Sabre was at least still made useable (Even if the .86 version was miles better and it should've stayed that way).
However the Eagle was nerfed horribly. It's an awful ship that gets outclassed by almost every other VHF on the market.
Was it OP? Perhaps, only in the hands of someone skilled though. Get a friend to help you shoot it and it won't fare aswell however.
It would be wonderful to see the Eagle gain it's old stats back. It's no longer an eagle, it's a sluggish dodo.
Eagle wasn't OP. After the nerf it's quite "UP", so to say.
But it's not the worst thing about the Eagle.
It was a "special" ship - the fastest turning VHF.
Someone has just decided to replace it with another one.
Because he likes to change things for the sake of it.
Everyone knows whom to blame anyway, what's the purpose of this thread?
I haven't flied Eagle very much, but that's not without a reason. I always thought CTE line was favoring agility over armor.
Griffin confirms that. Falcon confirms that. Eagle... nope. This ship was a nightmare. Outmaneuvered by every VHF I ever meet, barn-sized hitbox and useless turret. End.
My proposal is that Eagle should be more agile while loosing some armor (which was buffed in Disco, right?)