I have been doing my dangemy hardest to try and have fun, but what i see is people taking things WAY out of hand. I admit i had my fair share of it, but now this is getting sickening. And honestly, I'm tired of it. I was playing in the server trying to mind my own business.. When i saw a player by the name of Pilot.x2 Now when i looked at his level it showed as 60, and i told him to halt. I because i have an Outcast ID i thought Outcasts can demand cargo, but when he didnt stop i shoot at him. Now he started to complain about being shot at "Shooting at a low level character" and on my screen it said he was 60, but then when i re looked it showed him as 30. Now i tried to tell him i was sorry and that i didnt mean too shoot him while being a low level. But no... And i told him i was sorry both in character and OOC, but it didnt matter, theres one example of RP gone WAY to far and taken the wrong way.
Now, heres another thing, i was hanging out by freeport 9 in omicron theta. When i saw a live player being shot at by an NPC i tried to help him and shoot at the bounty hunters, now last i remember looking at the NPC allies log the NPC bounty hunters didnt like the zoners. Then as i cleared it, this [TAZ]Donquioty guy demanded me to leave... And im like "For what, trying to help the player not get killed by a bounty hunter npc"
you know this sickens me, no matter how hard i try to do the right thing i get some one taking things out of proportion. And that ticked me off, to make matters worse he got help by another player who did not hav e the "Zoner" tag by his name and yet he claimed to be a zoner, now im getting confused. Every time i do the right thing, im always doing the wrong thing. Ive gone over the rules and found nother rules on that statement.
And ive been having a hard time trying to get use to this server and people keep telling me to read the rules. WHAT THE HECK!! im sick of it, and i have been trying my harddest. And because of this bull spit i just cant deal with it anymore, so im leaving the server. How this server manages to stay online beats the heck out of me with the stuff that goes on here, but i cant keep doing this. This is making me sick and getting me stressed out because EVERY ONE NEEDS TO REPORT SOME ONE FOR THE SLIGHTESTS THING! now i thought this was a server to have fun on, not to constantly report some one.
Im not here to hurt any one, im not here to cause any one harm. Im here to have fun but even that seems like a risk of being reported.
So im just going to leave t he server, i cant keep doing this. And when i demanded the cargo, ofcourse i was in a destroyer. It didnt say anything about that, it said cruisers and battle ships.. Now can some one tell me if a destroyer is a cruiser because i thought a destroyer was just that, a destroyer. And if so, then why does it say on the outcast ID that we can do this on a "Limited" number of destroyers or what ever and on the other part of it it says we "Cant" now which is it "Limited" or "We Cant"
I dont know, but this is causing me more stress, when this don guy destroyed me ofcourse i left the system and returned to omicron theta. And i challenged him to repeat the fight because 2 v 1 was an unfair fight. But i dont know. He might have already reported me for "Threatning him" which i did but not to cause harm ooc but ic. I told him when i see him i wont hesitate to shoot him.
I mean outcasts are pretty much pirates right? they can shoot whom ever they like right? or am i missing something here...
As a rule of thumb, if you're bigger than a gunship, you can't pirate. AT ALL. Ever. Don't even be close to a piracy. Even though the ID might not be specific enough, it should be common sense that if you can't pirate in a cruiser, why would a destroyer, carrier, or dreadnought be legal? Being bigger and stronger, although not explicitly denied (although it kinda is, I believe) goes directly against the spirit of the rule.
Killing level 30s, I believe, is perfectly legal, if it's in RP. 29 and under however, can get you sanctioned.
