Right, lad, it has come to our attention that you have been very heavy-handed, including trying to accuse a trader of being a smuggler, which he was not. You have also received bribes from alleged smugglers, which you (not so discreetly) said in System Comms, given into us by an anonymous informant.
We have also had several complaints against you from Bounty Hunters, and even one from an LSF High Command authority.
Due to all these alleged facts, we give you 24 hours to respond to this, and to stand trial to these accusations.
This all is lie.
I have enough money I dont need some bribe from smugler.
And if Niktuku say thet he bribe me that is lie and I want some proof of this.:angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:
incoming transmission
from: bounty hunters guild bureau, liberty
to: [LN]
"i have also got to report an incident with said captain, - not a tragic one, but a disturbing one. - when i passed norfolk shipyard today, in my manta, my sensors picked up cruiser fire - and some green plasma was fired VERY close past my cockpit and disrupted the lane. - withiout any word of caution or anything. he then simply said that i can proceed, which is no wonder, as my ship loadout contains only of hunter weapons and my cargo was empty.
at no point he simply asked me to stop for a scan, but he simply opened fire ( not on me - but on the lane ) and his weaponfire could have hit me just so easily.
I noticed this message during a scan of recent Neural Net activity, and thought myself obligated to throw my two sense in. My interactions with the LNS Brooklyn have been thankfully lacking, but there have been two instances where our paths have crossed, of sorts.
In the first instance, I was visiting Planet Manhattan on some personal business when I noticed a Navy Battlecruiser - the Brooklyn, firing rather indescriminately. Thinking some reason behind it, I immediately had my sensors officer do a system scan. The immediate area showed nothing that might constitute a threat - no pirates, smugglers, nomads, or anything in the immediate area. There were some traders etc., but I was mystified by the weapons discharge. At the time, I simply put it off as a weapon system test and put it out of my mind.
When I took off from the planet, however, the Brooklyn was no longer discharging its weapons, but rather, sitting rather ungainly in front of the trade lanes leading to West Point. While perhaps not blocking the trade lanes, I would hazard to say his choice of position was a rather poor one - at least one collision occured when a fellow came through the lane.
The Brooklyn's mystifiyng behavior only continued some weeks later, when I was running my usual trade route throug the Omegas. As is my habit, I scanned the upcoming Bretonian space in order to identify possible pirates. I was shocked to find that the LNS Brooklyn's signature popped up in the New London system! I even went so far as to ask the Brooklyn why he would feel his jurisdiction lay in Bretonian space, but got no answer.
Now. None of what I have presented is in any way damning, but does add to a fairly unflattering picture painted of the LNS Brooklyn. My concern as a trader is to avoid any complications of such an odd ship.
Jack Agincourt
Morality, like art, means drawing a line someplace.
Quote:Com ID: Capt. Daniel Carpenter, Departmental Supervisor of Homeland Security
Callsign: =LSF=Fluid
Transmitted to: Director of Operations LSF, LN & LPI
Subject: LNS-Brooklyn
Gentlemen and Ladies, I write with concern to latest Assault Frigate on the Duty Roster. It seems there is a new vessel. Designation: LNS-Brooklyn whose sole duty is to sit in Manhattan's orbit harrasing local traders, shouting over comms at them (//CAPS LOCK KING). I wonder if this ship should have been commisioned as I have severe doubts as to the commanders ability to control such a large warship. Indeed he seems to be something of a split personality as I myself witnessed the commander of this ship demand a trader drop his cargo while he himself was not onboard his CAP but was in fact aboard another trade vessel, designation: Rocky01, what the Commander of the Brooklyn was doing abord this vessel is beyond me!
Captain Daniel Carpenter
It concerns me that the commander of the LNS Brooklyn was not at his post but was in fact aboard a trade vessel and was attemping to enforce the law from said trader. I do not beleive the Commander of this ship has sufficent experience to command such a warship and his appointment should be looked at with some urgency in my humble opinion.
Wasn't going to add fuel to this particular pyre, but I must.
I was harrassed outside Manhattan by this "Officer" for delivering diamonds.. from HOUSTON! This after being cleared in Texas by another LN Captain near Houston.
I suggest that this "loose cannon" be incorporated more closely into your Forces, or be keelhauled and cut adrift.
sorce:106th Battlecruiser Louisbourg Fortress
ID: Jimmy Patterson
to LN
while i wont comment much i wil lsay this brooklyns a bad officer to the fleets of liberty efforts to try to get him to turn in the ship and or stop his harrassment and get the ship regrestered have proved futile he seesmto be a combat crazey lunatic//kept pming me he wanted to pvp//
Incoming transmission..
Comm ID: Admiral John Talon
To: Liberty forces, and everyone involved
We apologize for this behavior from a member of the Navy, the captain of that ship has obviously lost his mind after getting the ship, or has used some manner of trickery to gain access to it, I highly doubt the latter because that would require a certain degree of brilliance that he does not possess. I hereby order the LNS-Brooklyn and its captain to return to Manhattan, the captain shall be put under observation in the psychiatric ward of our Naval hospital and the ship dismantled. If he fails to comply with these orders, I am authorizing the Navy and everyone that can assist, to bring him in by any means necessary, including lethal force.