You know what grinds my gears? Being forced to run in a 1.6bil ship by two ships with a total cost of ~50million credits. It is almost like a mockery of sorts, when you think about it. A newbie trap, perhaps.
You undock from Erie in your newbie ship and see other newbies sitting in front of you. You know what is the first thing you see after that? The battleship base in front of it. It is like saying....''Yeah, you are flying a piece of shait now. That there is what you will end up flying.''
And what happens when people grind up those billions of credits to get a cap8, a battleship and everything that goes along with it? They get wrecked by a couple of bombers. Heck, one bomber if said bomber knows what they are doing and the cap does not.
There is no way a ship that can do 149k per shot should cost that little.
And since we have already stated it time and again that any balance is for the sake of balance, rather than RP, how about we disregard the size and hitpoints of the bomber and give it a pricetag that of a cruiser instead.
EDIT: Actually, no, I won't bother with a poll. We all know what the answer will be. And yes, I know this is futile, but this is just for the thought itself.
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Though in my oppinion, if you want to take out 1.6bil worth of ship equipment, you should at least sink in the same amount of money.
It does not make sense in RP, what I just said above. It does make sense in a GAME.
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I feel like increasing the power of BSes is a bad idea without having some sort of restrictions on them. God knows that they're sometimes hard enough to deal with as is.
But people have gone over that particular debate time and time again, I fear.
What does this have to do with increasing BS power?
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There is no problem in ship worth XYZ credits being taken out by smaller and cheaper ships with specific weapons for that cause. I don't like RL crossovers but even here it's just fine and the whole purpose of weapons. The weapon MUST be cheaper then the things it designed to destroy. Torpedo boats, submarines and attack torpedo bombers are always cheaper then battleships they were destroying.
So basically, if you have 2 skilled bombers and 1 unskilled cap, the bombers should be punished for being skilled?
Stop comparing SNAC to a cruiser mortar. It's not as fast (Cruiser mortar is more than twice as fast) and cannot be shot from the same distance (Cruiser mortar can be shot about 4 times further).
Stop hating on something that isn't broken. In order to hit with a SNAC you need to get hideously close to a battleship already, and unless you fire it at distance<800 most caps can easily dodge the fire by TSing.
Now you might scream "NOVA TORPS!!!". Do an experiment, take a fighter+battleships (2 players) and put them up against 2 bombers (again, two players). Put some flaks on the capship and see how the two miserable bombers can't do crap, and if they are not a heavy bomber (which means they either have SNAC or Nova) they have no chance of winning what-so-ever, due to low DPS.
Heavy bombers? Get eaten by the fighter as the cap only dodges your nova torps.
But that's the thing. We aren't doing IRL comparisons.
We are pointing out the fact that it takes 50 million of imaginary money, something you can grind up in one day, to take out 1.6bil worth of rage inducing grind.
It has nothing to do with RL or RP stuff. It just does not seem fair to the people, who were foolish enough to actually bother with getting a cap.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: