Source: On Board Kruger|Eta-19 Encryption:High Readable to:Heisenberg Administration, Rheinland Federal Polizei
*Hans Hoffmann apears on the comm screen with a smile on it's face*
Guten Tag herrs....
Ich hope you enjoy your new home in Koeln system... Ja ?
Let me introduce my self... Ich bin Hans Hoffmann commander of the Kruger Minerals war fleet.
Ja you heard it correctly herrs ein war fleet which is on it's way for the Koeln system right now.
You see mein freunds...
Kruger Minerals owns large portions of the mineral pockets in Koeln system which need to be protected,
und one of those pockets is close to Heisenberg Research station.
Usually we don't have anything against having ein gut und freundlichen neighbors right next to our mining zones... Ja ?
*commanders face sudenly becomes serious*
But we do not like when our neighbor provides a staging ground or a shelter to squadron of Hessian ships !
*Commander took a data pod in his hands and started to recount previously writen report*
One of our warships previously sent on a patrol mission to secure our assets in Koeln system
was attacked recently by two[RH]marked Hessian fighter class vessels who launched their attack from your base herrs.
After one of them got badly damaged it docked at your base to save it's neck.
Few moments after another Hessian ship appeared this time a gunboat class approaching fast und opening fire also wearing same markings as those two.
During the engagement defense turrets from your station were providing cover fire all the time to the Hessians by shooting on our warship.
Still our captain und it's crew defeated the Hessians despite the weapons fire from your station.
Never the less our captain on it's flight back for repairs spotted new red contact on it's scanners und after short pursuit
the guncams recorded another Hessian fighter und it's docking on the Heisenberg Research Station docking bays.
*commander Hoffmann turned off the data pod und adressed again to the Heisenberg administrators*
Mein herrs... Ich must add that your base is quite well armed for a research station.
As ein gut und freundlichen neighbours we would like to receive an explanation for this,
before our war fleet reaches the Koeln system so we could avoid any unnecessary...
This is indeed distressing to see, from both parties. First, let me introduce myself. Kalsai Lostra, of the Ingenuus Research Group. Who we are you can easily look up for yourself on the neuralnets, but what I will inform you of, is that we are extremely new in our duties as administrators of Heisenberg Research Station. There are still corridors and areas that we are still monitoring, retrofitting, and overhauling. It is not a fast process, and needs to be handled with care and tact. As such, we have a contract with DHC and ALG in providing us with the necessary materials in order to assist in the upgrade the station. I can provide you with a copy of the comm if you feel our words alone are untrustworthy.
With that said, we appreciate you bringing this information to us. The docking systems thus far, before our arrival, were open use and thus free to all. Since we have moved in, we have been revamping that specific system, as well as ensuring the docking systems are up to date and more secure. Again, you can request specifics from DHC or ALG on our contract with them for materials in our retrofit. As such, we will be ensuring that those who pose a risk to those scientists and researchers aboard Heisenberg, and the free citizens aboard, will not be allowed docking rights to Heinsenberg from here on out. We want Heisenberg, and the small area surrounding it to be a free station, open towards all manner of people whom wish a unobstructed facility to conduct their research and studies. It is not, I repeat, NOT a station to be used as a staging ground. For pirates, or for those who threaten our facility such as yourselves...
This now brings me to something rather distressing and eyebrow raising concerning your comm. You start off accusing us as a staging ground for pirates, and that you were "attacked" by two [RH] pilots. Yet, in the guncams you provided, it is not shown of them undocking from Heisenberg, nor does it show them attacking your vessel. In fact, it shows them near the station, and YOUR pilot beginning hostilities towards them in such a close proximity to a neutral base full of equipment that i'm certain rivals your combined mining assets. As such, your guncams prove to us that you are uncaring and dismissive of the lives aboard Heisenberg, which I again am sorry to disappoint you, but is full of scientists and neutral researchers. Not a "staging ground", despite your unwarranted claim. In fact, your actions in such close proximity show that your weapons, whether intentional or not, have struck Heisenberg. You see, in your first guncam image, it shows you charging weapons, but on your scanners, Heinseberg is not registering as in full defensive mode. But in your 6th guncam image, it shows Heisenberg in it's full defensive mode, which is ONLY activated when weapons fire has hit the station. Rest assured, there is not an issue with it's weapon systems, nor is it faulty in it's friend/foe detection. Your ship's weapons hit the station, which activated it's defense systems. So for you to falsely claim that our station was providing cover fire, when your own "evidence" incriminates your own pilot and contradicts much of your report, is quite foolish. You would think your security division would pay closer attention to it's "evidence".
