10-12-2008, 10:40 PM, (This post was last modified: 01-27-2025, 04:48 PM by The Brotherhood.
Edit Reason: subtitle makeup, small edits to assets, small edits to diplomacy - Madvillain
Before the beginning of recorded time in Sirius, humanity embarked on its greatest journey. As part of the Exodus from Sol, the Hispania, one of the great sleeper ships of the Terran Western Alliance, carried thousands of colonists fleeing the apocalyptic event that had destroyed their homeworld. The Hispania was a marvel of technology, an ark designed to preserve the legacy of a technologically advanced civilization that once thrived in Sol. However, fate intervened during its voyage to the Sirius Sector.
The Hispania was built to carry the remnants of humanity toward the Sirius Sector. The voyage was a leap into the unknown, as the passengers of the ark entered a state of suspended sleep for centuries, leaving their shattered homeland far behind. En route to their destination, the Hispania encountered disaster, whether due to sabotage or catastrophic malfunction remains a mystery. A fire erupted aboard the ship, waking its passengers from their prolonged slumber. Chaos ensued as the ark sustained severe damage, rendering it unfit to complete its journey.
Faced with no alternative, thousands of the bravest among the passengers made a selfless choice: to double their chances of survival they boarded shuttles with scarce supplies and set their course for the nearest system, Omicron Gamma. After families were torn apart and permanent goodbyes were exchanged, these pioneers arrived on the barren and inhospitable world they named Planet Crete. There they would lay the foundation for a new chapter of human history. The other half of the Hispania's passengers who remained on the ship ended up having to settle closer to the wreck, forming the Outcasts, with whom the Corsairs would engage in many conflicts over the centuries.
Crete, a desert world orbiting the cold red dwarf Antigua, was a cruel place. With few resources part from minerals and an atmosphere barely capable of sustaining life, survival was a constant struggle. The planet’s surface was littered with strange, inscribed crystals. These were alien artifacts, remnants of an ancient, unknown civilization. The most immediate concern was food, or the lack thereof. In the second year after their settlement, the Corsairs faced a near-fatal shortage. In a desperate act, the Ventru, a large and powerful familia sacrificed themselves, offering their lives to feed and prevent the extinction of their people. Their noble sacrifice ended their bloodline, but their name became synonymous with the Corsairs themselves. It is said that while Crete is home to many familias, every Corsair carries the blood of the Ventru.
In the following years the Corsair people built their settlements in the wetter mountainous regions to utilise what little fertile ground existed, but they were plagued by famine for generation after generation. Yet they endured, forging a culture steeped in resilience, honor, and self sacrifice. Their survival took a pivotal turn with the arrival of the Rheinland Expeditionary Cruiser RNC Schiller, which granted them access to the technological advancements of the rest of Sirius. Combining this newfound knowledge with their access to mineral resources in their homesystem, the Corsairs rapidly advanced their engineering prowess. They became master shipbuilders, crafting vessels so integral to their culture that many are passed down as treasured heirlooms through generations.
Survival demanded unity, and so the Corsair people formed the Council of Elders. This governing body, composed of influential leaders from the various Corsair familias and clans, would serve as the safeguard of their people. To be an Elder was to be among the most powerful leaders in Corsair society, a person of great respect whose word carried weight.
Economic stability came through the trade of alien artifacts, a highly coveted resource throughout Sirius. Young Corsairs would undergo coming of age rituals to retrieve the highest quality artifacts from the Nomad-infested Malvada Cloud on the fringes of their system, their courage tested in these perilous expeditions. Over time, Corsair expansion beyond Crete brought conflict, particularly with the Rheinlanders in the Omegas and the Outcasts in the Omicrons. Yet, no matter the challenge, the Corsairs' relentless spirit and willingness to sacrifice made them a formidable presence in the galaxy.
