Lohingren Sat on his chair in his quarters onboard the Flagship Silent Edge, staring out the port view bewildered by the stars, as he was staring into the endless abyss he begins to speak to himself.
"The sky, it looks sadened...... the gods must be wheeping for what is about to be done, I am sadened by what must be done here today..... The man i could call my brother..... but it is for my.... no the burden is no longer just mine to bear... it is for our plans....For paradise."
He turns to face a girl sitting infront of his desk, she seemed to be off in a trance also.... almost like there was nothing going on inside her head, she had dark hair, a tanned complexion and was around 5ft 5 inches, her eyes where constantly moving with unease around the room, never once coming into contact with Lohingren directly.
"You poor little creature, life on the streets must have been hard for you, moving from place to place must not have been good for your mind, you have no need to be afraid to look here..... im not the fools who would bully you on the freeport's.... im here to take you to paradise little Becky"
The girl still does not seem to react to what lohingren says, still looking fearful of creating eye contact with the "Archon".
"Well.... it would seem not even i can open your closed mind up.... how amusing..... oh well.... i have a job for you anyway little Becky"
As Lohingren uttered the word job, Becky's eye's gained a new life it would seem, a feint sparkle and smile is shown, she then for the first time gave eye contact with Lohingren.
"Ah you see, now that is much better, you have no need to be afraid of me Becky, im just here to help you.... Well anyway as for the job i speak of..... i wish for you to go down to the hanger, there you will find a ship marked "Korinthos" it is none other than my good friend,Don Adora Encarnita's ship..... it pains me truly to do this to the man.... he is a friend.... a good one, infact.... the man who welcomed us onto this planet with open arms.... the man who has helped us get to where we are today.... i could almost call him my own brother. But it is of no consiquence.... it must be done, for us to get any further in our plans i must gain the seat myself."
Lohingren gives a slight pause, then opens up his desk drawer, takes a piece of paper and scribbles a few numbers on it.
"Here Becky, these are his cockpit codes, and the ship number, also the docking bay's doors are locked... you will have to find a way in, your own way... but im sure it shant be a problem for you, There i want you to completely destroy his Ejection Mechanism MAKE SURE! it is not left intact"
Lohingren hands the piece of paper to Becky. And Becky Responds.
Rebecca sat directly across from Lohingren, but instinctively did not make eye contact. She was even inadvertently tuning out most of what Lohingren was saying to her; mind wandering in the past. Every time she was in Lohingren's presence, it made her think back to how she got here. Running all over Sirius with her father and his other colleagues amongst the Zoner ranks; until he thought it was too dangerous and left her to life on Freeport 9.
Being made to do various chores on the Freeport, being the target of pranks, and feeling a sense of emptiness. She longed to be able to see new parts of Sirius again, and Lohingren had given that to her; that and the Sabre sporting "Rebecca 'Mulian' Perez" on its side. Though, Rebecca never accepted something she thought she hadn't earned. This was the key to her loyalty to Lohingren, and why she had a problem looking upon him directly, even now.
Rebecca began to smile as she let the memories crawl into the back of her head; hearing the Archon mention something of a job to her. She slowly turned to face him; seeing the face of a grave man, as he explained a job she could easily tell was effecting him emotionally. She thought he was finished when he reached into his desk, and handed her a slip of paper which showed an assortment of different numbers. Lohingren began to explain those were ship codes, and the last of the precautions she was meant to take.
"Archon, this man on which you plot on killing has been a father to us all, and a brother to you. But, if this is really what you desire; it shall be done. I've always done my best to show my loyalty will never waver, and that I appreciate all you've done for me," Rebecca said finally finding the courage to speak.
She had never called Lohingren anything other than "Archon" at least not to anyone Else's knowledge. This was just one of the few ways she showed her respect. Rebecca got up to leave the room with Lohingren remaining silent. As she made it towards the exit of Lohingren's quarters a knock resounded within the room. Lohingren instructed her to open the door; which she did without hesitation.
The man entered the room, the very one they had just finished plans to kill moments ago; Don Adora Encarnita. Rebecca quickly made her way out the room, again resuming her routine of not making eye contact. Closing the door behind her, leaving the Don and her Archon to speak; she made way to her own quarters to refine the plan.
As Rebecca left the room and Adora entered, Lohingren gave Adora a warm smile, He was not happy that he had to kill a brother... but for him it must be done. Adora gave Lohingren a smile back and continued to his desk, he sits down on the antique leather chair that centered infront of the tidy desk.
Lohingren looks at Adora's eyes and says.
