so your saying they should make a JD that practically makes the Jump Trading problem Worse and the make it so the traders wont have to deal with pirates like never? You must be on dope, boy...
(05-27-2014, 10:15 PM)Greed Wrote: It would be perfect, in case you want to disable trader-pirate interactions. I'd say it's a horrible idea.
Oh C'mon, what would people do with the Jump Drive concept then? It is there to be used and right now, it is biased for only battleships ;-;
This is not just, freedom for all....for the sake of RP, JDs must be available to traders too. This can induce more group work, strategical planning and reduce multiboxing huehuehuehue.
We can have groups that log in 24/7 for utilising this, and they will soon become official factions too, coz activity huehuehuehuhue. No more problem of inactive factions.
Note: This is for the betterment of Disco and server activity.
(05-27-2014, 10:15 PM)Greed Wrote: It would be perfect, in case you want to disable trader-pirate interactions. I'd say it's a horrible idea.
Oh C'mon, what would people do with the Jump Drive concept then? It is there to be used and right now, it is biased for only battleships ;-;
This is not just, freedom for all....for the sake of RP, JDs must be available to traders too. This can induce more group work, strategical planning and reduce multiboxing huehuehuehue.
We can have groups that log in 24/7 for utilising this, and they will soon become official factions too, coz activity huehuehuehuhue. No more problem of inactive factions.
Note: This is for the betterment of Disco and server activity.
*St.Denis notices the sarcasm dripping from post and decides to leave.*
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person