I came across the very interesting problem, due to my dynamic IP. Long story short, I had a small heart attack, since the forums pushed me a note that "You have been banned (...) your IP has been banned from the Discovery forums - reason: spam" (or something like this, cause I'm not able to provide shots). Then I've reminded myself that my router provides me with a dynamic IP and I've restarted it. The problem disappeared like a bad dream. It seems that I had a "luck" in having a generated IP that would match the IP banned from here.
Has anyone pissed someone so hard that IP of that person got banned from GC? An error, perhaps?
I think that IP (can't recall it now) pissed off so many people, because I've noticed that exact IP has been banned from The ISO Zone and some other places (I'll ignore the Gamefront, since the site banned half of the world, not limited to but also Poland, Hungary and Russia).
Just leaving that thread here, because I found that issue pretty interesting and I think admins (that are Holy Forum Keepers) could reply to that matter.
Well I reckon its not the exact IP, but the range. It seems that particular range has been banned and you got caught in it by accident. Stuff like that happens.
Edit: A mere idea, back in the days of quake and rtcw, when we had no pb to rely on, we'd ban certain ranges to ensure that none of the sluts that were under that range would come back. Of course this renders a problem for people who have nothing to do with the case itself, but have fallen in the range that is banned. A password system was used, where staff gave passes to those casual people who had no idea why are they banned. The password itself works like any other server password (talking about in game), except that it bypasses the ban on a certain range.
Of course IP lookup was used to distinguish the right bans from the wrongly banned, and make sure the password is in the right hands.