The history of the Brotherhood is closely tied to the earliest days of Corsair unity. In the beginning, Crete’s settlers were scattered and divided, with warring clans fighting over fertile land and resources. To maintain order, the settlers formed militias, each one loyal to a specific familia or clan. It is believed that the Brotherhood originated as one of these early militias: an armed force that would grow over time into the Corsairs' elite military, serving as both protector and enforcer of the Council of Elders.
During the first century of Corsair history, the Brotherhood grew into a volunteer army, one that was not only tasked with protecting the Corsairs but also with quelling internal dissent. As the Brotherhood’s influence expanded, it became a military power in its own right, sometimes acting contrary to the will of the Elders, and at other times enforcing their decisions with an iron fist.
By 450 AS, the Corsairs discovered they were not the sole survivors of the catastrophe that had shattered Sol. When they first encountered other humans, the Brotherhood led the charge in a violent confrontation. In their initial contact, Brotherhood warriors were among the raiders who mercilessly slaughtered the landing party of the Rheinland expeditionary vessel, RNC Schiller, capturing their leader, Franz Schulman, as a hostage to seize control of the ship.
Upon delving into the Schiller’s databases, the Corsairs uncovered a chilling truth: the Houses of Sirius had been fully aware of the Hispania’s fate but had made no attempt to aid the stranded colonists. This revelation ignited a fury within the Brotherhood, and they swore vengeance on those who had abandoned their people to starve in the void.
The Brotherhood’s brutality and newfound access to Rheinland technology helped the Corsairs to build their military might, enabling them to expand into the star. With this expansion came an ever-growing need for power and influence, and the Brotherhood became known as “the sword and shield of the people of Crete.” Over time, this moniker evolved as their conquest and pillaging efforts made the Corsairs a dominant force in the galaxy, and the Brotherhood became known as “the sword and shield of the Corsair Empire.”
As the Corsairs spread further into the Edge Worlds, fueled by the profits of the artifact trade, they clashed with the Outcasts and the Rheinlanders, their expansionism leading to conflict with any who stood in their way. The Brotherhood, always at the forefront, was the driving force behind Corsair aggression.
Despite their shared history with the Outcasts, the Corsairs’ desire for revenge and their growing power kept them at odds. Some still dream of a unified Hispania, but the animosity between Crete and Malta remains deep, and the Brotherhood’s thirst for vengeance continues to drive the Corsairs toward their destiny as a force to be reckoned with across the stars.
The Corsairs’ power stretched far beyond the Omicrons, with both Rheinland and Bretonia now suffering under regular Corsair raids and piracy. Meanwhile, political unrest in Rheinland had brought another adversary to the Omegas: the Red Hessians. Since 740 AS, the Brotherhood has been locked in fierce conflict with the Hessians, with battles erupting in key locations such as the Hammen Hole.
By 835 AS, the Brotherhood has evolved beyond its early sole reliance on brute opposition, increasingly wielding diplomacy as a powerful tool. More and more Brotherhood Elders have secured permanent seats on the Council of Elders, with a Consul and Proconsul now appointed to serve as the Brotherhood’s official spokespeople within the Council.
Despite these changes, the core tenets of the Brotherhood: Honor, Dignity, and Pride, remain unchanged. As one of the oldest and most influential Corsair fellowships, the Brotherhood is deeply embedded in both Crete's political landscape and its cultural and religious practices. The Brotherhood's former flagship, Battleship Prox, orbits Crete as a symbol of their dominance and bloody, courageous history.
The Brotherhood continues to maintain strong ties with other Corsair institutions, such as Deterrence, the once powerful Benitez familia and Custodi, through their active participation in the Council of Elders. Under the weak and easily influenced Corsair leadership of High Elder Eurico Rivera, the Brotherhood’s influence within the Council has risen. Elders who navigate the complex political landscape have steadily increased their sway, shaping the direction of Corsair policy.
