Suspended high among the helium clouds of Sigma-13 is a floating metropolis of sophisticated beauty and political freedom. Cloud City not only exists as a mining colony, researching valuable technologies for the public well being, but also as a sanctuary for those trying to escape the turmoil gripping the galaxy. Though profitable, Cloud City is small enough not to be noticed by larger authorities such as the Kusari. It prospered under the capable stewardship of Founder Zeke and his Robot C-3PX.
My master Founder Zeke asked me to get the word out that we currently need resources to keep or base alive. We currently need water, food, oxygen and Reinforced alloy. The selling (you selling to the base) prices are $2000 for Food rations, $400 for Oxygen, $400 for water and $500 for reinforced alloy and $300 for industrial hardware. We are currently a bit overloaded though we'll work on that tomorrow.
Next on the agenda is the installation of a cargo module, to set up a descent trading system. After that we are planning to build a cloaking device factory.
If anyone should be interested in getting involved in administrating our base, don't hesitate to contact me (PM).
I'll conntact you about the goods you need trough Communication Channel as I consult with my colleague Cpt. Perica.
We can ship you everything you need just we need to know how many of these things you need.
Outer Systems Shipping Company Representative OSSC>Francek
(02-12-2014, 01:46 PM)sea_dog Wrote: Hello there! Cpt. Francek of the OSSC speaking.
I'll conntact you about the goods you need trough Communication Channel as I consult with my colleague Cpt. Perica.
We can ship you everything you need just we need to know how many of these things you need.
I'm very happy to hear you're interested in doing business with us. I'm looking forward to hear from you on the communication channel.