I had one loaded with 2 nuke mine droppers a while back... damn could that thing make some explosions, but it was far too expensive to keep running. Nuke mines > gas prices.
Using two different types of mines, with something cheaper than nukes (cutters and screamers or something) could be moderately effective in 'bombing' larger ships though, gunboats/bombers, maybe even cruisers (but you'd only get equipment damage). The spatial can fire a supernova as well, so with some shieldbuster guns it could end up being a decent anti-cap vessel without having to resort to a bomber... though the thing is about as big as the broad side of a barn.
a nuclear and a ripper mine, for a total of ~ 15000 damage and 140 ammo. ( and you re getting really poor for buying ammo ) - mount a train CD, drop a few of those mines - and see your enemies suffer.... of course, the problem is the spatial itself being a huge target and prolly not enjoying the explosions due to the fact that its been destroyed by that time....
the zoner gunboat will have a twin mine launcher, too.... btw.
The spatial has 2 mine droppers for defensive reasons. Its so big and slow, but with a small armor count, that it uses mines to keep fighters from killing it from behind easily. It forces a fight to either hit it from the side (which is harder to align than behind/front) or from the front, where the Spatial can shoot back with its rather large firepower. If you use it for a bomber, than the mines can keep your backside clear long enough to get you SN shot off.