Recently, the completion of the Aptera Arena has become a point of pride for the Brotherhood. The arena serves as a proving ground for young Corsairs and as a venue for Corsair warriors to settle matters of honor. Ceremonial fights, such as the famed Masked Gladiator Contest, are held periodically, where anonymous combatants compete for the Elders’ approval. Though the Brotherhood was not solely responsible for the arena’s construction, its Elders take great pride in its existence.
On the military front, setbacks such as the forced retreat of the Penitence fleet from Dresden have compelled the Corsairs to reevaluate their defensive strategies along the fringes of their influence. In the Omicrons, escalating tensions arise from Order forces disrupting artifact shipments across Sirius and civil unrest brewing in Omicron Theta. This, coupled with mounting pressures in the Omegas and Sigmas, has left the Corsair Empire teetering on the edge of crisis, its stability threatened by these converging challenges.
Yet, hope persists amidst the turmoil. The shattered remnants of Bretonia present an opportunity for those bold enough to seize it. Expanded efforts into Dublin and Cambridge remain within reach, and despite its colder, less hospitable climate, Gran Canaria still boasts fertile soil critical for sustaining Crete’s growing population. If the Corsairs can hold their frontlines and effectively channel the pressures building across these regions, a golden age may be on the horizon for the people of Crete.
Given the current strategic landscape, the Brotherhood is committed to revitalizing old alliances within House space, with the Gaians taking center stage in these efforts. To safeguard mutual interests, the Brotherhood will pursue common ground with the Gaians, whether naturally aligned or intentionally cultivated. In exchange for Corsair firepower, the Brotherhood seeks to benefit from the Gaians’ scientific expertise, as their scholars are often at the forefront of groundbreaking innovations. The Brotherhood’s objective is to maintain a delicate balance, ensuring its operations in Bretonia do not disadvantage the Gaians.
In Kusari, the Brotherhood maintains its strong ties with the Hogosha, a crucial ally facilitating the trade of artifacts through their vast network of connections. By helping Hogosha's efforts to bolster the Kusari Farmers Alliance, the Hogosha can solidify their leverage to counter political resistance while avoiding overt criminal activities, ensuring their continued dominance within the intricate Kusarian political landscape.
Meanwhile, closer to home, some Zoners remain a source of friction. The Brotherhood will continue to support those Zoner factions that submit to Corsair might and protection, while exerting pressure on those that resist. Should the Theta treaty falter, the Corsair Brotherhood favours taking direct action against the Corfu installation and Planet Pygar, ensuring that no Zoner group challenges their authority without consequence.
Upon joining, every member of the Corsair Brotherhood starts off with the rank of Soldato.*
In order for a fresh soldato to rise in the ranks their progress needs to be documented. Therefore it is important for this soldato to report on his activities, with a focus on one of the three career paths within the Corsair Brotherhood.
The career paths within the Brotherhood resemble a skill tree, where different paths may lead to different perks. A member of the Brotherhood may always switch between career paths, keeping their current rank. Promotion is possible once per month, for a minimum of two reports (messages in TBH message dump). Only if through these reports the member seems capable, promotion will follow. Other ways to gain promotion is through organising two events or recruiting two new members.
When a member feels like they are eligible for a promotion, they must contact a Consul or Proconsul.
When a member desires a specific perk, either from a different path, or a completely custom one, then they must contact a Consul or Proconsul too.
Camino del Honor
Path of Honour
The Path of Honor represents the warrior’s journey serving the Corsair Empire through strength, valor, and unwavering loyalty. It is for those who defend Corsair space, slay enemies, and bring glory to Crete through martial excellence. For promotion via this path, one must report on the battles they took part in, sharing proof of their kills. At the rank of Decurion, one is also expected to train others and compete in the arena.
