I have been screwing around ala solo-a-mode, and I have noticed quite a few beautiful ships. I have been known to base my end game profession on looks sometimes, so I would like to know if people have any pictures of the various ship found in this mod. I tried the mythical beast known only as "search", but it only came up with Turkish's cool looking ship idea/project. Then Linkus gave me some eye-candy. Then I saw some other basic random general and non-descript ship lumps along with the incredible attempts at a true piece of art, in other words the neat looking ship lumps XD.
But all and all, I cannot find a decent look at the variety of vehicles amassed in this community. I mean yes the main website shows a good ... number or so, but I do believe there is much more. I won't ask anyone to busy themselves with my immediate pleasure, so if someone here has some pictures of ships lying around I would be grateful. I mean, I am sure there is a wide variety of ships used in the server, and not just a few handful of ships massed produced for elitist ect's, and as such a nice showing of ships would be pulled up for... ok break, seriously, does anyone here understand HOW hard it is to try and think up different words that you don't commonly use in order to stop repeating the same thing? I can't tell you how many times I was about to type "wide variety" and "masses" and "tacos" and, well anyway it ends up making me feel like I'm talking like ... typing like either an idiot or a sociopath. And darn it, I don't know what that last one means. I don't even have a good vocabulary to begin with! I need an almanac... I mean, my English teacher in middle school was fascinated with doing cursive in air with you fingers like a crazy conductor while playing Smashmouth, what can you expect. Public school ya know? Also ADHD doesn't help with such boring applications of my time as "writing" and "spelling." But, I digress. Which is a silly phrase because by saying so, you are actually digressing a second time to get back on point. Still though, I.. I forgot what I doing heading with this thread. Yha hey, if you could post some nice ship pictures showing of stuff, I'm sure everyone will benefit from someone finally documenting the stuff. See what I am reduced to, "stuff?" Well... bah, it's late anyway. So, cool.
Edited. Note showing I edited it just to show I edited it. Just for the rant. I am NOT kidding about the teacher.