So what we expect from you is a full explanation as to why your report to us is full of errors and outright lies, and why you saw fit to make the foolish mistake of threatening the lives and safety of those aboard Heinsenberg. If no such explanation is provided to us within 24 hours, I'm afraid we will be submitting these actions to the Rheinland authorities regarding your threats to civilians as well as blatant false accusations. So in like manner...
Source: On Board Kruger|Eta-19 Encryption:High Readable To:Heisenberg Administration, Rheinland Federal Polizei
Ah sehr gut... Finally someone wiling to talk from that station.
*Commander put a big wide smile on his face*
Herr Lostra how gut from you to give us such fast response, you sound like you were almost in some kind of haste. Ich hope it doesn't have anything with our approaching battlegroup, does it ?
Relax mein Herr they have ben sent there to deal with the Hessians und prevent situations like these as we stated before.
*Commander sits back at his chair*
First thing you need to understand herr is a reaction of our employees when they see a Hessian fighter in close proximity. Were there is a fighter there is a gunboat as you saw on our captains report. Were there is a gunboat a cruiser might appear out of nowhere or something even bigger as we all know the Red Hessian Army is in possession of cloaking device tehnology.
We have tons of reports proving these things mein herr not just we the other rheinland corporations aswell not to mention that their goal is destruction of our Vatherland und they are war enemies of Rheinland responsible for countless deaths of our law enforcement aswell as Kruger und other corporations workers und ship captains both domestic und foreign ones.
Now as i said the guncams they freeze a picture on a very short time frame so in such stressful situation were you have a group of enemy warships inside of Rheinland with hostile intentions it's very difficult to record every sequence of the situation while preparing the ship und crew for forthcoming combat.
Also the captains report states the Hessians undocked und opened fire first with no warning what so ever. To be honest since we are at war with them ich don't see any reason for them to warn us of any attack und our ship weapons charging was completely legitimate thing to do since we are all aware of who the Hessians are and what they did to us many times.
Ich would also like from you to understand that this is not a legal debate herr Lostra so we or you have to prove something this was not an incident between two civilian ships so we need to prove who fired first.
This was a combat to death between Rheinland corporative vessel und Red Hessian Army battlegroup herr...
A Red Hessian Army!
If guncams didn't recorded Hessians firing first shot I'm sure the same recordings we provided to you doesn't prove the opposite cause we all know were Hessians stand with us.
Ich don't expect you to understand what kind of feelings word Hessian summon in an average Rheinlander.
Herr Lostra we are not familiar with your docking systems were they automatic or someone pushing the button to let the ships in und out but those Hessians fighters undocked from your docking bays und they docked there again in front of ours captain eyes.
We are also not familiar with your defense systems were they automatic or someone were targeting und shooting on our ship from the station und since the Hessians launched und later some of them docked at your base what other conclusion we could have.
I'm sure you are also aware of the situation between Rheinland und Red Hessian Army you know we are at war with them so we are curious why authorities were not informed about their presence at the base?
Also don't forget you are in Rheinland space so presence of Red Hessian Army in the facility which governing und administrative rights were given to you by our government can hardly be acceptable und we can not accept your docking system to retain it's neutral status from obvious reasons as you saw in our previous report, atleast not neutral to the Red Hessian Army.
Also your statement that we are threatening to a research facility are baseless.
We clearly stated in our first transmission that we are bringing additional ships in to Koeln to protect our mining assets aswel as Kruger personal in the system and that is direct consequence of the Hessian presence there. Which is also clearly stated in our first transmission.
Entire reason for our first transmission is to get your official position about Red Hessian Army presence in that sector. We even addressed to you as ein gut und freundlichen neighbors because that's something we hope to become und for that to come true the Hessians must be kept out.
Verstehen.... Ja ?
Und your 24 hours threat is something wich is very inappropriate for a scientist herr, the authorities have already ben contacted about this issue. Und if that will make you happy herr we will include them in to this chanel.
The meaning of all this herr Lostra is to secure our interests in the system therefore to be certain we need to ask a few things from you.
Such as :
Public dissociating from Red Hessian Army und their goals
Guarantee that research facility will not remain in neutral status to the Red Hessian Army
Docking access Restrictions to Red Hessian Army ships und other criminal groups in Rheinland
Developments at the Heisenberg station will not be used against Rheinland und it's people
Cmdr.Hans Hoffmann
Kruger Security Division
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I am glad you included the Rheinland Federal Polizei, as it saves us the trouble. Perhaps they can review said evidence, and make their own judgement call of the matter at hand.
