here we go - this is the final model for the GMG taidan bomber ( replace ) - a mixture between kusari and modular borderworld, while trying to keep it simple and somewhat like a utilized ship. - the idea behind that is that the GMG has a good experience with fighters and was one of the first ones to deploy a bomber of their own.
this design features its four guns mounted in a "X" around the frame so that weaponfire does not disturb the cockpit view so much. - the torpedo tubes are - in contrast to many later designs not mounted at the wings, but instead vertically to ensure a better aiming. - one mounted on top, the other below the hull.
( the bottom console is removed in the final model and integrated in the roof console as you can see below )
the whole model is painted white with silver stripes ( just like the current one ). the lower left picture shows the locations of the weapons, while firing 4 purple goddesses.
- dropping mines
- dropping CM
- undocking
- docking with stations ( fp11 and yaren, with jumpholes, with planets and with battleships )
- firing weapons and taking enemy fire tested
- taking enemy blast damage tested
- attacking an enemy osiris
- while the setup with the tubes on top and on the bottom works great for SUPERNOVAS, i had some trouble with NOVAS. - or ..... i fired them, and when i pulled up right afterwards, i collided with my own nova torp, cause the torp launches from around the middle of the ship and does not travel fast enough to allow extreme manouvers while firing it ( launches quite close to the ship itself )
- it has NO transparent cockpit.... cause i don t know how to make one.... but the one i made looks like its glassy enough. at least i have no prob with it.
no other problem found.
size: it matches the shape of the current taidan bomber - so its exactly the same length and width. it is slightly more massive and taller - but nothing to justify altering its hitbox. ( maybe 1% taller )
Very very nice, you can see Rhineland back part...I think there should be some Kusari parts there also... but that is just me.. don't listen. It seems big and sluggish... but i see you say it is like Taidan so that is okay... Nice work Jinx!
here is the size comparison chart. - the GMG bomber is the second one from the right. - and like i said, i have sized it exactly the same like the current taidan bomber - makes you wonder..... its a bomber with a big powerplant...... . ( barghest ( 58k ), BHG bomber ( 48k), taidan bomber (58k ), catamaran (48k) ) - no sideview added... but from the sides... the ranking is as follows ( from the biggest to the smallest target : BHG bomber, barghest, taidan, catamaran )
"It seems big and sluggish..." --> you d be surprised how small the taidan bomber is.... and i agree... it LOOKS big - thats why it has the big powerplant, but its very much on the edge of one of the small bombers
Zealot Wrote:Just go play the game and have fun dammit.
Treewyrm Wrote:all in all the conclusion is that disco doesn't need antagonist factions, it doesn't need phantoms, it doesn't need nomads, it doesn't need coalition and it doesn't need many other things, no AIs, the game is hijacked by morons to confuse the game with their dickwaving generic competition games mixed up with troll-of-the-day.
is that thing under the ship the place where the torp is launched from? because, honestly, i dont like that thing protruding out like that. id rather have that bottom part cut off, and the torp slots ont he edges, (like the current bomber)