Zoners don't like violence near their freeports. I imagine that that must've extended to killing NPCs then.
well dispite me trying to do the right thing im always doing the wrong thing and im like WTH... i dont get it no matter how hard i have been trying to get a grasping of it, and i tried to help the guy not kill him then don just started in on me for no real reason.
and i challenged him to come to alpha to fight me, far from the freeport. and what bugs me is he says hes seen people like me 100 people like me? what? people trying to mind there ownbusiness and ignore whats going on because NPC's want to shoot at me? or the fact he started this bull crap and in the end pretty much got called out for a 1 v 1 so he had to run to an admin for help
' Wrote:I have been doing my dangemy hardest to try and have fun, but what i see is people taking things WAY out of hand. I admit i had my fair share of it, but now this is getting sickening. And honestly, I'm tired of it. I was playing in the server trying to mind my own business.. When i saw a player by the name of Pilot.x2 Now when i looked at his level it showed as 60, and i told him to halt. I because i have an Outcast ID i thought Outcasts can demand cargo, but when he didnt stop i shoot at him. Now he started to complain about being shot at "Shooting at a low level character" and on my screen it said he was 60, but then when i re looked it showed him as 30. Now i tried to tell him i was sorry and that i didnt mean too shoot him while being a low level. But no... And i told him i was sorry both in character and OOC, but it didnt matter, theres one example of RP gone WAY to far and taken the wrong way.
Attempting to tax a CSV using a Outcast Destroyer, with a Outcast ID as you pointed out..
The guy doesn't need to report you, you have just reported yourself.
BTW there is a gentlemens 5k non fire rule at all Zoner controlled freeports.
You didn't expect Zoner players to be hostile with you?
You were told to leave uh? It came as a surprise to you? Really?
Don't hurt yourself as your leaving.
' Wrote:Shooting a CSV in a Outcast Destroyer while camping a Freeport.
You were told to leave uh? It came as a suprise to you? Really?
It kind of did. I tried to help the guy, not shoot him. And i dont think he was in an CSV or what ever, and your sacasum bugs me. Why dont you drop the sarcasum, and yet you post a screenie of stuff that happend a few days ago. Sheesh why does every one take screenies just to cause even more havoc
holly your an example of a player that takes thing way to far, takes the server to far treating it as a way of life, and take screenies just to run in some one elses face.
' Wrote:It kind of did. I tried to help the guy, not shoot him. And i dont think he was in an CSV or what ever, and your sacasum bugs me. Why dont you drop the sarcasum, and yet you post a screenie of stuff that happend a few days ago. Sheesh why does every one take screenies just to cause even more havoc
holly your an example of a player that takes thing way to far, takes the server to far treating it as a way of life, and take screenies just to run in some one elses face.
People take screens to ward off Outcast cruisers pirating CSV's that cry on the forum because they got rightfully killed.
The Pilot.x2 guy was in a CVS, i passed him earlier before he asked for help from you...
I will kill you every time you attempt to pirate while camping a freeport, like i did tonight.
PM me those type of threats again and yeah i just might report you, those screencaps stay with me for now.
Oh almost neglected your question, a Destroyer is indeed a Cruiser. Best of luck if
the other guy reports you for pirating in one.
Edit: It's spelled Don Quixote for future reference
Oh and i got you a ride out of here:
' Wrote:holly your an example of a player that takes thing way to far, takes the server to far treating it as a way of life, and take screenies just to run in some one elses face.
He called me Holly... lols
But seriously: I took screenshots to report your whining a**, then I decided I didn't feel like wasting my time. I don't see this game as a way of life, I just don't like it when immature punks like you come in and ruin everyone-else's fun by whining and rule lawyering because they aren't having "fun".
Read the rules. Play nice. And don't complain when something doesn't go perfectly your way.
HI HUNTERZERO... i've read your topic, and i think that you are in right, i think that in the server there are certain people that aren't in to play but only to take revenge on other player for some unknow reason, and i notice that very little people use good sense in the game, and only follow the rules to the letter, or take the part of the rules that is better for they (and in the real life is not that way..) so, i hope that you will change your mind....
' Wrote:HI HUNTERZERO... i've read your topic, and i think that you are in right, i think that in the server there are certain people that aren't in to play but only to take revenge on other player for some unknow reason, and i notice that very little people use good sense in the game, and only follow the rules to the letter, or take the part of the rules that is better for they (and in the real life is not that way..) so, i hope that you will change your mind....
Ladies and gentlemen... I think we have the next great duo.:yahoo: