They Hide in nebulae to take an advantage of the low scaner range, to have a chance in making a run with their small vessels. they have their bases built in asteroid fields in the middle of nowhere for perfect camouflage.
What they do? Plotting to overthrow the gouvernment, try to kill everyone or just make a quick buck at the next tradelane.
How they do it? They hit and run. If the cops come, you see them running.
You should.
But you Won't.
from 802 to 817 AS, Outcasts and Corsairs, among other lawful factions, accomplished the unbelievable. They somehow created an infra structure to build Cruisers, Battlecruisers and even battleships totally on their own and on a large scale.
Hiding was yesterday. Nowadays its representing and bregging. Hit and run? waltzing!
I remember how I got big eyes when I first saw the Osiris. "Dude! unlawfuls with an OWN Battleship!" Now they have an entire fleet. They have an own ship yard, more than 3 Battleships and several others shipped to their allies. Mining grounds, Industrial Installations, a planet or at least bio-domes to feed the workers who build the weapons for the thousands of soldiers? Won't find any.
Though: they have allies! the corsairs! they make their living by Pirating in the sigmas and omegas. Now thats something to build battleships with!
Three weeks ago, Hessian and Outcast forces invaded gamma. They were crushed by 4 Battleships and several other rather big ships. Worst thing though: The invaders could have fielded something similar.
Other examples:
Red Hessians: Cruiser
Blood Dragons: Battleship (!)
Lane Hackers: Battleship (Thats what I imagine robin hood in)
and not that unlawfuls but still, IMG: Battlecruiser. A poor bunch of _miners_
What do you think about that matter?
Should such big weaponry only be restricted to the houses, which DO have the infra-structure? Or should the Xenos get their BS as well?
Would you even consider a player wipe? Or just remove the Selling points and scale down the stats of the respective ships?
Anything within RP or Powerplaying ("Rise and shine, my dear faction")
Or is it just us not being able to tell the modeler "no" after he pumped another BS?
I just made a post about this in Carlos' thread, so I won't actually copy it.
What I will say is just that. The Battleships are kinda sick. Corsairs/Outcasts? Minihouses, should have something like cruisers. (Or even an expensive battleship, sold only on the guard base)
Blood Dragons? Hessians? LWB? I even question the Zoner's reason for their Juggernaut. (In RP fine, but I don't think it should be sold on a base)
I will say there was an interesting bit about how the Order came to Tripoli to build the first Osiris or something. When the Order left, the Corsairs were left with the plans, meaning they could produce a couple. But a fleet is a little crazy.
However, the community is too entrenched with the idea of battleships. Even though I don't like it, I would fight to keep the Dragon caps even though I think it's weird. This isn't my mod, and I don't wanna deny someone their flagship simply because I don't like it.
Didn't read wall of text: Make your own MOD.:D
"The thirteen saloons that had lined the one street of Seney had not left a trace. The foundations of the Mansion House hotel stuck up above the ground. The stone was chipped and split by the fire. It was all that was left of the town of Seney. Even the surface had been burned off the ground.
Nick looked at the burned-over stretch of hillside, where he had expected to find the scattered houses of the town and then walked down the railroad track to the bridge over the river. The river was there."
They have the most resources and the best facilities but restrict them selves to Bombers and fighters.
Is this due to good RP? Or is it due to PVP advantage? Is it due to unlawful capship presence?
The sector may never know.
I personally think if its not PVP driven then its, the inability to wrap ones head around the vastness of resources that planets have to offer. Think about the Carriers that America can field today. We have at least 5 Nimitz class carriers that have crews of 5000 personal in operation 24/7 Thats just one country. The battle ships in this game dont approach those sizes of our real life ones and the governments have numerous planets not to mention tax paying civilian owned planets.
If the Corsairs and Outcast own whole systems, think about how much materials they have. More than America perhaps. How many Carriers could America build if we owned the whole planet?
So, I see no problem with pirate factions fielding these few hundred man battleships and nearly thousand man dreadnoughts.
I would like to see more house capitol ship presence. They have the NPCs galore for fighter patrols.
Remember Space is really really really big. And the people of Surius are Uber Uber Uber more advanced than us. The Outcast or Corsairs if they came to our planet today could pwn every country here and lose very little of anything.
Do not lose scope of how much land mass, asteriod fields, looted trade runs yield to singular government entities.
We lose alot of resources just scuabbleing over them on this planet. The Corsairs and Outcasts dont have that problem.
