This is a mesage from Grand Admiral of the DVL fleet, Just_Josh
I would here like to WELCOME =DVL=Star to the faction. Lets hope he stays active.
Now down to buss. The following members will be DROPPED out of DVL. They may NOT rejoin. But, they may plead their case for such long, abstiances, and maybe they can stay. These members WILL be required to pay the full 5 million credit start bonus, some of them 10 million for transports, or they will be hunted and destroyed be me personally. I am TIRED of only having 4 active members out of 10!!!. I and the clan are ashamed. And we have gone through 2 wars now (one in process) and i am getting VERY LITTLE member involvement. beside dealer, hes a good man. The list goes as follows:
They will plead their case in this thread, in public. I warn all other clan/factions. These members should not be recuited, they slack off and never show for anything, NOR do as I ask, Finnally, the ranks they left behind will be filled in by current members, and Anyone wishing to join contact Me or any other DVL personal, and they will refer you to me. Thanks, ans ALL current DVL personall are to join the DVL Fourms at:
I think you are being a bit rude here.
Remember that they have something called "real life" to attend to, which is more important than playing a game. They might be busy at work / college or something that stops them from entering the server.
On the other side, they should have posted a leave of absence or something. Unless they have no more internet or something that stop them from doing that.
(If you find any mistake in my English, please let me know via a PM)
(Really, I speak terrible English, so please, tell me if I make mistakes. I'd like to improve it a bit )