" and is available at demand at any point of space. Take some other activity for a while then. I mean I hope nobody really holds you on chain to Discovery RP forcing you to play against your will.