Your recent encounters with the Bretonian Armed Forces have been somewhat explosive as of late. Your vessel was recently downed by the HMS Dragon for reasons which have already been relayed to you. Had you adorned the assumed identification protocols of a BMM employee upon your vessel at the time, this incident may have been avoided. Under the circumstances I am obliged to advise you that conferring with terrorists, pirates or other undesirables is subject to an investigation by the Bretonian authorities. It is only due to the lack of evidence on the matter that the issue is not being taken any further henceforth.
In addition, dwelling in an area of conflict between these individuals and Bretonian warships is deemed extremely hazardous. In future we would ask you remove yourself from areas of conflict when prompted to avoid further mishaps.
Your dealings and those of BMM with third parties are of no concern to the admiralty. Though the assault of Bretonian vessels, which your associate had taken to rather well, is a greatly severe offense against the crown. Please open dialogue in future so that we may avert this incident's recurrence.