(04-08-2015, 07:23 PM)Nyx Wrote: according to snak3 it was because people kept editing and removing what they said and not allowing you to see what you put(!!!)
boo hoo lets remove the edit function off the whole forums
(04-08-2015, 07:23 PM)Nyx Wrote: according to snak3 it was because people kept editing and removing what they said and not allowing you to see what you put(!!!)
literally the dumbest excuse ever.
quite simply if it was removed by the user its not worth bothering about because the content wasn't worth reading
Moderators couldn't see erased messages so it caused a fair bunch of trouble when someone went full-on trolling and decided to erase the messages before a mod got around it.
Mods still have the possibility to edit and erase messages.