Rest assured, I am not intimidated by a group of miners. Far from it, it actually caused me a chuckle of your supposed "battlegroup". Forgive me, as I am generally not rude or antagonistic in my approach, but when your very first comm to us ends with a threat, rest assured we do not take kindly to that. Especially after insinuating that, since I was at my desk when your comm came through, my hastily response was that of fear. I can promise you it is not, but more of shock in your report and accusations. By the way, your last comm infact was a threat, and you know it. So please, dispense with the false show of innocence in your attempt to scare us.
I have already stated in my comm that we are relatively new at Heisenberg, and as such we are still not fully and 100% operational in all matters. Which means we are still in the process of registering all previously aboard before our arrival. Perhaps my initial comm to you fell on deaf ears, which is surprising given you are a Security officer, yes? So allow me to be courteous, despite having no obligation to you or any Rheinland Corporation. Our dealings have been directly handled with the Rheinland Bundestag. So a mining group is not exactly a priority when it comes to whom we need to accommodate and please, especially after a comm such as the one you have graced us with.
You still have not answered for your weapons discharge on our station, and no matter how you may spin it, rest assured our recordings and sensors do not lie. Perhaps you are used to faulty mining equipment, as well as sub-par sensors aboard your ship. But here we do have state of the art and advanced equipment necessary to confirm that your ship did infact fire on our station, deliberately or not. To which no apology, but excuses, have been issued forth. Perhaps a bill will be sent forth. I'll have our technicians take a look at the damage caused and send you an invoice.
As far as our station's location, why yes. It is within Rheinland space. To which we have worked with the Rheinland government to secure, and remain an independant and free station, not to be controlled by greedy corporations seeking their own gain under the guise of "Rheinland" interests. We have our dealings directly with the appropriate officials within the Bundestag, and will tread carefully in whom we trust and associate with as far as corporations. So far, you have given us no reason to warrant any dealings nor trust.
Lastly, as we are completely aware that the Federal Polizei are receiving this comm, we are not associated with the Red Hessians. Their association with Heisenberg was unknown to us before your rather rude comm, but rest assured we will, and I am repeating myself yet again, take steps to secure the docking ports aboard Heisenberg. We have no interest in your corporate policies, nor any entanglements with the political conflicts in Rheinland. We want Heisenberg to remain an independent research facility, open to those who value lives and seek to advance mankind in various research projects. To be involved with anything less than humanity as a whole is a waste of our time and interests. Your interests are not our interests. Your mining operations are not associated with ours. And if you so much as think about docking on Heisenberg, or nearing the station and another "incident" as this happen, rest assured we will be working with Rheinland officials to ensure our safety and scientists aboard are protected.
I hope I have made myself clear Mr. Hoffmann. Good day, and I hope we never see your threats and your rusted CTE-12400 "Condor" Civilian Gunboat, or sorry - your "battlefleet" - near Heisenberg again.
Source: On Board Kruger|Eta-19 Encryption:High Readable to:Heisenberg Administration, Rheinland Federal Polizei
*Hans Hoffmann apears on the comm screen with a smile on it's face*
Herr Lostra... How many times do i have to tell you that you were not threaten by us.
How you interpreted our first transmission it is not our problem Herr. Obviously you see things the way it suits you.
We clearly stated we have mining assets in Koeln to be precise 15 kliks away from Heisenberg which needs to be protected and they will be her Lostra they will be nothing you can do about it.
You call us a group of miners herr...
*Commander starts laughing*
Herr we are one of the two largest corporations in Rheinland the ones who provide our state with many things needed for its very existence.
We provide raw materials, ores, final products, fuel for ships in Rheinland, financial injections were it's needed and so on... to keep Rheinland economy floating.
*Commander continues with laughing*
Herr Lostra it is very possible that the station which is given to you to govern is probably made by the same materials our corporation providing to our state, with your attitude und arrogance you point your self to be more important than the ones who are fueling this Nation.
And you call us a group of miners...
Herr Lostra...
*Commander take a litle break*
Kruger Minerals together with it's partners Daummans is the engine of this Nation we are the engine of Rheinland Herr Lostra.
Und over the years we accumulated quite a large fleet of warships capable to resist Hessian und Corsair threats in Omega systems I'm sure you saw from our report how rusty that vessel was when it toke out Hessian battlegroup all alone by itself, the rest of their gang were forced to dock at Heisenberg the very same Heisenberg which you currently administrating.