Decurion de la Espada
-may request to fly non Corsair ships
-may be put in charge of special patrol missions
-may be put in charge of a regional special operation
-may accompany Elders and envoys on diplomatic missions as bodyguards
Centurion Guerrero
-may request codename weapons from the armory
-may be put in charge of small scale defensive or offensive missions
-may be assigned to a warship or station and put in charge of a regional garrison
Tribuno del Honor
-may request to captain Brotherhood shared flagships
-may create their own office or title (eg: Comisario, El Presidente, Crimson Queen)
-may be put in charge of large scale regional offensive or defensive campaigns
-may be assigned to a warship or station for fleet admiral duties
Camino de la Dignidad
Path of Dignity
The Path of Dignity is the lifeline of the Brotherhood. It is for those who provide, build, and ensure the survival of the Corsair empire and its people. Whether through research and development, mining, partaking and protecting the artifact trade, escorting friendly and corsair traders, maintaining crucial supply chains, or overseeing the repair and production of the Empire's assets, they embody the Corsair value of dignity. These individuals are the foundation upon which the Brotherhood’s strength is built: unsung heroes who toil to secure Crete’s prosperity and future. To gain promotion via this path one must report on any of the above mentioned activities, and train in the arena.
Decurion del Escudo
-may request access to Brotherhood shared transports.
-may request to fly non Corsair ships
-may oversee special logistical and smuggling missions
Centurion de Logistica
-may request access to shared cloaked ships
-may be designated as a trade envoy to a specific station or location
-may explore and make trade deals with any entity neutral or friendly to Corsairs
Tribuno de la Dignidad
-may request codename weapons from the armory
-may create their own office or title (eg: Comisario, El Presidente, Crimson Queen)
-may request to become a magistrate for the Council of Elders, handling cases related to trade, smuggling and contraband.
-may establish and run specific enterprises with assistance and funding (within reason) from the Brotherhood, such as PoB's, a sausage factory on Planet Gran Canaria or a black market arms and munitions sales facility on Freeport 9, etc.
Camino del Orgullo
Path of Pride
This path is for those who embrace visibility and subtlety alike. It is for the ambassadors and negotiators who stand in the light, wielding words and influence like a finely honed dagger to uphold the Corsair Brotherhood’s image and ensure its pride is respected by all.
Yet, the Camino del Orgullo also belongs to those who operate in the shadows: spies, pirates, and political operatives. They work in the unseen realms where power is whispered, not shouted. Enemy supply lines are mapped and disrupted and information is gathered through any means. For there is no light without shadow, and the Corsair Brotherhood’s dominance is built on the strength of both. In order to gain a promotion via this path one must report on these activities as well as train in the arena.
Decurion del Bastión
-may request to fly non Corsair ships
-may be sent on specific diplomatic and espionage missions
Centurion del Verbo
-may request acces to shared cloaked ships
-may get special orders from Elders
Tribuno del Orgullo
-may request codename weapons from the armory
-may request to become a magistrate for the Council of Elders, handling cases related to espionage, NFZ violations, and trespassing
-may independently initiate espionage and diplomacy with any faction or entity, regardless of their standing with the Brotherhood.
-may create their own office or title (eg: Comisario, El Presidente, Crimson Queen)
The Elder rank is the pinnacle of authority and respect within the Corsair Brotherhood and the wider Empire. Elders are both leaders and living symbols of the Corsair people's resilience, wisdom, and power. Their role transcends direct combat or day-to-day logistics, as they represent the spiritual and political heart of the Brotherhood. Elders are warriors, diplomats, and visionaries who have risen through the ranks and proven themselves indispensable to the empire's survival and prosperity. An Elder is an Elder for life, and takes part in commanding the Brotherhood, as wel as having a seat in the Council of Elders.
Consul and Proconsul
Amongst the Brotherhood Elders, two are being chosen to serve as Consul and Proconsul, these are speakers on behalf of the Brotherhood in the Council of Elders, and are seen and treated as the first and second in command of the Corsair Brotherhood by outsiders. Higher ranking individuals have authority over lower ranking individuals within the Brotherhood. Failure of following orders from a higher ranking individual, or other misdeeds can, depending on severity, result in lowering of rank, imprisonment, torture, and excecution. *One may create as many characters as they want, of any rank that their highest ranking character has achieved. Different characters may walk different paths.
