Well, after several years of neglect I decided to pull out the old Freelancer disc to enjoy one of my favorite space sims, and to my delight I realized that there's a thriving mod community for this gem! My problem now though, is that many of these mods don't take the single player experience into account. I enjoy multi player and all, but I'd really like to do the original campaign with all these fantastic additions you guys implemented.
So is this mod FUN with sp? I don't just mean "will it work without crashing?" or "can I grind through it if I have a saint's patience?" but is there a level of balance that makes all of the missions doable (although perhaps a bit harder) without getting 1 shot killed by a massive battleship.
Thanks for your feedback in advance on this... I tried using TNG and dropped it after finding out all the faction fiddling ruins SP, so I thought I'd ask in advance before I spend a bunch of time playing a mod that has serious SP limitations.
SP is still pretty balanced, and theres tons of options open for ya, As for difficulty its gone up slightly, just be aware of where the VHF's are sold and keep plenty of Bats and Bots handy.
And watch out for Nomads they pack a sting now.
Alignment:The Outcasts Status: Retired Personal Bio Click here Current Ships:The BlackPearl Base Of Operations:Pryde Villa, Planet Malta
Fantastic! I'll give this one a shot right away then (as soon as I finish work that is...)
Thanks for the quick responses. From reading this forum it looks like there's a good community of players around, so once I finish with the single player story I'll probably see you all online.
Well the capships you face are ALOT harder. As they have the same guns as the player BSs which are meant to do a ton of damage. So on those missions avoid BSs if possible or wait for the invincible friendly ships to shoot them. Or use a light fighter and fly around and dodge.
Yea when you have to fight the RH BS in.... um..... can't remember the place after the outcast base anyway I find the only way to do that is keep cruising and let the allies do the work prob is takes for ever..... maby you are better than me and can kill them :P
And remember the Anubis is 250k now so make sure you have the cash when you get there.
Kiggles :P
I've been mildly miffed by one-shot weapons since their implementation, oh so long ago. I remember the days when fights were a matter of who could aim better, rather than who could aim a single shot. - Virus
Fellow Hoodlum,Jul 1 2006, 03:44 AM Wrote:This mods SP campaign is what brought me to the online game. Highly recommended.
Hoodlum :)
My only gripe is in SP, a large ship (transport, capship, etc) can get stuck inside a base when launching. That kind of rules out using big ships in SP. Real bummer.
Easily solvable problem Onca (and so many times brought up here): Try docking back or reload the autosave
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor