I am contacting you today in regards to some information about a group who has recently contacted us regarding the possibility of opening another contract to deliver goods to Doe Industries Space Port.
The Junker Marauders claim to be a liberty based Junker group. Admittedly, we have had little to nothing to do with them as of yet - which is why I would like to inquire as to whether this is a legitimate group within Liberty's borders, and whether they are a group that can be trusted. With the increase in scammers, hackers and generally not very pleasant business' and individuals in space, I am sure you can understand why I am contacting you for your input on this matter.
Needless to say, we have denied opening a contract with them at this point regardless of who they are as we are more then happy with the Congress' efficiency and ability to keep up with the work load.
On this note, I may also have another offer for you in the very near future if you are interested. It is not something I can imagine you would normally undertake - but may well be profitable for the Congress.