-The following members of The Brotherhood are Elders of the Corsair People:
--ElderCesar Gutierez as Consul
--ElderJuanez ''El Presidente'' Buonocore as Proconsul
--ElderNina ''Crimson Queen'' Rodriguez
--ElderLuciano Vasquez
--ElderAlberto Rodriguez
What remains of the once proud Battleship Fes in Omicron Theta.
The Corsair Brotherhood maintains numerous barracks, strongholds, and regional headquarters across Planet Crete. Among the most significant are the Fortaleza de Elysion in Heraklion, and Sephardi Villa, a large, fortified compound in the rugged mountains north of Nova Magerit, one of Crete's capitals and the seat of the Council of Elders.
Sephardi Villa stands in the ancestral lands of the influential Sephardi Familia, one of the Brotherhood's oldest families. Serving as both a stronghold and a center for military and political affairs, it plays a key role in shaping the Brotherhood’s future. The Fortaleza, located in Heraklion, is vital for training and organizing Corsair forces. Together, these strongholds form the foundation of the Corsair Brotherhood’s power on Crete.
Beyond the confines of planet Crete, Corsair fleets are organized into battlegroups, each commanded by a formidable warship that leads warship formations, bomber wings, and fighter squadrons. Each battlegroup is tasked with specific roles: some focus on defensive operations, while others operate deep within contested or hostile territories. These battlegroups form the backbone of the Corsair Brotherhood’s military might, ensuring both the defense of their home systems and their influence across the stars. The Corsair Brotherhood commands assets in the following battlegroups:
Battlegroup Creta
The Creta Battlegroup serves as the shield of the Corsair empire, protecting Planet Crete and its vital assets. Comprised of the legendary Memoria flagship, the Prox and several other key warships, this battlegroup is tasked with maintaining order within the home system, ensuring the security of the Corsair people, and enforcing the will of the Brotherhood. While primarily a defensive force, the Creta Battlegroup also plays a key role in ceremonial duties, representing the Brotherhood in diplomatic functions, and showcasing the might of the Corsair Empire.
The Creta Battlegroup serves as the shield of the Corsair empire, protecting Planet Crete and its vital assets. Comprised of the legendary Memoria flagship, the Prox and several other key warships, this battlegroup is tasked with maintaining order within the home system, ensuring the security of the Corsair people, and enforcing the will of the Brotherhood. While primarily a defensive force, the Creta Battlegroup also plays a key role in ceremonial duties, representing the Brotherhood in diplomatic functions, and showcasing the might of the Corsair Empire.
Under full Brotherhood Command
Battleship Memoria (Flagship) - a Dreadnought of unmatched legacy, stands as a testament to the Corsair Brotherhood's proud heritage. Once a fearsome warship that led campaigns in the Omicrons and Omegas, it is now primarily a ceremonial flagship stationed in Omicron Gamma. The Memoria houses an honor guard and serves as a hub for diplomatic and ceremonial functions, its corridors echoing with the stories of past victories and conquests. Under the auspices of the Brotherhood’s Elders, it acts as a symbol of unity and history. While some may consider it a relic or museum piece, the Memoria remains fully operational, ready to defend the heart of Corsair space should the need arise.
Under partial Brotherhood Command
Battleship Prox (Stationed in Crete orbit) - The Battleship Prox, an Osiris-class vessel, holds a storied place in Corsair history as the first battleship commissioned by the Brotherhood. Commanded by the legendary Elder Alexander Sensano, it served as a formidable guardian of the Corsair people during its intense, albeit brief, tour of duty. After its final campaign, the Prox was decommissioned and replaced by the Altaneria, marking the end of its service under the Brotherhood’s banner.
