A man is flying through Omicron Gamma.. He's on good terms with the Corsairs, and they let him pass through... He hopes to become and Order member.. "Michael Fox, be weary of the Nomads, they're rather rampant these days", someone over the comms say.. "Copy that Gamma 9-3, I'll keep that in mind", he replies, and activates his cruise engines.. Hes heading for Omicron Kappa, and is going to meet with an agent of the Order..
As he reaches the Kappa hole, hes ambushed by Bounty Hunters.. He fights them valiantly, taking many down, but theres just too many for him to handle.. He cries out through all open comm channels for support, but a stray mine catches him with his shields down... The hull of his Falcon rips open at the point of impact, and everything goes black..
**Warmth. Fading.. Must preserve Warmth..**
"I'm cold.. Are you going to help me..? I don't want to be cold.."
**Help.. Yes help.. Make warm..**
The man, Michael, awakens.. He looks around... There's a field of beautiful flowers he has never seen before.. Off in the distance, there is a woman.. He walks to her..
"Where am I?"
The woman turns.. Shes young, and very beautiful.. Her hair almost appears to be glowing a golden color.. But as she sees the man, she quickly starts backing away from him, nearing the edge of a cliff..
"No, wait! I'm not going to hurt you!"
Michael nears the woman.. But she takes one steps too many back, and slips off the side of the cliff..
Michael dives to the end of the cliff just in time.. He grabs hold of her hand before she falls too far..
**Saved.. You saved.. Me..? Yes me..**
Her hand starts to slip from his grasp..
"I can't.. I can't hold on.. I'm sorry.."
**Do you.. Want to save me..? Help me..?**
"Yes.. I want to save you.. Help you.."
The young woman grips his hand tighter, her other hand reaches up and grabs hold.. She's smiling now.. No look of fear can be seen on her face.. Michael pulls her up..
**You.. saved...**
Michael stands quietly..
**I'm.. Lonely.. Will you be.. My friend? Yes, friend..**
"I'll be your friend.. Everyone deserves a friend..
She smiles again..
**I will save you.. Now.. You're cold.. Darkening.. I will.. Warm.. Brighten..**
"Thank you.. I don't like being cold.."
She begins to walk forwards.. When it appears she would walk into Michael.. She seems to disappear within him.. He feels warm again..
Michaels eyes snap open.. He looks around his cockpit.. The tear in his hull is gone.. His ship still working.. He looks at the surrounding area.. The broken hulls of Bounty Hunter fighters are scattered around..
**You are.. Warm.. I like warmth.. Stay warm long.. please..**
"I'll stay warm.. For you.. I promise.."
Michael engages his cruise engines.. Flying aimlessly.. After taking several jump holes, gates.. He finds himself in the New York system.. His ship has taken a beating from pirates, asteroids, and radiation.. And is to dangerous to fly.. He lands on planet Manhattan, and sells the hardly recognizable Falcon, which gets him a simple Starflier, and a handful of credits..
If you enjoyed this, let me know.. I've never been quite too good starting anything role play or biographies, I'm just good at keeping them rolling.. Send a PM with what you think! Thanks.
More will be added once my sanction wears off, or I find something decent to add.
Edit: Now let me explain some things..
The whole, saving the girl thing was the being (Nomad, as you may assume) seeing if Mike was worthy as a friend.. It all took place in his mind.. If he didnt really want to save her, or didnt even try, then he wouldve have been cast aside, and left for dead.. But Mike being the kind soul he is, 'saved' her.. Hes cast aside wanting to join the Order, and wants to learn more about the being connected to, or perhaps even inside of him.. He will hopefully be ingame at some point, and you may hear the nomad connected to him speaking openly time to time.. Note that this Nomad is friendly (Not a very common thing, I know).. And I would rather enjoy the RP that ensues if anyone would be kind enough to not blast Mike into oblivion the moment they see him.. Hope to have fun real soon with you guys.. Within a month Mike should be in full force.. For now, i have to wait another 12 days for my sanction to cool off.. This bio/log is giving me something to do, and im already enjoying it.
