Sooo.... yeah. Might as well give in and have people post on how much they hate me and my chars. Feed me your tears! (Kidding)
But yeah, feedback is always good. Below is a list of characters off the top of my head. Green is active, yellow is semi-frequent/not used too often, and red is undecided/on hiatus. Orange for the obvious. Have fun ripping me apart:
Finn McCool
Cierra Hernshaw
Kierin Walker
Sadhbh McCool - [M]
Gráinne Mac Airt - [M] - Character that will be making appearance shortly
@Luke- yes we both do... Talked to Dane yesterday on the phone. He's sad that CR| is slow. Lol
@Core- Thanks! And yeah, I really need to bring Jeanne back. I have some ideas, but we'll see. More a matter of time to dedicate.
@Dir- Thank you sir! Always trying to get better and such.
Added a character that I plan to use soon. Core, you'll see shortly.
Also, 10mil to whoever can figure out the connections between some of the characters... PM me what you come up with. (Conrad and Nik, you two are out. So don't bother since you should already know. Lol)
So far I can't say I'm very pleased with your work as McModerator. I request daily avatar titles changes on my account by your hand. Perhaps than we can talk.
Overall quite content with the rest of your RP. Keep it up.
So you all will have to forgive me if I am not my normal, happy, fun-drunk self in the coming days/weeks. Got laid off today, so while I'll have more free time, I'll be more irate and "kill everything".