My name is Isaac Nemo, I'm an advisor to the board of Omicron Supply Industries. Recently I was granted the opportunity to fly one of your T-282-F "Garanchou" GMG Freighters. And quite frankly I have fallen in love with it.
I am therefor reaching out to you wonderful folks at the GMG to see about what process is needed to buy such a vessel from your organization.
Begin Transmission Source:Gas Miner Ogashawa Source ID:Guildmaster Nagate Tanaka Subject:Garanchou
Konbanwa Mr. Nemo. We are pleased to hear that OSI is interested in one of our fine vessels, and would be happy to come to an agreement on its use. The Garanchou is a sleek, agile vessel well suited for gas mining operations. The process is simple, Just fill out the enclosed form and send it to us in this channel. There will also be a small liscencing fee and also an export tax, the sum of which will be $5,000,000 in addition to the cost of the ship itself which will be paid to the dealer.
[color=#ffffff]Name of ship requested:[/color] [color=#0066ff]_____[/color]
[color=#ffffff]Intended Use:[/color] [color=#0066ff]_____[/color]
[color=#ffffff]Intended Callsign:[/color] [color=#0066ff]_____[/color]
[color=#ffffff]Proof of payment:[/color] [color=#0066ff]_____[/color]