Incoming transmission from:
Grant Stephens, Freeport 2, Bering. On behalf of barrister-at-law Miles Lovell, SC.
Priority: Normal.
Subject: Acquisition of exquisite specimen.
Transmission begins.
Sir or Madam,
I am writing to You on behalf of the most prestigious barrister-at-law Miles Lovell, the esteemed juridical scholar renowned for many high-profile cases over the last twenty years. As You may well be aware, Mr Lovell and his firm works inter-house where they are needed and as such must travel a lot. On these long cruises from one case to the next we keep certain entertainment modules on-board to ensure the most pristine mental refinement for the sharpest of minds preparing for work. One such module is our animal habitat that is kept almost identical to their natural environments and as such is both fascinating and reinvigorating to observe.
My request is simple; I have been instructed to acquire a few specimen from Mr Lovell's favourite ecosystems in Bretonia. The animals in question are:
- Two (2) Garminian hawks in their youth - no older than two years of age.
- One (1) Shimanese tiger, preferably no older than five.
- One (1) Thumpo-adder.
I realize the adder is extremely rare and hard to procure and as such we accept close to any condition it is in, but if it is not possible for You to deliver one on time we ask for Your guidance on something available to replace it and share similar properties. For instance, a rare toad or salamander would also suffice as long as its environmental needs are of the same characteristics.
I await Your reply,
Mr Grant Stephens,
Miles Lovell Juridical Counsel.
To: Mr Grant Stephens
From: Philip Bonami - Logistics Director
Greetings Mr Stephens.
It was a bit of a shock on first reading that this missive was from a representative of Mr Lovell. The first thought that crossed my mind was who was taking us to court and how much would this cost us. On further reading it became an unexpected surprise and an honor to be contacted for procurement of this type of cargo.
As I am sure that you are well aware, we here at Planetform pride ourselves in making sure that the wildlife that we deliver to clients is of the highest quality of its species. In keeping with this standard of delivering high quality merchandise, it is also our job to ensure that the animals that we deliver are not miss-treated and are housed in an appropriate habitat. *shakes head remembering the fiasco with the government on Stutgard trying to get them to build appropriate habitats for the animals they wanted to display..*
At this time I am in favor of doing business with you and your client Mr Lovell, but before I can ratify any kind of deal, I am going to have to ask that our Wildlife Welfare Officer, Emily Clarke be allowed access to inspect the habitats on Mr Lovells ship. While I am awaiting your response I will be researching the requested specimens to make sure that we will be able to deliver them once Emily has cleared the habitats.
Incoming transmission from:
Grant Stephens, Freeport 2, Bering. On behalf of barrister-at-law Miles Lovell, SC.
Priority: Normal.
Subject: Acquisition of exquisite specimen.
Transmission begins.
Mr Bonami,
While I am far from surprised, I'm pleased to hear You are willing to do business with us. We await arrangements regarding inspection of our habitats from Mrs Clark, and in the meanwhile would be interested in a pricing estimate You could provide us. Planetform's diligence and professionalism is expected as well as appreciated; I trust we will receive word soon as we would like this business concluded before finishing our current case.
Mr Grant Stephens,
Miles Lovell Juridical Counsel.
Emi appeared on screen. Her hair swished as she looked to the camera. Behind her the standard cockpit of a Clydesdale was vision sporting the lighting and panel colour changes typical in a Planetform Transport. “Heya…oh I should actually say good evening.”
She looked on a little sheepish a touch upset she had let the busy-ness of the day had caused her to drop her professionalism in her tiredness. “Firstly I must thank you guys for the hospitality you gave to me over the last week as we waited for Mr. Lovell’s ship to come into dock. The food here on Freeport 2 is quite delightful.”
She smiled on anticipating the next part of her message. “So now that Mr. Lovell’s ship arrived this morning I was able to check it all out and I have some good news with a few minor issues to attend to though.”
She leans over clicking a couple buttons on a computer screen and a number of bullet pointed items appear on screen. Clearing her throat she proceeds to dictate them. “The space you have created for the Garminian hawks is quite fitting. Whoever you got to investigate the hawks and what they need did a good job. The size is as best as you could expect for being on a ship, and the amount of stuff in the enclosure is above the minimum standards. But I would suggest swapping out the Rosen Yerbury tree for the Buckman variety as we’ve found that the berries and bark of the Buckman Yerbury Tree helps keep their temperament more stable and less prone to have a violent swing.”
She smiles as she pauses for a second. “As to the tiger I must say that if you’re adamant on one that’s under five and you’re not wanting to keep it dosed up on drugs to control it’s huge aggression at that age then you will need to add 15mm plating around the walls and floor. And you’ll need to add a 20mm window plate to the view portals. While the tiger is mostly docile if it gets aggressive the thickness of those walls will not withstand it’s razor sharp claws.”
A shiver ran down Emi’s back which drew on a small yawn. “As to the adder’s room you’ve got that down pact already. There’s nothing much you could add or change other that chucking in a few surveillance camera’s to broadcast the quiet and dark areas to the outside and to watch over the outside of it’s box. You wouldn’t want someone to break the door and let that thing out.”
Emi looked away from the camera trying to conceal the shudder she faced having imagined a Thumpo-adder loose on a ship. “Anyways as soon as those changes are made you’ll be good to go.
So thanks again for the hospitality and I’m sure the office will get you a decent price.
Emi out.”
Emi leant back into her chair and tilted her head back against the head rest as the camera feed faded to black.