We have reports of you engaging with an argument with Zoner vessels near Freeport One, I would like to thank you for not actually engaging in hostilities inside of the No-Fire-Zone but I ave heard reports that you are engaging in piracy in Omega-3 using Freeport One as a base. I would like to remind you that this is against station laws as shown here
4. Use of confederation stations to base off of for attacks against any group is prohibited.
I would also like to remind you that the presence of Capital Class vessels is strongly discouraged by the Confederation as can be seen here
5. No capital class vessel shall remain within the NFZ of any given Freeport unless assisting CoF personnel or the vessel in question is granted temporary permission by on-duty CoF personnel. Capital class vessels that are asked to leave the NFZ shall do so immediately or face the full ramifications of violating Freeport laws.
5. A) Capital class vessels include Destroyer, Cruiser, Battlecruiser, Carrier, Battleship and Dreadnought class vessels. Not included in this definition are Gunboat and Gunship class vessels and below.
5. B) This rule does not apply to Zoner capital class vessels.
As the vessel in question was not actually a tagged Confederation security vessel I shall let the incident slide for now as it would not have been immediately recognisable that the ship was deputised but in future be assured that any vessels will be subject to the full pentalies for noncompliance.
Javier lounged in his chair, eating a hand full of some type of meat. He swallowed, coughing heavily, sitting up to a more suitable posture, dusting off the remains of his food from his uniform.
I'd like to apologize for the delay.
The specific member involved in this incident was shot and killed by our former leader. Though, the issue persisted involving one Zoner Destroyer opening fire on our pilot's within the No-fire zone.
I'd like to reassure you, that our pilot's are not permitted to pirate within Omega-3. We primarily use that system for resources and diplomatic meetings. If any of our pilots have been caught pirating, with visual evidence of this event, forward it to us, and the matter will be handled internally.
Javier reached his hand over the command console, pressing one greasy thumb on the end transmission button.