Subject: Space rental, permissions, and questions.
Evenin, My name is Flox and i am the proud CEO of Flox Corp.
I am sending this transmission in order to get approval for a research station and some to discuss some concerns about the location.
We have found a perfect location for our future research station right outside the orbit of Planet Dudley.
Beforehand i sent a team to the location to make sure the station would be able to orbit the planet.
The team came back but they came back with a report that i did not expect.
The reported stated that there was a station or a part of a station there already.
I looked through public records only to find nothing about that station.
It also stated that the team tried to send communication signals in order to check if anyone was in there.
To there odd surprise the station seemed to send back the crew some static but no words.
Maybe the communication hardware was malfunctioning.
The crew then sent a Docking request but the radio stayed silent.
As they received nothing they sent a small shuttle to check the docking bays but what they saw was that they were welded shut.
Now...I think there is someone or something in there.
We don't know for sure, but with the permission of the Liberty Forces we would like to further investigate.
So back to the reason why the transmission was sent, one more important than the other.
1) Permission to further investigate the abandoned station even more.
Meaning we would un-weld the docking bays and enter to check the station.
2) Permission to construct our Research station next to the abandoned station.
Also a quote for renting the space per month or year.
Message Encryption Process Initiated.
Thank you for your inquiry into licensing modular facilities within the Republic. If you have not already done so, read Section Two, Article I, of the Laws of Liberty(located here) to see the fundamental requirements of licensure. Your organization will need to agree to these terms as a requirement for approval.
We will require a little more information from you now, however. Specifically, what affiliation your company has, as well as the intended purpose of your facility.
As for the wreckage itself, it is entirely possible that it has been there for years, if not decades. Many attempts to establish spaceborne facilities have been attempted and abandoned with little fanfare. We have no laws forbidding the investigation of such wrecks, and remind you that you undertake such exploration at your own risk.
- William Hawthorne, Secretary of State for Trade and Economic
*A man appears on the screen* "Are you sure its working Stephany?"
*He looks at the screen to notice that the message has already started to record and fixes his tie in a rush**
Sorry for the late response but our Corporation began to implement a new encryption system and stumbled into a couple problems so our communications systems went down at our HQ.
We have taken a look at "Section Two, Article I, of the Laws of Liberty" in which we agree with the pricing and conditions.
We are applying for a 'Zone 2" space in Pennsylvania which is 30 Million SC's a per month. We are still applying for the location right outside the orbit of Planet Dudley.
Moving onto who we are and the purpose of the research station.
We are a Corporation that aims to be one of the most successful corporations to ever roam space. You may even compare us to Interspace Commerce.
We are divided into 3 Divisions
Research & Development
Flox Corp does not deal with criminals but the Company does have a Long past and at one point did deal with them. Since I Flox have taken over we no longer deal with them.
A short background description behind Flox Corp can be Located Here
The research station we currently want to build is for research purposes. Our current and only research at the moment is weaponry. We like to protect our assets and using weaponry that everyone already uses is not sufficient.
This does not mean we will not keep the research to ourselves.
We are willing to share the weaponry research with Liberty Forces.
Any other information you wish from us you can go right ahead and ask.
Sincerely, Flox Trentino
Message Encryption Process Initiated.
Your application for the construction of a modular base has been approved. Once you have paid the first fee (30,000,000 SC), you may begin construction. Payment should be sent to Ferris.Dufresne.
Please ensure that your base is accessible to the Liberty Forces Primary Fleets at all times. Do not forget to inform us of the name of your base so that it can be added to the registry.
- William Hawthorne, Secretary of State for Trade and Economic