USER: Daniel Mathews, Captain
LOCATION: HMS Venerable, Invincible Class
To who ever this concerns.
My name is Daniel Mathews, Captain of the HMS Venerable. I serve under the Bretonian Armed Forces and i come to you with a request. As you may know, a recent communication was sent out to the owners of Ilfracombe Base about docking rights that the Armed Forces were not given. We've given them enough time to respond and they have neglected that opportunity. We are hereby requesting the Police Authorities to revoke the license for Ilfracombe Base and thus make it an Illegal base.
We have informed our Officers to make the rounds of all Legalised Bases in Bretonia. Once we have had the Reports back, we will be contacting any and all that are failing to comply to Bretonian Law. Until the Reports are in, and we have time to contact the Owners, the BPA will not be taking any further actions.