"Adora my friend it is good to see you as always"
Adora Replies.
"Raemus how are we, i was sitting in my quarters and i thought we could have a chat and a drink."
Lohingren smiles.
"I wish you would stop calling me by that name Adora.... It is from the past, i no longer go by that name, you should know that by now."
Adora gives a slight smirk.
"I feel someone needs to know and carry on your story Raemus, if you stop using your name all together. It will be lost to history forever."
Lohingren laughs
"You always did amuse me Adora, Come have a drink."
As time went on, Adora and Lohingren had been drinking and speaking for hours. The air became rather thick, and the mood changed rather fast as Lohingren begins to tell Adora a story.
"Adora, i never did tell you why i changed my name did i?"
Adora leans forward on his chair
"No, i felt you would tell me when you felt it was ready"
Lohingren Replies
"Then let me tell you the story, It mostly started when i was around the age of 19, My mother and father went out on a routine patrol around the space of our planet. Though it seemeed they ran into some trouble, Gontfried was the only one who managed to escape. My Mother and Father did not return that day, I didnt know what happened until a year later when i became Archon. Gontfried held the information behind only to be told to the new Archon."
Adora's face becomes rather down
"That is sad my friend, What happened?"
Lohingren smiled
"Its long in the past friend, you have no need to care about it. Though as for what happened, It would seem they ran into a stray coalition ship.... Where it came from who knows, but it was that same ship that took over our planet, and drove the remainders of my people to Sirius. It was then i changed my name, to throw away my past life.... I had to... i was about to throw my peace loving people into a war... i could not keep my fathers pacifist name."
Adora Smiles
"Your a honorable man Lohingren, Then i shall respect your wishes, you are Raemus no more."
Lohingren laughs hard
"That is the first time you called me by that name. How amusing"
Lohingren and Adora Carry on drinking for another hour until there is a knock on the door. Lohingren tells the person to come in, It was Rebecca just after finishing her assignment
"Ah just in time Rebecca."
Rebecca as usual not making any eye contact, Adora looks at her and asks
"Lohingren, Who is this woman?"
"This woman my friend is your wingman for the next assignment i would like to give you, it has very much to do with the story i just told you..... It would seem a Coalition Squadron will be moving toward theta in the next week. They seem to be carrying a few of our captured brothers.... i want you and Rebecca here to intercept that squadron and rescue our men"
Adora Replies
"I will do as you ask friend, i will carry out my own vengeance on your behalf against these coalition dogs... they will pay for what they have done to you."
Lohingren drops his head so that he did not show Adora his expression....one of sorrow and guilt.
Adora takes a large piece of high quality paper out of his pocket and hands it to lohingren
"This is my will Lohingren, it is the original reason i came here tonight.... it contains what i would like to come of my profits and title if something is to happen to me.... If i am to pass on i would like you to take my title, and carry on your mission... i find you to be the best choice for this job Archon."
Lohingren smiles and says
"It would be and honor my friend, and good luck"
Adora leaves the room, with Rebecca following until Lohingren asks her to stay for a second
"If you can get his body... he atleast deserves a good burial"
Rebecca nods and leaves the room in a hurry, and Lohingren turns in his chair to look at the stars once again
Lohingren walks to the docking bay where Adora and Rebecca where suiting up and ready to launch on their mission, Lohingren shook Adora's hand and patted Rebecca's head.... I want both of you to come back to me alive.... do not let another one of my friends slip through my fingers.
Rebecca gave a slight smile and Adora replied. "I will be by your side aslong as i hold breath Archon, be sure that i will take your revenge on these Coalition dogs."
Lohingrens expression dropped from a happy one, to a sad depressed look, Adora noticed this and asked "Lohingren... does something trouble you?" Lohingrens gives off a fake smile and replies "Nothing my friend, Though the Fates are cruel" Adora gives Lohingren a puzzled look and asks "How so Archon?" Lohingren laughs "Just the ramblings of a old man my friend i shall be taking my leave now good luck Rebecca" Lohingren leaves the hanger bay and watches the 2 fully equipped Sabres launch from the hanger..... "The fates are cruel indeed.... no more like i am the cruel one."
As the 2 Sabres where flying through the Omicron Eta System, they found a uncommon communications blip in Omicron Theta... being ahead of schedule they decided to go check the blip out, they where brought near the Omicron Gamma jumphole where they found the Ex Coalition Member Ivan Voronov. Adora with his passion of carrying out his Archons Revenge rushed toward Ivan with a rage.
