Today begins the first day of the rest of my life. Which hopefully will not be as cliche as that sounds.
I knew the day would come when I would have to make a decision on my future, but it didn't make it any easier. But I've come to a conclusion: Bowex. Yes, Border World Exports.
Now before you get bent out of shape and start shooting more Planetform ships (actually, feel free to), hear me out. My internship here at the local Green Front office ended this week. Rather than continue with that, or do something else to try and make a direct impact, I am taking a page from your book and using cunning to attack from the side. You know my family has been in the shipping business locally for quite some time; This is a way for me to continue in their footsteps while forging my own path.
Ok, that probably sounds a bit obscure, so let me lay it out for you clearly:
1. Bowex is a major shipping company and will allow me to make many important new contacts.
2. As supplier to the military and police, they are in a unique position to get me right in the action without facing conflicting feelings.
3. While associated and working with them, I will still be able to continue my Green Front work.
4. I will also have plenty of time to work on my writing, thereby getting our message out more.
5. While working in shipping, it will be much easier to sneak supplies unnoticed to and from our allies. Not to mention I'll work on finding out the details of other shipments and forward that information to you all.
6. If things don't change on their own, I will turn over the reins fully to my cousin to continue the venture. As it stands, it won't be a big loss. Then I'll find a better path.
So there you have it, friend. My plan to save Planet Gaia and her kin - internal, peaceful change. Though I do wish you and the Gaians continued success.
It's good to hear things are going well. If you think doing freelance Bowex work is the way to go, I guess it must be what's right for you. Personally I would have liked to see you out here at Islay, but every person must make their own path in life. Your work with the Green Front is, at the least, a good resource for us, and I am glad to hear you are not going to abandon that.
Things have been good for me lately, too. Two of my brothers have been in Bretonia lately. I'm still not entirely sure on all the details yet myself, but they have apparently associated themselves with some Junkers. This could be good news for you, as well. It seems they'd previously been involved in some business which was, shall we say, not the most publicly appreciated (I'm sure you understand how that goes). They're working on expanding their business into more appreciable areas. Vincent mentioned they're interested in some more legit shipping, so I mentioned your name.
I suggest you have a word with them. Some extra start up money would surely help to get success, right? It seems like you would fit in with them business wise you both know when to talk and when not to. Though I suggest you speak with them yourself if you're interested.
Thanks for the heads up on that. I've been in contact with Mr Thompson and our negotiations are final, at last. He has agreed to buy 2/3 of the company through various channels that he is in control of. I'm making a tidy profit from it and getting a huge boost to shipping potential.
There's only one slight problem with the whole situation. Bowex doesn't seem to like being associated with some of these Junkers. It seems Mr Thompson had some kind of run in with the law in Liberty recently regarding some counterfeit software. He insists it was no big deal, but Bowex says they'll only hire me for occasional shipments when the regular transports are unavailable. That kind of hurts my connections, but business should be good.
But you were right. It seems they want to put a better face on their business ventures. A lot of people seem to look down on illegal smuggling and all. So long as I keep everything pretty much legal, it should be a boost for both of us.
And since you've helped me, I have some good news for you. Remember when you were telling me about that Spatial you used to fly? Well my new Junker associates ran across the wreck of one the other day. Apparently some of their brethren salvaged it and sold it back to the Miners on the Hood. While I'm certain it's not the one you flew, it seems pretty close. You might want to check into it.
Before I finish, I have a last question. Have you noticed things happening in Bretonia lately? I've run across a few individuals who spoke of problems with the monarchy. I'm not really sure what to think. Bretonia is a great place, other than the smog and the lack of policing the Shetland. Is it really time for change?
Good day! We have spoken a few times before, but if you don't remember, my name is Dan McKay. I work with the Green Front. That is the reason I am sending you this message today, actually.
You see, for my work at Cambridge University, I was to start an internship assisting Padraig McFadden, an expert in historical environmental law, with some research for a current Green Front project involving the legality of Planetform to operate in parts of Bretonia. It's a pretty complex subject, but it could be a great help to our movement once it is complete.
But that's the problem. It seems he is, well, missing. He's never been too friendly with the government, but he had stepped it up lately. Then after a point, he didn't report back to South Shields Refinery, where he's been working with the IMG. I did my best to contact anyone I thought might have a lead, but I haven't had any success. I wasn't sure where else to turn, but you and the NLH have done such great work in the past, I was hoping perhaps you could help a bit.
Your message was recieved a number of days ago, but I've been making inquiries about this Padraig McFadden person.
Now, in the normal run of things, I'd say that if the Universe deems Mr. McFadden fit to survive, he will.
...& without any help from us.
However, I completely trust my contacts, & they both say that we should take a roadtrip to Newcastle.
We (The NLH) will determine either the fate, or the state of Padre McFadden & if neccesary, bust him free & place him under our protection.
I've sent an encypted channel code to you, so that you can directly give me all the information you have on this person so we can plan our moves effeciently.
Thank you so much for the reply. I've been working in the Omegas and I just recently returned home to Cambridge. I had some ship trouble and the IMG had to patch things up. Luckily everything is all right on that front.
I do hope you can find him! I was worried that Planetform may have hired an assassin. I know they are always sending Bounty Hunters are all of you, just because of all the hard work you do to help Gaia.