Und you whine about weapon fire around the station who might be triggering your automatic defense systems. Herr we can only be grateful that it was our combat vessel there not some Cargo ship full of civilian crew which would probably be slaughtered by the very same Hessians who so panicaly docked at Heisenberg after they attacked our how you like to call it a rusted CTE-12400 "Condor" Civilian Gunboat.
In that case you would have innocent civilian deaths at your conscience and than we would have a much larger problem here than it is right now.
Therefore we find YOU responsible for the incident with Hessians, you were reckless enough to leave docking systems on Neutral settings and by that allowing Hessians to dock on the base.
Exactly because of incidents like this the docking systems should be adjusted first so we could avoid unnecessary problems, If you were conscientious enough to do that before nothing of this would happened. We own various stations und outposts all across Rheinland territory und we have more experience in governing the stations than you do und that is why we would put our accent on those docking systems und reputation adjustments first so they could reflect with those who gave you governing rights in first place.
You don't want a Liberty warships or a Corsair cruiser to dock at Heisenberg station for a resuply do you ?
*Commander looks at the monitor near him with alert of an incoming report*
Well herr Lostra...
*Keeps reading the report for some time*
This is quite disturbing... Ja definitely....
Seems like your docking ports are still unadjusted herr our ship assigned to Koeln system got another encounter with Hessians, here... take a look your self.
Und after all this you want to send US a repair bill herr ?
*commander starts laughing again*
Well herr Lostra you better send that to the Red Hessian Army fast before our fleet reach Koeln cause hardly some of them will be left alive to pay you.
Cmdr.Hans Hoffmann
Kruger Security Division
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PRIORITY:High ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION:Inspekteur Laura Clausewitz SOURCE:Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin SUBJECT:Heisenberg affairs
Guten Tag, Herren. My name is Laura Clausewitz and I´m Inspekteur der Polizei of the Rheinland Federal Polizei. Because we got granted access to this channel, I have heard your conversation and it forces me to start little personally because...honestly, your talk could be used as very good argument for opinion that there would be a lot less violence and tension if there will be women in leading positions instead of men. I could distil from this debate enough testosteron that I could fill several bottles and then sell them to Cryer Pharmaceuticals undel label "Pure masculinity".
Now seriously. This must stop! I would like to remind you one thing, Herren. You became neighbours. Kruger has mining zones in the system and even share part of Wuppertal Refinery. On the other hand Ingennus Research Group just moved to Heisenberg and started taking control over the station. Obviously, you both made first step with wrong foot. You both should try again and better.
Anyway, now to the incidents which are discussed. The minor thing first. Commander Hoffmann, I would like to remind you that even if you fight with criminals and terrorists, you should not endanger any civilians. Stray projectiles hitting civilian station is something you should avoid at all cost. As Herr Lostra pointed out, it is obvious on provided images that on the beginning Heisenberg station didn´t shoot at Kruger ship and was not on hostile defense mode. On images 2 to 5 it is not considered as red contact but later suddenly it is, what is typical sign of automatically triggered defense system. Of course it also may be done by operator as well but this would be serious accusation which will need investigation. But I will talk about this again later.
What I want to say primarily, commander Hoffmann, is that Heisenberg and it´s inhabitants are on same level as any other station and people within, including Kruger ones. Would your gunboat be firing that wildly in proximity of let´s say Mannheim? Please remind this to all crew from, war fleet? Call it how you want, I don´t mind, but don´t forget you are not military and from law point of view your security wing are civilians like everybody else. Federal polizei appreciates your vigilance but don´t overstep your rights and authority, bitte.
Now to you, Herr Lostra. First, it doesn´t matter who opened fire first. Red Hessians are considered as enemies of Rheinland by our laws, and paragraph 1 of Article Six clearly says - all the members of those organizations are to be arrested or eliminated. It is not specified by whom. This gives right to everyone including corporation security to try to arrest or eliminate these criminals and terrorists if they are in possesion of sufficient equipment and weaponry and wants to do that. Especially in distant part of distant system like Koeln where polizei and military can´t keep stable patrols, corporations must ensure safety of their workers by themself.
Incidents like these two are exactly those which you were warned by polizeidirektor Carsten to prevent from happening. Despite I understand that you are in the middle of process of taking control over the station, docking access is the thing you should start with. Either clear database of allowed ships or put operators in chargé temporarily so they will operate docking manually. Hessians using Heisenberg as stop to refuel, resupply and maybe even as staging point for attacks is something what won´t be tolerated.
