BXJ-5 "Cougar" Gallic Royal Navy Bomber
XJ-3 "Lynx" Gallic Very Heavy Fighter
"Perilous" Gallic Royal Navy Gunboat
"Obstinate" Gallic Royal Navy Battlecruiser
XJ-3 "Lynx" Gallic Very Heavy Fighter
BXJ-5 "Cougar" Gallic Royal Navy Bomber
To be added***
Zoner Guard
Nicole Malakai
Character: Proud, serious, defender
RP: ---
Osprey MKII - Heavy Multirole Fighter
Archived characters
These characters are forgotten in past. However they may be summoned if situation requires it Gallic Junkers
Florence & Christine Tattiene
Florence - Merciless, serious, moody, pesimist, not caring at all
Christine - Happy, childish, kinda friendly, optimist
BXJ-5 "Cougar" Gallic Royal Navy Bomber
"Perilous" Gallic Royal Navy Gunboat
"Taureau" Gallic Assault Transport
"Recycler" Junker Super Heavy Fighter
XJ-3 "Lynx" Gallic Very Heavy Fighter
MCU-1 "Aurochs" Gallic Freighter
Leslie Curero or Liss how her friends and fellow Reapers like to call her was born in 799 A.S, deep inside 47th Omega system. Her parents were Hispania exiles, though both were Braillia civilians traveling and exploring new systems in Omegas and Omicrons. Alicia and Richard were taking care of Liss more than average parents would do, despite fact she was their only child, then she got all attention from them. Nothing could stop them from raising their little daughter untill she reached age of 18 when a family disaster had happend.
Richard and Alicia used small freighter for their crusades around Sirius and one day it was in 817 A.S, group of pirates found their Clydesdale travelling around 47th Omicron, where Liss was born and honestly, it was a day when Liss lost her parents who had enough of time to put her into escape pod. Liss' pod got tractored by pirates and she became their slave untill one Zoner bought her for large amount of credits and food. Completely exhausted, dirty and with a sad soul she told her new friend all about her life and about incident in 47th Omega system. It took her like 3 months before she was done with stories but with one important change. She kept her sadness, however it wasn't as intense as it has used to be untill now. Mike, Zoner who saved her and her best friend helped her a lot, gave her a job and took care of her like of his own dreamed sister he's never had. But few months later she decided to find out more about her parents and who were they before.
One year of searching before she found out the real affilation and origin of her parents. Now called Braillian citizens, members of Braillia Security Force or known as the Reapers of Sirius. She found a new destination for her life, Safe Heaven in orbit of planet Braillia deeps inside Omegas, in system called Cayman. Not so long after, Liss applied to Braillia Security Force, trying to follow parent's steps and to her surprise she's been accepted into BSF. The Fallen Angel squadron under command of Kate Golanska, with Valkyrie callsign. With Liss joined Reapers even her now really good friend, Maerto... And this day she's begun her new life of BSF member, The Reaper of Sirius.
R1-Series, P-"Lich" Atmosphere/Space Very Heavy Fighter
R1-Series, P-"Wight" Interceptor/Defense Heavy Fighter
R1-Series, P-"Skeleton" Light Interceptor/Scout vessel
Series CZ "Cutlass" Capital Ship Destroyer/Medium Bomber Vessel
72-ARKM-G27 "Phantom" Rheinland Interceptor/Deffensive Heavy vessel
13-ARKM-N37 "Fafnir" Rheinland Capital Ship/Transport Super Heavy Destroyer
Katherine (Snow)
Character: Happy, pesimist, clingy, merciless
A young girl, born to the average family on the Manhattan's surface, living on the border of the city. She was really happy and trying to enjoy her life as much as she could, even if she was a normal girl without a special things and with normal friends, normal house, normal clothes. School, this part of her happy life was quite boring in her childhood. She prefered practice over theory, not going to learn anything unless it had a use in real life, however everything has changed when she turned 15 and her parents signed her up into LSF program. She was ready for her first mission at the age of 18, when she had to eliminate one male, who started to be annoying with his knowledge about LSF and Government itself. When she turned 19 she had to do a mission with another LSF agent, however mission has been aborted due to a death of her friend in the field and injuries caused by bomb. She's bearing it well in her memory and her health reminds her everything. She's mute now.
Michaela Sandera, Fleet Admiral and Leader of Taskforce Warhammer, her friend, found her life pod near Willard Research station in California. Nobody knows why... Why was she drifting in cold space, deeps inside ice field. Nobody knows how long she was in space. Michaela and her wing brought her to Vespucci, home system of Hellfire Legion and system full of history and rich background. Kat had to spend few days in the Leniex' hospital and Michaela spent almost all of her free time with her untill she woke up from coma. Katherine had no clue where she was and why she was there, however with a smile she takes out her datapad and starts to type something. Two days later she walked into the Lockdown bar, she was really nervous and afraid of people there and if they will accept her with her shady LSF past. Everything was alright and she met kind and funny people, Legionnaires and members of the Hellfire Legion, but also people who loved to visit a Lockdown and people there, so called friends of Warhammer. Her thoughts were wrong however, they all accepted her quickly, even with her handicap. She spent a lot of her free time in the bar with people like Jacob, Michi, Reese, Persephone, Jackie, Andrew, Astraea, Kole, Rika and whoever else. They liked her and she liked them.
