This contract is granted to the Tenabras Order Guard Battleship.
The Tenabras, an Order Guard 122nd Flagship, is here by given permission
to freely fly around Liberty Space. The rules of this ship are as followed:
1. This ship is to not engage in any fight against Liberty Ships. 2. This ship is not to help the Bs| in attacking Liberty but may go
back to its homeland to defend it. 3. This ship is now considered as a merc for the Liberty Navy
and can aquire Lawful missions to destroy any threats to Liberty. 4. This ship's main purpose to defend liberty against jelly((Nomad))
invasions. 5. In the case of Libery being attacked this ship may help assist
the Liberty Forces in defending there land. However can not
help attack Liberty Forces.
These rules are only to apply to the Order Guard vessel Tenabras.
One of it's main missions by liberty forces is to destroy two
traitors of Liberty. It's current KoS consist of three ships. -Kearsage.Matt
-Crayfish(name may not be accurate) -Viktor (The Order Cruiser)
Liberty rules against Tenabras.
1. Liberty may not attack Tenabras under any grounds unless
the Tenabras opens fire on them. 2. Liberty may ask for Tenabras for aid against any unlawful
other then the Order and Corsairs.
This contract has been signed by the Liberty Navy leader and
the Fleet Admiral of the Tenabras. Other high command can
sign this including the Order.
//Please be proffessional if you want to sign this or respond to it
I will not fire on this vessel as long as it maintians a minimal distance of 2k from my Bounty Hunter Battlecruiser. Unles a reason for being in close proximity is presented
I will not fire unless I am fired upon first.
I will not intercept messages from this vessel.
I will not taunt this vessel as long as it doesn't threaten or taunt my ship and crew.
I will not fire on this vessel as long as it maintians a minimal distance of 2k from my Bounty Hunter Battlecruiser. Unles a reason for being in close proximity is presented
I will not fire unless I am fired upon first.
I will not intercept messages from this vessel.
I will not taunt this vessel as long as it doesn't threaten or taunt my ship and crew.
##Message Endes##
**Transmission Ends**
*Incoming Transmission*
I Will follow your request if I do get within 2k range it is strictly by accident.
Incoming transmission..
Comm ID: Admiral John Talon
This contract is valid and all Liberty forces are hereby ordered not to fire upon the Tenabras, it has proven to be of invaluable assistance to us and will continue being so, we have put our faith in its commander. Good luck to everyone and may our cooperation be a successful one.