Now to the conclusion, Herren. Because new Heisenberg administration team is obviously not fully prepared and didn´t took complete control over the station so far, and also because incident of station guns shooting at Kruger ship must be investigated to verify that nobody from station turned automatic defense system on and targeted Kruger ship, I decided to send polizei team aboard the station. Their goals will be investigation of above mentioned incident as well as examining docking system and it´s change to prevent any more Hessians dockings.
Polizei team consists of 14 members and two ships which departed already from planet Stuttgart and will arrive on Heisenberg...
*looks at her watches*
...well, they should be there within hour. Little surprise maybe, but there are reasons for it, no evidence should disappear in such short time. Herr Lostra, I expect polizei team will be accommodated properly and also will get some rooms for their work. They will also get access to all areas and systems of the station.
Source: On Board Kruger|Eta-19 Encryption:High Readable to:Heisenberg Administration, Rheinland Federal Polizei
Guten Tag.. It is so gut to see a representative of the authorities has arrived.
I would like to use this opportunity to repeat our statement once again in front of representative of Rheinland Federal Police about these incidents.
Kruger Minerals considers administration of the Heisenberg station ein neighboring entity to us und we will do our best to keep ein gut relations with it's administration.
I will say once more that our vessels will pose no threat to the neighboring station und it's personal they can even count on our assistance in case Hessians or other criminals organizations or individuals starts endangering the station und its personal.
But we will not accept for the Heisenberg station itself together with it's personal to be used as a shield for Hessians und other criminals.
I hope you do understand the position of the crew of the Kruger ship once they were attacked by the Hessian forces, they were outnumbered und outgunned due to the proximity it was very difficult almost impossible for them not to accidentally hit the station with it's weapons fire while trying to save their own heads in a combat against overwhelming Hessian forces.
Do you even know how stressful those situations might be... Herr Lostra i suppose you were never in a combat situation before so somewhat i understand your position here.
Only due to their training they managed to prevail und we can all be grateful that it was our cobmat ship there not some defenseless cargo freighter because on the other hand we would have human loses.
We are openly accepting the arriving investigation team of Rheinland Police with a hope that permanent patrol wing can be established at the station to overlook traffic und it's arriving guests.
Since Heisenberg station is not still completely overlooked by the new appointed administration we also hope the thorough search of all station sections we'll be conducted by the arriving investigation team we do not wish to have a hiding [RH] ships in one of it's docking bays waiting for an opportunity to repeat it's attack.
The Kruger battlegroup has just arrived in Koeln system und i'm aboard on one of the vessels, the primary task of this formation will be securing our assets in Koeln und protecting other civilian installation in this system.
Any questions.... ?
Cmdr.Hans Hoffmann
Kruger Security Division
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A pleasure to meet your acquaintance, though I had hoped with better circumstances. You are absolutely right, considering Red Hessians are enemies of the state. We have sought to remove their docking access, though it seems some were able to be granted docking access after the fact. We investigated, and it seems there was a backdoor program installed in Hanger Bay 3, which lay dormant thus undetected until such a program was activated, thus allowing said pilot to dock. We apologize for such actions, and have fixed the issue.
We also are more than welcome to allow a small team to come and investigate, though per our agreement with the Rheinland Bundestag, use of Heisenberg to carry out operations that would bring any type of potential violence to Heisenberg won't be tolerated. This is not a threat Inspekteur, just a clam reminder that we are scientists and a neutral party, and thus do not wish to be involved in any conflict that we can prevent. I hope you understand.
As to Mr. Hoffmann - We understand that in the midst of a engagement, you cannot always control where your weapons fire go. But, all we asked for for an apology that such action happened, as well as your assurance that any conflict will be handled away from Heisenberg. You could have just as easily moved your vessel away from Heisenberg whilst firing at the Hessians, thus preventing such accidental weapons fire. While I do admit my temper was higher than necessary, and that my words were not under a calm and collected manner, I do stand by my words in requesting your promise, agreement, and apology that no hostile engagements will be initiated by your ships near Heisenberg, thus preventing the risk of weapons fire hitting Heseinberg. I also would like to point out that we do not want or need your protection at our installation. We are perfectly fine in protecting ourselves, and if problems arise that are out of our control, we will contact the RFP or RM. I also did not care for your insinuation that we accept payment from Red Hessians. That was unfounded, and unwarranted.