this is a replace model for the GMG heavy fighter ( taidan heavy fighter )
along with that concept goes a suggestion about rebalance ( altering the stats )
the idea behind that model is ...
the GMG is probably the faction with THE best fighter experience and resources to develope what they really need. - they were fighting the war against the overwhelming rheinland by using mostly fighters and the hazadrous enviroment.
this ship attempts to combine all the beneficial things related to the gasous outer space. - it makes a very heavy use of "winglets" - and since it is easier to navigate through asteroids and gasclouds with a vertical ship rather than a horizontal ship - they built this ship with vertical wings.
the torpedo tube is an old construct ( its an old fighter after all ) which is almost spinal mounted with a direct connection to the single reactor. ( keep in mind, its a heavy fighter - so it can only fire mini torpedos of course ) - however, the torpedo fires - as you can see... from directly under the cockpit, which is the exact "rolling axis" ( z-axis ) of the ship.
All the guns are quite close to one another - and i have spun the turret around! - it is now a foreward firing turret ( type 5 ).
my suggestion for the stats is :
an copy of the performance stats of the blood dragon ( its the same size ) - cause the GMG probably has the most experienced pilots ( concerning real experience in a battle ) and the best prerequisites to build what they need. - the ship is VERY similar to the BHG ships ( and a stretched hammerhead hitbox fits well )
regarding the history, i would suggest that THOSE ships were first ones build vertically like that - and the AP line ( BHG ships ) copied the successful design.
edit: the image shows
- upper left picture where the torpedo launches from, its not perfectly the tube - but some 0.1 millimeter above it, but its exactly enough.
- the picture of the top view shows the shield generator on the roof of the ship ( so its placed outside like the vanilla fighters )
the ship shares the same "body" that the bomber has, but its a bit smaller of course. - its mostly white with silvery elements. ( a rather simple skin )
Cute, I like it, allthou it looks somewhat Rheinland to me. I disagree with them being best pilots around, there are many other factions to take that flag, but they do need a good ship, as they did win the war... Next stop perhaps a bomber to follow suit.
Basicly a very good looking heavy fighter, I agree on the stats...
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My primary char: Jose El Nino - Corsair Elder captain of the SS Greenhawk
Currently Inactive due to pursuit of life long dreams, will be back...*edited* As promised am back.
the bomber has been made already and submitted - its in the submitted ship section, too. - of course, its unclear who are the best pilots. but the ship should be on par with the blood dragon somewhat, imo.
and i ll rewrite the ID card to prevent spamming of it, if it got those stats - making something like a rare ship dedicated to GMG pilots only sort of ( similar to the blood dragons - ..... hm... cause we know how well that worked to limit it to only blood dragons..:laugh:)
Quote:an copy of the performance stats of the blood dragon ( its the same size ) - cause the GMG probably has the most experienced pilots ( concerning real experience in a battle ) and the best prerequisites to build what they need. - the ship is VERY similar to the BHG ships ( and a stretched hammerhead hitbox fits well )
I'm really against this. Blood Dragon isn't a HF at all, it's a VHF, with class 10's and all.
If you mean giving it class 9's tops, then that means a nerf, since it's agility is much higher then current BD's.
I'd say keep the stats as they are now, nothing wrong with it. It's actually one of the best balanced HF's.
Also, one more thing worth of mentioning is that a LOT of people do consider GMG line as a civilian one.
So you have Xenos flying Taiidans, Zoners flying Taiidans, IMG flying taiidans, SCRA flying taiidans etc etc.
Making an uber (BD like) ship out of it won't help the gameplay.
Of course, it depends on the size a lot, and I can't judge that at the moment.
As for the model itself, it has nothing in common with the bomber. I don't know why, but it looks totally different to me.
On first look, it reminds me of Loki (and whole Asgard line).
Now it reminds me of a mixture between Loki and new FA bomber, the one that you designed.
It's a cute model however.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
Wrath meets the Chimaera!!!!
What's the extre engine under doing?
Also I don't really like the squares with dark texture on the sides..
Otherwise it's quite nice
about stats:
ehhh... NO
Depending on the size current Taiidan HF stats will do fine with some small alternations (specially since it has extra turret forward).
And BD fighter can't really stay how it is now if we loose the explosion vulnerability anyway.
And yes it should be GMG only.
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.
the extra engine happens when you start to model without looking at the model that you intend to replace. - and then you notice that the taidan HF only has 1 engine hardpoint instead of 2. - but i placed the thruster into the lower one... doesn t look too bad. ( lower right picture shows the thruster activated )
about the stats - yes, i agree.. was just a suggestion. - the taidan HF is a REAL HF, with 4x9 and 2x8 + torp tube - the agility is good - prolly doesn t need a change. - however, the BD is marked as a HF, too ( which always puzzled me ) when it has lvl10 weapons.
edit: if its too much to have the turret spun forward - i can turn it around again. - in the end its a lvl5 ! turret - ( surprised me a bit ) ... so it does add tremendously more firepower ( seriously, it adds a lot more firepower cause its a lvl 5 )
Yeah, I don't think it needs a forward firing turret. It would mean it can mount 3 debs (2 adv + adv deb turret) + 4 skyblasts.
A bit too much for a HF I'd say.
Not even Centurion (a Heavy HF:P) has a forward firing.
The only one that does is Crow, which is fine since it's freaking huge.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
Well, Blood Dragons are known for being the best fighter pilots generally. So the current Blood Dragon fighter is perfect to underline the Dragons role. I had another opinion before, but after rethinking the whole balance aspect from the point of roleplay, the Blood Dragon never should loose any part of its manoeuveribility.
To this fighter, Jinx you know my point of view from the pm i have sent you. GMG does not have to safe h-fuel. They are sitting on the root. Means they would take the best pimped engine they can get, even if it takes the double amount of fuel as any other fighter engine. This would be to see in the engine, being the major part of the ship. Huge, but sleak. Also they would construct shorter fins to avoid collisions with gas pockets, while flying through the crow nebula. The cockpit should be attached to the engine part in a matter, everyone can imagine its a modular construction. Means, if the fighter get destroyed, it doesn't push out an emergency pod. It pushes out the whole cockpit module. Why? GMG does not have endless ressources of pilots and this kind of emergency pod would asure a better surviving ability. Next is the skin. Its too dark and too gray. Look for the crow nebula and take a brighter blue with small white and gray elements.
Its a nice fighter concept, but not GMG. it was also not the best idea to mix Kusari, Rhineland and BHG design.
Give GMG a unique design. Atm Taiidan line is screaming more GMG to me, than this nice and elegant concept.