Forasmuch as my message is brief, it is vital, so I apologise in advance if any of your esteemed feathers are ruffled by my calling for an emergency closed plenary session of the elders - the information I have to impart is too worrying to be referred through the chain of command, especially given Jose Benitez's record-breaking vacation. Moreover, the session should not be held in camera, but a long, long way from our usual haunts. That is all I will or can say on this channel.
Hola, Pavlos Benitez. Your message is indeed not in list of my expected to-recieve. I believe you have something to say and want to meet personally? Normally I send Ronaldo on this, but I can get in personal contact with you on "Olympus" battleship. Where do you want us to meet?
Signed, Elder Raul Lopez
Hasta la vista, la dignidad, el honor, el orgullo.