Three years later, the Prox was gifted to the people of Crete, symbolizing the unity of the Corsair nation. It underwent significant retrofitting, with its impulse drive replaced by an advanced Aegis shield core. Now stationed in Crete’s orbit, it stands as a sentinel for the planet’s defenses, protecting its inhabitants and housing a Brotherhood fleet academy. Beyond its defensive role, the Prox serves as a civic hub, hosting essential offices and facilities, next to being a protector and a monument to the history of Crete.
Battlegroup Magreb
The Brotherhood's main mobile offensive battlegroup, spearheading operations in the Omegas. Commanded by the Olympus, it is the Brotherhood’s primary tool for conquest, siege operations, and large scale engagements.
Battleship Olympus (Flagship) - The Olympus, in contrast with the Memoria, often finds itself in the heat of battle. As the flagship of the Magreb Battlegroup, it is the Brotherhood’s spearhead for offensive and siege operations. The Olympus has proven its worth in pivotal engagements, including the grueling siege of Port Smallwood in Omega-3 and the fateful Battle of Gran Canaria. The Olympus is always captained by an Elder of the Brotherhood, and houses a permanent contingent of warriors as well as several fighter squadrons composed of the Brotherhood's most elite pilots.
The Cazadora (Fully operational) - The most renowned Brotherhood Cruiser in service, a Praefect-class vessel. This ship is the ancestral vessel of Elder Majk “Maniaco” Paredes, a name synonymous with both relentless determination and military prowess. The Cazadora was one of the first Praefect-class ships constructed at Tripoli Shipyard, marking the dawn of an era of Corsair exploration and conquest. With a rich history spanning both scientific expeditions into distant stars and brutal battles across the Omicrons and Omegas, the Cazadora stands as a testament to the Brotherhood’s enduring legacy. It has played a pivotal role in the protection of Corsair interests and remains a symbol of pride, strength, and the Corsairs' unyielding resolve.
The Viseu (Fully operational) - A Gunboat of The Brotherhood, Imperator-class, never strays far from Battleship Olympus. The ancestral ship of the Ladron familia.
Battlegroup Ionia
Tasked with maintaining order and demonstrating Corsair power within the strategic region of Omicron Theta, the Ionia Battlegroup is the empire's show of force in the vicinity of Freeport 9 and its surrounding territories. Patrolling key regions, including areas around Freeport 9 and other strategic positions, its presence is a clear message to any who might consider challenging Corsair sovereignty. Whether through overwhelming force or strategic posturing, the battlegroup asserts Corsair law, enforces order, and dissuades potential threats from encroaching on their territories.
La Niña (Fully operational) - A Brotherhood Cruiser, Praefect-class.
Under partial Brotherhood Command
Battleship Delos (Fully operational) - New advanced design developed from Osiris class. Class name: Murmillo. Currently lurking the Palau Ice Cloud in Omicron Delta.
Battlegroup Canarias
Stationed in the strategic O48 system, the Canarias Battlegroup stands in a tense stalemate with Coalition forces, marking one of the most critical fronts for the Corsair Brotherhood. . Guarding Casablanca Base, this battlegroup is tasked with holding the line in a region where skirmishes and standoffs are frequent, and maintaining the stability of Corsair holdings against constant Coalition pressure. While the battlegroup’s primary duty is defensive, the tension with Coalition forces keeps the Canarias ready for any sudden outbreak of conflict.
This battlegroup is composed of heavy gunboats, experienced fighter squadrons and bomber wings, all strategically positioned to protect the base and maintain Corsair control in the region. In the uneasy peace that defines the region, the Canarias Battlegroup is ever vigilant, prepared to strike should the current stalemate break into full scale conflict. The Corsairs know that any weakening of their defense could spell disaster, and as such, the Canarias Battlegroup shows an unyielding commitment to securing their future in the Omicrons.
