I think inferno should be made available for all factions as a zoner weapon.
Why is that, that the caps can go around hoarding weapons from all factions cause they have no alternatives, but when it comes to fighters, we do not have access to an equivalent gun to inferno?
Any genius who recommends mini razor as an equal, please try to shoot a fighter with that thing.
The speed difference is too much.
Yeah if the mini razor is so good, please make it OC exclusive and we will live with our "second grade" Inferno
although i d support that move, considering we consider supernovas and such universal, - i think the opposition from the outcast side is too great to make it available for all. - just like the sabre - too much prejudice about the equipment / ship to be really free for all.
' Wrote:although i d support that move, considering we consider supernovas and such universal, - i think the opposition from the outcast side is too great to make it available for all. - just like the sabre - too much prejudice about the equipment / ship to be really free for all.
NO one says a word about a GB inferno or a BS inferno, why would they oppose this ? isn't every one requesting a way for shorter fights ? well here it is.
Caps don't have alternatives, fighters do. You have debilitators/del cids, depending on your alignment.
They might be a bit worse for fighting against caps, but they are much better for fighting against fighters.
Quote:Any genius who recommends mini razor as an equal, please try to shoot a fighter with that thing.
The speed difference is too much.
Yeah if the mini razor is so good, please make it OC exclusive and we will live with our "second grade" Inferno
Mini can hit the shield, if you know how. Of course, not nearly as easy as with inferno, but it can be done.
Also, it is much easier to 1-2 with mini+SN then with inferno+SN. So it has it's advantages.
And I would much rather see mini as universal then inferno. And I don't want to see mini as Outcast exclusive.
And I bet there are more people happy about having mini as universal.
I wouldn't mind the Inferno being universal too, but I won't agree with mini being OC exclusive.
In short, I'm happy with things as they are now.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
Caps have alternatives, they are just not good alternatives.
Same situation the figheters are in.
Yes I know a Razors can hit, but I can assure you inferno hits a lot more and is more effective against caps. Remember its the shield we are after in those fights.
But you have a point. Can we have both as universal ? Let us use that will we get the Zoner inferno in 4.85
Not really, caps don't have alternatives in shield busters.
Fighters do. Not as good, but still, good enough.
Inferno is good, Del cids are good, debilitators are good.
I even prefer Debilitators over both, but that's just me.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
'oh no! i think enemy sheilds are too tough, so i'll beg untill a weapon the outcasts worked to the bone to produce to become available to me and everyone, so i want one of the OC's advantages to be for everybody'
make up you OWN Sheild buster powershot... err.... what faction are you?
thell them to do their OWN research!
and the inferno has already grown into OC culture, you cant just 'swap' next version! its un realistic!!!
every faction has its upper hands, YOUR faction cant have them all by demand, im sure your does already, they cant make disco too easy, find some other way
NerdRage, keep it civil. No one here is bashing Outcasts.
And with attitude like that, you'r just supporting people to hate Outcasts, something we'r pretty much familiar with.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.