The asteriod vogtlond. That thing has got to be as big as Africa. One base and they have many stretching accross many resource rich systems. Imagine what Africa could do if it were a singular entity, resource wise. Or south america. I think its fine. Our ships are fast the sector of surius is not that small.
My two cents.
Edit: i reread the top few sentences. These are supposed to be sarcasm laced retorical questions to make one think not an attack. So, if you (who ever you are) took offence none was intended.
I side with Scorn here - there is no reason why a "nation" of people that span multiple space systems and planets could not muster the resources to build these things.
Particularly when it applies to the Outcasts and Corsairs who are multi-system owning groups of people with complex political and economic systems - being in a position to build fleets of ships, why wouldn't they do it?
Lawfuls restricting themselves? well, if their in bombers you could say its an answer to caps - but if they are faction members than its also likely that they are hampered by faction ship restrictions.
I'm going to have to say that ScornStar makes a valid point here. When you have the resources of an entire SOLAR SYSTEM (!!!), you have a lot of resources. Your only real restriction, then, is in your ability to gather the resources around you and utilize them, which is mostly dependent on manpower and technological know-how. If you have a planet, that's a lot of manpower. Now, this means that the Corsairs and Outcasts definitely have the resources and manpower to assemble the raw materials and the manpower necessary to man the ships. The only wild card here is the technological capabilities necessary to construct and maintain large capital ships. I would say that the Outcasts and Corsairs definitely have the capacity for this. When it comes to other pirate factions... not so sure.
Hessians, for example... maybe. They are large, and, owing to their roots as miners and presence within one of the more resource rich areas of Sirius, could definitely assemble the raw materials to construct a capital ship. The technical knowledge, however, may be lacking in that regard. Then again, they only build cruisers, not battleships.
Rogues? They have Outcast assistance, although one wonders from whence their building material comes from.
Mollies? Miners, much like the Hessians. Also, they mostly only fly up to gunboats. Cruisers... would be very rare, I'd say.
IMG. Again, miners. No real material limitation, I'd say. Personnel? I don't know. I'd think they might have some problems in that area. Technical expertise? They are miners. Doesn't really seem like the sort of body of knowledge that could give rise to the Albatross. Then again, if we consider that the Colonials teamed up with the IMG, perhaps their knowledge of capital ship construction and maintenance came from the colonials.
Dragons? Low on personnel. Materials? They live in an asteroid field, although its composition is unknown. Possible, but I'd say unlikely. Knowledge? Uh... I wouldn't say they have all that much. I don't fully understand why they were given caps much, anyways.
Zoners? Vast territory, so tons of resources. Also, they are masterful traders, so even more resources, along with plentiful supplies of funds. Expertise? Even if they don't have it, it could be bought, for the right price. Personnel? They have a planet.
I think I've mentioned all of the big non-house cap users. Of course, for the criminals pirating might play a role in resource acquisition, though I don't know what sort of quantities we could expect.
' Wrote:Blood Dragons? Hessians? LWB? I even question the Zoner's reason for their Juggernaut. (In RP fine, but I don't think it should be sold on a base)
I was going to stay out of this and lurk with increased interest, but to explain the LWB, we have one. ONE Cruiser. No Gunboats. Rest of Fighters and Bombers. We don't even have any indies. Now, then, with what Scorn and Laowai said, how can you expect the Hessians to not make Cruisers and Gunboats?
The Hessians are the third largest pirate organization in Sirius. They control most of the Omegas, and hold influence in most of the other ones. They have influence in the whole of Rheinland, and are rich as heck because of their diamond smuggling trade. They have the resources to make Cruisers and Gunboats, and if they really wanted to, they could buy a Dreadnought or Battleship from the Outcasts. No problem for them.
Now, the factions like the LWB and Unioners could definitely buy or steal an old Red Hessian Cruiser. They have the capital from other organizations (The LWB gets all of ALG's profits from their deals with Synth Foods, the Unioners smuggle Diamonds with the Hessians), or they have the manpower and technilogical knowhow to steal something (Unioners were ex-shipyard workers). To think that smaller organizations can't buy capital ships from others, especially the rich ones, is foolhearty to say the least, especially if their friends can construct them...
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.
' Wrote:To think that smaller organizations can't buy capital ships from others, especially the rich ones, is foolhearty to say the least, especially if their friends can construct them...
Ah, I didn't think of that possibility. Good point, there.