Ladies, Gentlemen, assorted Armed Forces pilots, purple hairy creatures from Omicron Kappa that somehow got here. It is that time of the year again when we must ask you to fill in the simple form for the purposes of updating our records. A new database will be compiled after this is complete (if someone somehow accepts to bother about it), so if you are not comfortable posting some details here, PM them either here, or to SMI-Great_Fox or AlphaWolf215 or Katana or Thunderer (only if the prior blokes don't reply, please) so the database is kept complete (a quote of your completed role call attached would be excellent).
That said, here is the form:
Quote:Forum Name:
Character Name (and rank):
Character Ships (and names):
Activity Level: (High/Moderate/Low)
Interest Level: (High/Moderate/Low)
For example, mine is:
Forum Name:AlphaWolf215 Skype:alphawolf215 Character Name (and rank):Admiral Michelle O'Brian, Lieutenant Commander Jack Briggs Character Ships (and names):BAF|Lt.Cdr.Jack.Briggs (Templar); BAF|Lt.Cdr.Jack.Briggs. (Challenger); BAF|A-HMS-Braisen (Bret Gunboat); BAF|A-HMS-Pinneau (Council Gunboat); BAF|Adm.M.O'Brian (Paladin), BAF|Adm.M.O'Brian, (Upholder); BAF|HMS-Iowa (Liberty Dreadnought); BAF|HMS-Agamemnon (Bretonian Dunkirk) Activity Level:HighModerateLow Interest Level:HighModerateLow
Thank you again, Ladies and Gentlemen. Keep buggering on (ask Joe what exactly does that mean, I don't know either).
Forum Name: Cashew Skype: james.cashmore3 Character Name (and rank): Commander Charlotte Brooks, Flag Officer Luke Miller Character Ships (and names): BAF|Vengance (Lib GB), BAF|Cdr.C.Brooks (Upholder), BAF|Cdr.C.Brooks. (Templar), BAF|Cdr.C.Brooks, (Challenger), BAF|A-HMS-Sentinel (Bret Dessie) Activity Level: High Interest Level: High
(Keep buggering on means keep going even though we have no chance of doing anything to do with our success.)
Forum Name: Thunderer
Skype: debeli_boda
Character Name (and rank): Admiral George Richard Hall
Character Ships (and names):
- BAF|HMS-Thunderer (Dunkirk);
- BAF|Adm.George.R.Hall. (Challenger);
- BAF|Adm.George.R.Hall (Templar).
Activity Level: Moderate
Interest Level: Moderate
Forum Name: Stone21 Skype: - you have my skype - Character Name (and rank): Ryan Williams, Commodore Character Ships (and names): BAF|Cdre.Ryan.Williams (Templar) BAF|MN-North_Star (Shire, container transport) Activity Level: Moderate Interest Level: Moderate
Forum Name: Singularity Skype: singularity.area Character Name (and rank): Royston Farrell, Flag Officer Character Ships (and names): BAF|A-HMS-Vanguard (Dunkirk) Activity Level: Moderate Interest Level: High
Forum Name: meh
Character Name (and rank):Ensign James Peterson(BAF), Officer Robin Peterson(MN)
Character Ships :BAF|Ens.James.Peterson[challenger]
BAF|MN-Thunderbolt[Clyde-Robin Peterson]
BAF|MN-Brayford[Shire-James Peterson]
BAF|MN-Alpha-Swift [MN escort ship I hurriedly made, yeah, cant dump it. Challenger-R.Peterson]
Activity Level: Moderate
Interest Level: High
(insert random text asking for promotion and mumbling about assaulting Gallia)