The other day there was a topic on here asking who *DD* was, at the time my intention was to post this in reply to that topic, yet it seems to have disappeared.
*DD* stands for Devonshire Dumplins, we are an old clan that started off playing CounterStrike, we then moved on to CounterStrike: Source where we grew from our orignal 4 members. We played WoW for a couple of years, then grew bored of it, recently *DD*Psyco (our clan leader) found this mod for Freelancer and this server. He introduced it to myself, LoneWolf, and Insane.
On this server we have both trader characters and characters with Mercenary IDs, we fly mainly Bounty Hunter ships as, as far as I'm aware, there are no ships specifically for mercenarys. We have worked hard getting the money by trading and mining for all of these ships, and at no point have we been offered or accepted money from more established players on the server. I say this as, in the other thread someone assumed that we had.
A point raised against us in that original thread was the behaviour of one of our clan members, this has been dealt with by the server admins, and I fully agree with their descision. However, I feel I must apologise on behalf of the clan for his actions, they do not, by any means represent how we, as a clan, operate or interact with the rest of the Discovery server.
One more thing, I would appreciate if one of you could point me to where on the forums I could view the banned items / restricted systems for each faction to avoid future confrontations and misunderstandings. I have seen the faction feedback area, is this the only place?
Hmm, well, welcome to the forums first of all I suppose. Try and get your whole clan to give more of a presence on these boards, it'll help you get to know Disco and help Disco get to know you. Go post some roleplaying faction history, or lay a backstory for your characters - it'll help alot.
As for contraband and banned ships, you'd have to look at the Laws of Sirius. That post is the best place to go for what you need. As for restricted zones you'd have to read through each clans faction status, as some clans independant of the major houses won't have their house laws in the above link, but rather a smaller zone of influence detailed in their faction status post. Here is the thread for it. It might take a while to read, but it'll help you understand how things work here a little better.
A cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin.
~H. L. Mencken