Later for now folks, and a big thanks to my friend for mentioning that some people might not understand this story!
Now let us turn back time, and learn about Michael Fox some.. Bretonian in race, he was born on planet New York, and lived an ordinary life.. Which started to change at about the age of 16.. He would start getting interesting dreams.. Some of a Girl.. Of a field.. As he grew older, he felt this sense of loneliness wherever he went.. It wasn't his own loneliness, but that of another person, or perhaps another world..
After reaching the age of 18, and passing flight school with flying colors, he took up a job as a Freelance trader escort.. If anyone needed some protection during long or dangerous journies, he was always up for the challenge, using his trusty Falcon he had inherited from his father to skillfully fend off pirates or otherwise..
He gained a decent reputation among the Corsairs, usually from rescuing traders that were taking much needed food and pharmacuticals to Crete.. Which also made him a target for the Bounty Hunters, but they were never brave enough to engage him anywhere in House systems, or near pirate bases..
One day, just outside of Crete's atmosphere, a large nomad raid came out of the Malvada Cloud, which held the Omicron Kappa hole.. The Corsair forces were outnumbered, and Michael, try as he might, just couldn't assist in defending Crete..
But several new contacts were on scanners.. It was a squad of Order fighters! And being extremely skilled in combat, especially against Nomads, they decimated the raiding force. From that point on, Michael trained to become an even better pilot, in hopes to one day become a member of the Order. He was 19 then.
For the next five years, he would train himself, learning new techniques to fly better, fight better, and just -do- better. From time to time, he would go near the Kappa hole, with a couple of Ace Corsair fighters as escort, and engage Nomads in a dogfight.. His battles becoming more and more successful as the years went by..
When he was 21, he met this pretty little Corsair girl while in a bar on Crete.. They would talk endlessly.. Usually about everything they had alike.. Their choices in music, their choices in weaponry on their Ships, their favourite ship (The Falcon, it would appear), and even their favourite colors.. They had become very close.. But tragedy struck.. Michael was 22, she, Maria Sanchez, 20.. Michael was flying alongside Maria, she in her Titan, and they were just admiring the view of the Red Giant in the Gamma system.. Michael was planning to propose to her as they watched the star.. They weren't watching their displays, however, and didn't realize the hostiles appearing on the Scanners.. Nomads..
Before either of them realized what had happened, Maria's ship was ripped apart, her escape pod floating in space.. Michaels tractor beam was malfunctioning due to the nearby explosion of Maria's ship, so he fled some distance from her pod, to drag the Nomads away, and engage them at a safe distance.. Michael took quite a few hits, some holes starting to form in his hull, but he managed to kill some of the Nomads, and forced the others to retreat.. He flew back to Maria's pod.. But it was missing.. No friendlies had come within range of his scanners, so Michael was at a loss to why her pod was missing.. He was distraught with grief, and he would spend day after day searching the Gamma system for her.. But to no avail.. After a month of constant search.. He finally gave up.. She was either floating far in space, never to be seen again, or her pod got caught in the crossfire...
This loss made him want to join the Order even more badly.. So he can defend others from the Nomads, as well as take out his revenge upon them..
This brings us to present day, Michael at age 24, ready to join the Order, or at least, be examined before he does so.. Now you ask, why would he want to learn more about this being, perhaps a Nomad, inside, or at least, connected to him, then joining the Order? That woman described looked exactly like his beloved Maria, and perhaps this Being could help him find her.. Maybe shes still alive, maybe this being knows where she is.. Whatever the case, Michael will find a great friend within this Being, and the Being likewise..
I don't think I'll be adding anything else until after I get back on Discovery.. (11 more days, next friday ._.), but you'll see updates soon after that
Until something can be figured out amongst Order players, Liberty players, and myself, which may or may not happen, Michael.Fox is just a simple Liberty Mercenary.