So..ppl are tire of smuggler fast docking the JG/Docking ring and run away or just stay dock and u cant do sh*t?
here is the solution..we add HP to all the stuff we can dock! (excpet JH)
so..we can blockade the JG/Docking Ring.
take Docking ring as an example..
in "un-blockable" situation..
a Smuggler closing in !
Police: Stay right there u bugger!
Smuggler: Rush for the cardis!
Police: Open fire! Open fire!
Smuggler: give it a break Adv Train has tons of hull..and i have tons of B/B..
Police: Noooooooo! (watch the smuggler dock at planet and laugh at them..)
Smuggler: Pwned!
in "blockable" situation
a Smuggler closing in !
Police: Stay right there u bugger!
Smuggler: Nope...catch me if u can...
Police:**fire CD**.."kill" the Docking Ring..
Police: Docking Ring is blockaded..u are doom bugger..
**smuggler goes boom..**
Also..we can add HP and shield to all the Space stations..after invader destroy the station..the station drops big credits cards..huge among of escape pod..and tons of foods/water...
BUT..the station is not actually destroyed..ppl still can come out of the station..but just can't dock on it..all we need to see is the space station on fire..
all the stuff above's hull can regenerate by its self after 3~5 mins..
all the theory above is totally possible (seen this in many other mods..)
I have the destructible universe mod somewhere in my pc. Which allows you do blow up anything and everything. Except asteroids ...
Been here since Discovery 4.77 (lurk mode engaged)
Zapp Wrote:I have recently met and discussed with Atalawohisdi the trader that flies the Caribe. Just so everyone knows, I engaged in Sigma 13. He flies through half the system before going back to New Berlin, where he cruises from one side of the system to the other, hugging the sun as close as he can. All the while, he flies near Battleships trying to scrape me off. I finally send out the white flag, and move back to Sigma 13. However, it was a ruse, and he bit. Knowing his trade route, I interdicted the trade lane and the chase began anew. It ended, an hour after it began, with me retreating, out of Countermeasures and getting very irritated.
He kept boasting how he has never been caught; I'd like to see him beat until he begs to pay, then beaten some more.
While the obscene amount of armor on stations and whatnot would make actually destroying the thing take either days, heavy capital ships, or nuclear warheads, I wouldn't be averse to giving docking rings and stations something like what tradelanes have. Shield bar that disables docking until it comes back up. Best part is that like tradelanes, lawfuls can shoot out their own stuff to simulate ordering the workers to institute a lockdown without the whole place going blood red.
My concern is that it may be either annoying or difficult to mod this so that the server doesn't lock up when people undock from a ring that's been knocked out. Doable, certainly, but it could require fixing undock points on every single station...
But mind you even though it is RP in what the police are aiming for, it would completley destroy the aspect of smuggling wouldnt it?
Take manhatten for example, there are so many Liberty forces ships these days that theres always gonna be one at Plantet manhatten so smugglers chances of actually getting into Manhatten with the goods is like a 0.01% chance. There would be like hardly any smugglers any more.
I'm just putting it into perspective from the smuggles point of view.
' Wrote:But mind you even though it is RP in what the police are aiming for, it would completley destroy the aspect of smuggling wouldnt it?
Take manhatten for example, there are so many Liberty forces ships these days that theres always gonna be one at Plantet manhatten so smugglers chances of actually getting into Manhatten with the goods is like a 0.01% chance. There would be like hardly any smugglers any more.
I'm just putting it into perspective from the smuggles point of view.
Two things-
One, if you get caught in space then the ground teams will know to stop you and you wouldn't be able to unload anyway.
Two, ever tried going from above or below?
Three, rumors on Rochester indicate that the big shipments go to Rochester for exactly that reason and are transferred to Manhattan by shuttles or small smuggling craft (while we don't have shuttles, i.e. the tiny ships that can go atmo without docking rings, small ships can use the docking ring and so there's twice as much to shoot out... plus you're harder to notice). Rochester pays out almost as well anyway, so it makes sense to take the safe route rather than risk the lawfuls and go on shaky RP at best.
Four, Manhattan isn't the only planet in Liberty. Its actually almost exactly as profitable to go around the Sigmas through Rheinland and then to Houston as it is to go through the Omicrons and Alaska (or Taus and Cortez) to Manhattan, and you don't go through any guard systems or pseudo-guard systems, or any place as populated as Manhattan is. They sell slaves at Houston too, so the trip back is fairly profitable. Much better route. Smugglers are supposed to go around the law, not barge right through it.
' Wrote:But mind you even though it is RP in what the police are aiming for, it would completley destroy the aspect of smuggling wouldnt it?
Take manhatten for example, there are so many Liberty forces ships these days that theres always gonna be one at Plantet manhatten so smugglers chances of actually getting into Manhatten with the goods is like a 0.01% chance. There would be like hardly any smugglers any more.
I'm just putting it into perspective from the smuggles point of view. smuggling..u caught by the police in front of their gate..u are dead..because they will lock everything up so u can not escape..if there are so much police...and u are still going in with's your fault..
' smuggling..u caught by the police in front of their gate..u are dead..because they will lock everything up so u can not escape..if there are so much police...and u are still going in with's your fault..
I actually disagree. Jumpgate closing etc, is well, metagaming. The game mechanics are balanced out and work well, IMO.
Smugglers shouldn't land at capital planets, and shouldn't get caught. They're there to fuel the RP scenes which contain the slaves, Cardamine, etc. Because if an outcast stealth lands on Manhattan in a tiny ship, and is under-cover, does he need a resupply of cardi? yes. And he gets it from the junker black markets, maybe even for free. And the smuggler who supplied him? He's living 1 more day under their watch because of it.
a thought poped into my head. lets say instead of initiating the docking sequence to the standard docking points you instead initiate docking with a trade lane ring modified to shunt you to the docking ring? possible to modify the speed of a trade ring to do that, if so that soles the problem of undocking to a disabled station or planet.