The Canonera (Fully operational) - The oldest Gunboat in possession of The Brotherhood, Imperator-class, predating Battleship Prox by at least a century it was captained by many Elders of The Brotherhood over the years. Originally the ancestral ship of the Sephardi familia, until Elder Miguel Sephardi handed its command over to the Brotherhood.
The Dorado wing: Recently reassigned from battlegroup Ionia to battlegroup Canaria. A highly specialized quick-response unit, the Dorado Wing is comprised of Correo freighters, Armicustos battletransports, and mobile infantry, designated to support planetside operations on Gran Canaria. Originally part of the Ionia Battlegroup, the Dorado Wing has played a crucial role in the Corsairs' efforts to maintain a presence and enforce control on the ground. The unit's versatility is demonstrated by its ability to quickly mobilize and perform rapid strikes against hostile forces or engage in humanitarian missions where necessary. The Dorado Wing's involvement in the Stationside Battle of Freeport 9 stands as one of its most notable moments.
Under partial Brotherhood Command
Battleship Athos (Lightly damaged during Gallic wars) - Class name: Murmillo. Repaired in space with Zoners help. Currently safeguarding Casablanca on the edge of the El Aaiun field of Omega 48, and serving as the command vessel of the Canarias Battlegroup.
Lost in Service
Battleship Fes (Scuttled) - First and only battleship converted from Osiris to new Murmillo design. Stomping ground of many high ranking Brotherhood members. Badly damaged in Omega battles against joint forces of Coalition and Red Hessians. Pushed Hessian flagship Alvin Katz back to Hessian drydocks, deployed boarding parties to destroy Veirnheim base and retreated towards Gamma. Patched at Rhodes, but met its end in Omicron Theta.
Battleship Altaneria (Lost in Service) - Once a jewel of the Corsair Armada, the Altaneria was an Osiris-class battleship, commanded by the Old Elders of The Brotherhood, and led many victorious offensives. It was lost in the attempt to invade Frankfurt.
Battleship Barcelona (Lost in Service) - Class name: Legate. For a while the jewel of Kusari Armada before she returned to Gamma. Victorious in the Sigmas, she was last seen in the deep Omicrons, and after years considered lost.
Battleship Titanus (Lost in Service) - Long lost Legate-class Dreadnought. Disappeared after using the wrong jumphole. Rumored to still be out there, somewhere in the deep Omicrons.
Further Assets
Beyond its fleets and strongholds on Crete, the Brotherhood controls numerous assets across stations and Freeports in the Omegas and Omicrons. Notably, these include shipbuilding facilities on Puerto del Sol and offices at Tripoli Shipyard. The Brotherhood also maintains garrisons at key locations such as Freeport 9 in Omicron Theta, Ciutadella Outpost in Omicron Kappa, and, surprisingly, a sausage factory on Gran Canaria founded by Comisario Pepe Ladron. This factory, a front for covert operations, conceals deep bunkers beneath it and serves as a source of (substandard) food production.
Duty 1: Maintain order in Omicron Gamma, uphold the Pax Corsaria, and assist other Corsairs when needed, including in navigation, missions, and trading.
Duty 2: Promote unity between fellow Corsairs; help Corsairs with practical issues like equipment , ship selection, missions, and important decisions.
Duty 3: Perform military operations against enemies of the empire in friendly and hostile territory , weakening their economy and influence.
Duty 4: Employ bold measures like piracy to secure credits and supplies to disrupt enemy supply lines.
]Duty 5: Support traders of Alien Artifacts and merchants whose business strengthens the Corsair Empire, such as food shipments to Planet Crete.
Duty 6: Support Corsair allies and fight alongside Corsair friends if said assistance is not in conflict with the above duties (duties 1 through 5).
(As of 834 A.S.)
. .
Primary Zones
. Edge Worlds
Omicron Cluster
Omega Cluster Bretonia Outer Systems
Bretonia Inner Systems Sigma Cluster
Kusari Outer Systems .