Ivan Voronov: "I have no idea what you are talking about Reaper.... I have done nothing toward your "Archon".... besides try to take his life... but that is just my role in this war nothing more."
Ivan Voronov sighed and replied "So be it"
Rebecca and Adora locked horns with Ivan and the battle begun, Adora and Ivan where equally matched but the battle was going on the RoS's favour, due to the extra man on their side... though Ivan was far from a rookie pilot, he was known to be the lead strategist in Corsair movements that he took part in.... and it did not take long for him to take the extra man out, he fired his mini razor in the direction of Rebecca's Craft clipping one of the fuel pods and causing it to explode and take out half of her engine's.
Rebecca: I got engine trouble here Adora i dunno how much longer i can last here.
Adora: Just get outside of the battle Radius let me handle him.
Rebecca: BUT!
Rebecca's head dropped knowing the fate of Adora if his ship where to fall.... she almost felt wrong in doing what she did to his ship.
The battle between the 2 raged on, Krakans and Salamanca's coliding Mini Razor specialist vs Mini Razor Specialist...... the outcome of the battle was unsure, whoever lost would die...there was no mistaking that... Ivan would spair Adora's life.... if he the chance.... though Adora would most certainly destroy Ivan's pod if his ship where to go down... The battle was a stalemate until one of Ivan's Mini Razors Skimmed Adora's ship and tore off a Krakan Type 2..... That one gun was enough to tilt the battle to Ivan's favour.
One by one Adora's weapons began to be stripped off by Ivan... until all that remained was a simple Counter Measure Dropper. Ivan opened up his comms and and says.
Ivan: Well Adora.... the battle was a great one, but i have won... just leave there is no need for death today.
Adora: You Coalition dog, i will never give up as i hold breath.... Adora began to punch in his cruise sequance and went full speed toward Ivan's ship"
Adora punched the button and flew right in... it was a ironic ending.... he didnt even try to hit the escape pod.... Adora died willingly for what he believed in.........
in the last seconds Adora ship smashed into Ivan's ship, just before impact ivan released his escape pod and escaped into Omicron Gamma.
Rebecca flew toward the wreck to see if their was any signs of life, there she found the Sabres black box....
Rebecca: I shall take this to Lohingren.
3 hours later
Lohingren is sitting in his chair still staring at the stars... he then hears a knocking on his door.
"Come in"
Rebecca walks through the door covered in cuts from the battle.
Rebecca: The mission was a failure, we ran into Ivan on the way there... Adora fought with honor until the end.... he flew his ship into ivans, wether or not he tried to escape the suicide run i do not know. I retrieved his black box, the final words im sure you would like to hear..... This shows you how much he truly loved you Archon.
Rebecca Activates the final seconds of the black box.
Lohingren's face gave off a sad expression and a tear falls down his face.... "Im sorry Adora...."
Rebecca gives Lohingren a bow and begins to walk out the door.
One moment Rebecca Lohingren says..... i never thanked you for helping me.... thank you Rebecca for sticking with me... Lohingren walks upto Rebecca and gives her a gentle hug.
"Rebecca you are such a young child... i feel bad for letting you see this... your life has been filled with misery"
Rebecca stays completely still in shock, she had never been comforted before.
"I said the fates where cruel earlier today to Adora.... not because of him but because of the fate that lies ahead for you"
Lohingren walks over to his desk. As Rebecca gives him a clueless expression....
"Rebecca.... i will say the same to you as i said to Adora.... im sorry"
Lohingren picks up the sword that is displayed on the front of his desk and drives it through her chest..... i cannot let what you have seen leave here.... i am truly sorry please.... forgive me.
Rebecca drops to the ground and gives Lohingren a smile.
Lohingren: Why do you smile at me...... i am a terrible vile man..... why must i be loved by anyone....
Rebecca: I knew all along what your plans where Raemus... I hope my death will ease your pain a little.... as her last words came out Rebecca gave her last breath and died with a smile on her face.
Lohingren took the words she said in a hard manner, he fell to the ground and cried..... "Im a monster.... im no better than those that have wronged me..... i should destroy myself while im ahead..... no.... i cant do that..... to much death and pain has gone toward my goals.... i cannot let one life goto waist.... I WILL MAKE THIS WORLD A PARADISE!!"
Lohingren whiped his face and blade clean and called on the guards... "GUARDS GOD DAMMIT GAURDS GET A MEDIC OVER HERE SHE HAS BEEN WOUNDED GUAAAAARDDSSSS!!!!!"
This is how Lohingren became a Don..... This is how Lohingren got so far..... two people gave their life for him.... now he lives their lives for them