Another day in the bar. The Lockdown was always full, but this time Kat was the first one in there, at last she thought it. Astraea and Aeron, two high ranked officers were sleeping on the couch, placed at the wall of The Lockdown. Kat tried to avoid them and slowly took a seat near the bar table, however she couldn't help herself and tried to find something to drink. After a while she was drinking her milk, not paying attention to others, not even Jack who just walked out of the dark corner, going to refill his glass with orange juice. They were sitting together 'chatting' about past, food, lifes, shortly about everything untill Kat decided to show him something special. Her research work.
ld job. Even if she was officialy in love with Jack Snow, she couldn't get rid of her old job. Mercenary, she always liked this job, though it was kinda dangerous for her, but nothing could prevent her from doing so. Gaian Valez Junior, first target for Katherine and her old Eagle. 24 hours later she met Valez deep inside of Ice field in Manchester system not so far from Gaian base. Poor guy had another Freelancer sitting in Gunboat behind his bottom, so Katherine used her chance and tried to assassinate Valez. 5 minutes later, Valez flew into Planet Atmosphere with damaged ship and Katherine could claim this kill. 7,500,000 Sirian Credits.
Katherine later spent sometime in the core systems of Gallia where she got a job of Engineer and Researcher for Solar Engineering and Innovations. Maintaining Trade Lane rings, preparing new research stuff. At least untill they called her back to Hellfire Legion, where she got a new rank, Fleet Admiral and Chief-Engineer. She's working on upgraded version of Prosecutor class fighter, repairs of ships including Arbiters and trying to solve a problem of the Serpent Maximus, the Xeno Alliance beauty aka Stork Advanced train.
CTE-6000 "Eagle" Civilian Very Heavy vessel
E78-12 "Spatial" Civilian Atmopshere/Exploration vessel
UZ-300 "Eclipse" Gallic Civilian Capital Ship/Transport Destroyer
"Briller" Gallic Repair/Nanobot Carriage Vessel
XJ-3 "Lynx" Gallic Offensive/Interceptor Very Heavy vessel
*WIP* - Phoenix was born to the average family on Denver's surface, where she's grown up without any major problems. However she never liked school and stuff they had to learn. "I can count, write and speak... That's all I need". Later though she expanded her phrase and entered Police Academy on Denver's surface. She graduated well and joined Liberty Police Inc and her task was quite simple, just protect area around Cryer's factory. But later, when she was 20... She graduated again, this time on Flight Academy. Phoenix bought her first ship, of course the cheapest one, Stargazer and explored Liberty. "I am touching our star". 2 years later she decided to join LPI again, but this time space division.
LZF-9805 "Liberator" Liberty Light Interceptor/Rapid Response craft
B50P "Katana" Blood Dragon Strike/Offensive vessel
T-493-HF "Karasu" GMG Heavy Combat vessel
T-493-B "Kaichou" GMG Capital Ship/Transport Destroyer
015A "Nephthys" The Order Strike/Offensive vessel
"Osprey MKII" Zoner Deffensive/Strike vessel
"Conference" Zoner Fighter/Transport Destroyer
T-833-GB "Ahoudori" Kusari Exploration/R&D vessel
"Thanatos" Colonial Capital Ship Destroyer
"Bismarck"-class Rheinland Battleship
|+| - The Crimson Cross
Cristina Guerrero
I am Cristina Guerrero, born to Maltese family on Corsica Outer Sanctum, where I spent most of my childhood untill I turned 15 when I asked my parents to drop me on Malta. There I got along with group of Maltesians who were a bit older than me, well shortly they needed the youngest person who would be blamed daily. I had no choice however if I wanted to stay on Malta and fulfill my dream of space exploration. And indeed, my dreams became real when I turned 18, well I know Maltese forces were using old Borderworlds technology when I was born and during my childhood, however I got used to little Series X "Dagger" fighter and later I got my hands onto Series CX "Scimitar" fighter. Lately with advanced technology I kinda fell in love CQL-Gen I "Gladius" fighter and new CQB-Gen II "Falcata" bomber, I proud of them.
Last few years I spent my time in 85th and 80th Omicron system, trying to avoid old civil war between Ghosts and Lanciers even if both groups were trying to recruit us and fight for better Malta? Stupid idea. Anyway I am kinda silly woman si? Si, I am silly, pesimist, sometimes hot head and I am getting really mad if someone is insulting me for no reason. Why do I even describe this? I don't know, maybe I am just weird.
To the point, I feel like someone is still with me, talking to me in my dreams? Si, weirdo I may be or not? ... I heard some Maltesians in bar talking about same problem, God and The Crimson Cross and here I am? I think you are more experienced than me in this case and as the voice suggested, I would like to help you to spread your influence.
"Pilgrim" series Liner - Light Carrier - Cristina's home - Transport
"Gladius" Maltese Navy Light Fighter - Cristina's personal fighter
Well, I haven't roleplayed with any of these (I think), but I have Roleplayed with you with some of your characters and was in few factions along with you. I have nothing to add but compliments. One of the better roleplayers on the server, I guarantee you that. Always enjoyed it and was hell of a fun. I guess I'll see you in space :3
You have a room on my liner, good job!
Feels like if coaxed the "Friendly, Happy, cheerful" from the "Unfriendly, serious, moody" out of Lich. (or is it just a little play...?)
All in all, fun of the fun in RP that you've delivered.
I'll hopefully be seeing you in space more. (Or on my Liner perhaps.)
About Liss, she is kinda complicated. She doesn't like people and crowded places like Freeports, stations, bars, cities and much more. She is also kinda paranoid, who knows! Maybe someone is still following her.
Her relationships are here ^.^" : CLICK! - Reason of unfriendly attitude.