Secondary Zones
. Border Worlds
Independent Worlds
Rheinland Outer Systems Rheinland Inner Systems Kusari Inner Systems [stay low profile] .
IFF Signal Tag Type: Corsairs
Transponder Code Type: Corsair ID
Transponder Code Family: The Brotherhood ID
RolePlay (RP) Notes
Our core focus is on fair and enjoyable gameplay for everyone, alongside a commitment to top-quality roleplay (RP).
Members are expected to engage in roleplay through system and local chats, while also contributing to Brotherhood roleplay threads by creating new stories or enhancing those of fellow members and other roleplayers. As an official faction, our mission is to entertain and provide an enjoyable experience for everyone we interact with.
The Brotherhood upholds the principle that respect is not something to be earned but is freely given as a necessity; however, admiration must be earned. Premium roleplay combined with a selfless attitude earns admiration.
All Brotherhood members are encouraged to create characters that are compelling, unique individuals rather than generic, copy-paste faceless Corsairs. Developing deep and memorable personalities adds richness to the faction and enhances the roleplay experience for everyone.Members of The Brotherhood are expected to be shining examples of these principles at all times, in every situation, and to inspire others through their conduct, creativity, and roleplay.
Character naming notes
Character names should not display rank or first names inappropriately, such as "Juan_delPueblo[TBH]" or "Elder.Juan[TBH]." Instead, proper examples include "Elder.delPueblo[TBH]" or "Desconocido[TBH]." If the character's rank is Elder and their callsign is "Desconocido," a correct name could also be "Elder.Desconocido[TBH]." All characters must have a real first name and last name, even if the callsign is the primary name used in public. This naming system is designed to promote unity within our faction. If you need financial assistance to update your character's name, The Brotherhood’s leaders will provide it. Ensure all characters comply with this naming scheme.
Engagement Rules:
We prioritize balanced and fair engagements in all operations. When conducting military actions in enemy territory, capital ships must always be outnumbered by fighters to ensure a well-rounded and effective fleet composition.
In all situations, we strive to balance fights based on both numbers and skill, ensuring enjoyable and challenging encounters for all parties. A balanced fleet composition, where snubcraft always outnumber capital ships, is essential to maintain fairness and uphold the reputation of The Brotherhood.
Docking Rules
If you are switching between [TBH] ships, when playing the same character, always dock on the same place where the new ship is. In roleplay, shuttles do exist, teleportation does not. All pilots are heavily encouraged to give their best to achieve or maintain roleplay realism at all times.
Fly what you enjoy, as the Corsair Brotherhood thrives on using every tool available to maintain its reputation as an elite fighting force. Members are encouraged to select ships that align with their personal preferences and characters' stories. While all Corsairs start with access to the specified ship options, higher ranks (Decurion and above) may pilot foreign vessels not listed among the standard options. Transport ships, however, are free from rank restrictions and open to all members.
Every member is expected to fly at least one fighter, with the Titan being a popular choice for primary characters. Choose a vessel that complements your character's personality and role within the Brotherhood. Access to faction-owned capital ships and large transports is limited to higher-ranking members, reflecting the importance and responsibility associated with these assets. Whenever possible, prioritize Corsair weapons and equipment to maintain the Brotherhood's identity, but don't hesitate to experiment with alternative setups that enhance your effectiveness in combat.
For skill development, one could consider practicing in the Connecticut system (Type /Conn when docked, /return to return), but when training with fellow Corsairs, the Aptera Arena in Omicron Gamma offers an excellent in-character alternative. Reporting your arena activity in the Brotherhood's Message Dump afterward is a great way to earn promotions. We have a beautiful arena, so let's use it!
Pimpship facilities can be found at the Connecticut shipdealer. The Corsairs are a proud people, using special light setups on your ship can reflect their admiration for pretty things.