**Subject: Requesting permission to enter your space**
**Encryption: High**
**Priority: High**
Good day,
my name is Captain Samuel Samuels. Im the captain from the MNS-Mardesia. Its nice to meet you. But im not here to talk with you over cakes or something like that!
I have a problem with my ship. The engines from my ship is really old and need some repair. So im far away from the Omicrons so i have not really a good chance to fly back and let him repair in the shipyard.
Well, I need your permission to enter Liberty. I have a friend in the Rochester Base he want to repair my ship, but first i need your go to enter Liberty. I hope you will understand my situation and let me in. Ahh i forget my ship class. Here that is my ship class: D5-2A "Ranseur" Outcast Dreadnought
Sender Identity:Siren Stone Recipient:RECIPIENTS NAME Subject:PURPOSE FOR TRANSMISSION Encryption:Hacked Level 3 Urgency:High
Greetings Captain Samuels,
You may call me Siren, we actually spoke over Long Range Comms a week or two back. You were using PLR space without authorization, though once warned, you respectfully moved out of our territory without incident. The boys from The Colors were especially glad about the fact that they needed not take up arms against your ship as they so frequently find themselves doing against those that would seek to disobey Mokas law's or are simple enemies of the PLR.
That said, your request is a welcome gesture for something few have desired to attempt. This has of course gained you favor within the PLR and as such, we are willing to grant you provisional access to our space. You request that you be allowed to venture forth into Liberty space, specifically towards New York in order to dock with Rochester for much needed repairs. We understand that your travels to home territory would be difficult and highly dangerous given your vessels current state, therefore as long as it is simple ship maintenance and nothing more, then please feel free to use our space. I will be sending a copy of this communications wave to our friends in The Colours as well so that they will be aware of our arrangement and its boundaries.
However, if you are found using our space for deeds such as raiding lanes or other such purposes without further authorization, then you would do well to keep an eye out for a wave of Colour attack craft on your scanners. I hope that in the future, this gratitude as well as cooperation might lead to something more than simple requests for clearance. I know there would be quite the stir in liberty should the LN or LSF find themselves up against an Outcast armada some day. But I digress, baby steps.
Good day,
Captain Samuel Samuels here. Thanks for your fast response and thanks for your accept. It can be possible that i return back for some projects or something else. But i will inform you about this. Now i come to my ship.
My ship is now ready. My friends repair my engine and now i can leave New York and return to Shikoku.
And the Outcast High Command is not planning to enter Liberty with a big fleet *laughs*.
Ahhh i forget. When you need any help in Liberty you can call the MNS fleet or single ships from us. That was all.