I opened up Discovery Freelancer for the first time and the resolution appears to be stuck to 1280x960, I tried using the Desktop Resolution option from the Discovery Launcher but that also sets it on 1280x960 while my screen resolution is actually 1280x1024, I tried changing the resolution manually from the Discovery Launcher and I also added a -dx command at the properties section from the shortcut, still no success.
Apparently running the program in 640x480 resolution fixes the problem. The launcher then really goes to look like 640x480 but once ingame the resolution adjusts itself to my screen's 1280x1024.
I found the PerfOptions.ini file, changed to 1280x1024 but whenever I enter the game it switches back to 1280x960 even though I also added -d1280x1024 at the optional arguments.
What else can I try? As I said if I right-click the DSlauncher, go to properties and tick to run the game in 640x480, the problem is solved, although in the game's video options itself it still says 1280x960 it actually runs in 1280x1024 if i do it this way, although I found out that even so, if I alt-tab it switches back to 1280x960.
I'm not sure but I think under optional arguments it should look like ;
without the "d", it's w x h uh.
But you should try ;
DSLauncher.exe , run it
Then go to "Parameters" tab
"Use Desktop Resolution - Off"
And then you put the resolution you need into the boxes that appeared on the right
This way you should not need to edit PerfOptions.ini, I guess the launcher overrides PerfOptions anyway.
Nope, still not working, it might have to do something with my monitor itself perhaps as this isn't a common resolution. Still weird though that if I start the program in 640x480 it does go to 1280x1024.
I had the same issue when the update was released, but I also played with some files and mucked it up completely. Then I just reinstalled the mod, and left the launcher with all settings by default (especially the use desktop resolution box ticked), without touching anything, and the issue was gone.
You could try reinstalling the mod and changing your desktop resolution to something that will work. Trial and error?